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Having a cleaner is one of life's luxuries but if you can't afford the privilege, professionals have shared their best cleaning hacks online - and you can steal them.


For men and women who don't want to shell out for a cleaner or struggle to get their home as spotless as a professional, these tips will certainly come in handy.


From using baking soda to clean a dirty sofa to making your engagement ring sparkle with toothpaste, experts have shared their best cleaning hacks. Take note!


1. Use toothpaste to clean your favourite things: Scrubbing your mucky trainers with toothpaste will make them look as good as new and you can even use the bathroom cupboard essential to make your engagement ring sparkle.

1. 用牙膏清洗最珍贵的宝贝:用牙膏刷洗脏运动鞋可以使鞋子看来如同崭新的一般,甚至还可以用浴室柜子里的精华油将结婚戒指擦洗的闪闪发亮。

2. Use baking soda to clean your sofa: If you've spilled a drink on your couch or your dog has trodden muddy paws into it, experts say sprinkling baking soda on it before rinsing it off can remove the stains.

2. 用小苏打清洗沙发:如果你不小心将饮料洒在沙发上,或者小狗在沙发上留下脏爪子印,水洗之前洒一些小苏打在上面能去除污渍。

3. Use a razor to remove paint stains: If you redecorated your house and accidentally redecorated your clothes, too, a razor can come in handy for scraping it off.

3. 用剃刀刮除油漆涂料:如果你在重新粉饰房子时,不小心把自己衣服也“装饰”了,剃刀能帮你将它刮干净。

4. Clean your grater with potatoes: Removing remnants from your grater is no mean feat but, rather bizarrely, rubbing potato over it will apparently help get rid of trapped food bits.

4. 用土豆清洗刨丝器:将刨丝器的残留清洗干净不是件容易事,但有意思的是,用土豆在上面刨丝明显能够去除食物残渣。

5. Get rid of water marks with a hairdryer: If you forgot to use a coaster and your wooden table has been left with a white water ring, simply blast a hairdryer over it.

5. 用吹风机去除水渍:如果你忘记使用杯垫,木制桌子上留下了白色水渍,用吹风机一吹就干净了。

6. Banish glitter with play dough: If your children got over zealous with the glitter during their arts and crafts session, simply roll a ball of play dough over the spilled glitter to get rid of it.

6. 用橡皮泥去除金葱粉:如果孩子在美术工艺课上过度热衷于玩金葱粉(也称闪光片,闪光粉),只要用一卷橡皮泥附在金葱粉上就可将其去除。

7. Clean a greasy floor with Coca Cola: If you've spilled oil or grease on your garage floor, splashing some Coca Cola over it will help banish it.

7. 用可口可乐清洗油污地面:如果不小心将油污或油脂洒在车库地板上,倒一些可口可乐在上面能将其溶解掉。

8. Use mouthwash to clean your washing machine: If your washing machine is dirty, pour half a cup of mouthwash into the empty machine and run it to help disinfect and clean it out. |

8. 用漱口水清洁洗衣机:如果洗衣机脏了,先将其腾空,然后开启机子前倒入半杯漱口水,既可除菌,又能清洁。

9. Clean a shower head with lemon: To clean a shower head, fill a sandwich bag with distilled white vinegar and three to four drops of lemon essential oil. Submerge your shower head in the bag and group it together at the top of the shower head using a hair tie. Leave overnight and give it a quick wipe in the morning.

9. 用柠檬清洗淋浴喷头(花洒):清洗淋浴喷头时,先将蒸馏过的白醋和三四滴浓缩柠檬汁放入食品包装袋里。然后将喷头放进袋子里浸没,用头绳将喷头顶部和袋子扎在一起。放置一晚后在清晨迅速清洗干净即可。

10. Use socks as a mop: If you run out of sheets for your wet/dry mops, just dampen an inside-out sock with cleaning solution, stretch it around the mop head and use it as you ordinarily would.


11. Clean your clothes with chalk: If you've got grease down your garments, rub some chalk over the area in question to loosen it before popping it in the wash.

11. 用粉笔洗衣服:如果外套上沾了油渍,先不要急着放进水里清洗,先用粉笔在有油渍的地方摩擦使油污散开。

12. Banish nail varnish stains with vodka: There's nothing worse than spilling red polish on the carpet but there is a rather surprising way to remove it. Pop a clear spirit like vodka on the stain and rub it away with a microfiber cloth.

12. 用伏特加酒去除指甲油污渍:再没有比将红色指甲油洒在地毯上更糟糕的了。但神奇的是,我们可以将像伏特加类的白酒倒在污渍上,然后用超细纤维布将其擦掉。

13. Collect broken glass with bread: If you've smashed a glass and don't want to risk cutting yourself, press a piece of bread into it to pick it up.

13. 用面包片收集碎玻璃渣:如果打碎了玻璃杯,又不想在收玻璃渣时划伤自己,可以将一块面包片覆在上面,将渣子全部吸附起来。

Having a cleaner is one of life's luxuries but if you can't afford the privilege, professionals have shared their best cleaning hacks online - and you can steal them.


For men and women who don't want to shell out for a cleaner or struggle to get their home as spotless as a professional, these tips will certainly come in handy.


From using baking soda to clean a dirty sofa to making your engagement ring sparkle with toothpaste, experts have shared their best cleaning hacks. Take note!


1. Use toothpaste to clean your favourite things: Scrubbing your mucky trainers with toothpaste will make them look as good as new and you can even use the bathroom cupboard essential to make your engagement ring sparkle.

1. 用牙膏清洗最珍贵的宝贝:用牙膏刷洗脏运动鞋可以使鞋子看来如同崭新的一般,甚至还可以用浴室柜子里的精华油将结婚戒指擦洗的闪闪发亮。

2. Use baking soda to clean your sofa: If you've spilled a drink on your couch or your dog has trodden muddy paws into it, experts say sprinkling baking soda on it before rinsing it off can remove the stains.

2. 用小苏打清洗沙发:如果你不小心将饮料洒在沙发上,或者小狗在沙发上留下脏爪子印,水洗之前洒一些小苏打在上面能去除污渍。

3. Use a razor to remove paint stains: If you redecorated your house and accidentally redecorated your clothes, too, a razor can come in handy for scraping it off.

3. 用剃刀刮除油漆涂料:如果你在重新粉饰房子时,不小心把自己衣服也“装饰”了,剃刀能帮你将它刮干净。

4. Clean your grater with potatoes: Removing remnants from your grater is no mean feat but, rather bizarrely, rubbing potato over it will apparently help get rid of trapped food bits.

4. 用土豆清洗刨丝器:将刨丝器的残留清洗干净不是件容易事,但有意思的是,用土豆在上面刨丝明显能够去除食物残渣。

5. Get rid of water marks with a hairdryer: If you forgot to use a coaster and your wooden table has been left with a white water ring, simply blast a hairdryer over it.

5. 用吹风机去除水渍:如果你忘记使用杯垫,木制桌子上留下了白色水渍,用吹风机一吹就干净了。

6. Banish glitter with play dough: If your children got over zealous with the glitter during their arts and crafts session, simply roll a ball of play dough over the spilled glitter to get rid of it.

6. 用橡皮泥去除金葱粉:如果孩子在美术工艺课上过度热衷于玩金葱粉(也称闪光片,闪光粉),只要用一卷橡皮泥附在金葱粉上就可将其去除。

7. Clean a greasy floor with Coca Cola: If you've spilled oil or grease on your garage floor, splashing some Coca Cola over it will help banish it.

7. 用可口可乐清洗油污地面:如果不小心将油污或油脂洒在车库地板上,倒一些可口可乐在上面能将其溶解掉。

8. Use mouthwash to clean your washing machine: If your washing machine is dirty, pour half a cup of mouthwash into the empty machine and run it to help disinfect and clean it out. |

8. 用漱口水清洁洗衣机:如果洗衣机脏了,先将其腾空,然后开启机子前倒入半杯漱口水,既可除菌,又能清洁。

9. Clean a shower head with lemon: To clean a shower head, fill a sandwich bag with distilled white vinegar and three to four drops of lemon essential oil. Submerge your shower head in the bag and group it together at the top of the shower head using a hair tie. Leave overnight and give it a quick wipe in the morning.

9. 用柠檬清洗淋浴喷头(花洒):清洗淋浴喷头时,先将蒸馏过的白醋和三四滴浓缩柠檬汁放入食品包装袋里。然后将喷头放进袋子里浸没,用头绳将喷头顶部和袋子扎在一起。放置一晚后在清晨迅速清洗干净即可。

10. Use socks as a mop: If you run out of sheets for your wet/dry mops, just dampen an inside-out sock with cleaning solution, stretch it around the mop head and use it as you ordinarily would.


11. Clean your clothes with chalk: If you've got grease down your garments, rub some chalk over the area in question to loosen it before popping it in the wash.

11. 用粉笔洗衣服:如果外套上沾了油渍,先不要急着放进水里清洗,先用粉笔在有油渍的地方摩擦使油污散开。

12. Banish nail varnish stains with vodka: There's nothing worse than spilling red polish on the carpet but there is a rather surprising way to remove it. Pop a clear spirit like vodka on the stain and rub it away with a microfiber cloth.

12. 用伏特加酒去除指甲油污渍:再没有比将红色指甲油洒在地毯上更糟糕的了。但神奇的是,我们可以将像伏特加类的白酒倒在污渍上,然后用超细纤维布将其擦掉。

13. Collect broken glass with bread: If you've smashed a glass and don't want to risk cutting yourself, press a piece of bread into it to pick it up.

13. 用面包片收集碎玻璃渣:如果打碎了玻璃杯,又不想在收玻璃渣时划伤自己,可以将一块面包片覆在上面,将渣子全部吸附起来。