四、 平衡结构
1. 以作状语的介词短语开头:当主语较长或主语所带修饰语较长时,为了使句子平衡,常将状语置于句首,句子用完全倒装语序。
eg.To the coal mine came a com-pany of PLA soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.
A company of PLA soldiers came to the coal mine with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.
eg.On the ground lay some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
Some air conditioners lay on the ground, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
从例句中可看出, 采用倒装语序的A句结构平衡稳妥 ,读起来自然流畅,而采用自然语序的B句结构零乱, 读起来也别扭。因而,在主语较长时就应采用倒装语序以取得理想的表达效果。
2. 以表语开头的句子:有时为了把较长的主语放在后面,须将表语和谓语都提到主语前。
eg.Such would be our home in the future. 我们将来的家就是这个样子。
3. 以副词here , there开头的句子,也采用完全倒装来保持句子平衡。
eg.Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你盼望已久的信在这儿。
五、 使描写生动
有时为了使叙述或描绘更加生动形象,增加语言效果,可将表示方向的副词(如:down, up, out, in, off, on, away等)或拟声词(bang, crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除外)。
eg.Up went the rocket into the air. 嗖地一声火箭就飞上天了。
eg.Down jumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. 当警察把手枪瞄准那个罪犯时,嘭地一下他就从三楼跳了下去。
eg.Boom went the cannon! 轰隆一声大炮开火了!
eg.Bang came another shot!砰!又是一声枪响!
以上句子简洁明快 ,生动逼真地描述了有关动作 ,令我们一览此类倒装的风采。但这种倒装句的修辞功能在语段中可以体现得更为清楚。
"Stop thief! Stop thief!" There is a magic cry in the sound. The tradesman leaves his counter, ... Away they run, pell—mell, helter—skelter, yelling—screaming, ...
"Stop thief ! Stop thief !" The cry is taking by a hundred voices, ... Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people. ( Dickens )
作者在第一段和第二段中分别用副词away, up和out位于句首引出四个倒装句Away they run , Away they fly, up go the window , out run the people。从而制造出一种紧张、急促的气氛 ,生动地刻画了一个紧张、混乱的捉贼场面。
四、 平衡结构
1. 以作状语的介词短语开头:当主语较长或主语所带修饰语较长时,为了使句子平衡,常将状语置于句首,句子用完全倒装语序。
eg.To the coal mine came a com-pany of PLA soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.
A company of PLA soldiers came to the coal mine with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.
eg.On the ground lay some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
Some air conditioners lay on the ground, which are to be shipped to some other cities.
从例句中可看出, 采用倒装语序的A句结构平衡稳妥 ,读起来自然流畅,而采用自然语序的B句结构零乱, 读起来也别扭。因而,在主语较长时就应采用倒装语序以取得理想的表达效果。
2. 以表语开头的句子:有时为了把较长的主语放在后面,须将表语和谓语都提到主语前。
eg.Such would be our home in the future. 我们将来的家就是这个样子。
3. 以副词here , there开头的句子,也采用完全倒装来保持句子平衡。
eg.Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你盼望已久的信在这儿。
五、 使描写生动
有时为了使叙述或描绘更加生动形象,增加语言效果,可将表示方向的副词(如:down, up, out, in, off, on, away等)或拟声词(bang, crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除外)。
eg.Up went the rocket into the air. 嗖地一声火箭就飞上天了。
eg.Down jumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. 当警察把手枪瞄准那个罪犯时,嘭地一下他就从三楼跳了下去。
eg.Boom went the cannon! 轰隆一声大炮开火了!
eg.Bang came another shot!砰!又是一声枪响!
以上句子简洁明快 ,生动逼真地描述了有关动作 ,令我们一览此类倒装的风采。但这种倒装句的修辞功能在语段中可以体现得更为清楚。
"Stop thief! Stop thief!" There is a magic cry in the sound. The tradesman leaves his counter, ... Away they run, pell—mell, helter—skelter, yelling—screaming, ...
"Stop thief ! Stop thief !" The cry is taking by a hundred voices, ... Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people. ( Dickens )
作者在第一段和第二段中分别用副词away, up和out位于句首引出四个倒装句Away they run , Away they fly, up go the window , out run the people。从而制造出一种紧张、急促的气氛 ,生动地刻画了一个紧张、混乱的捉贼场面。