Grey-collar worker refers to a skilled technician, typically someone who is both white and blue collar, i.e., Information Technology workers. They are principally white collar, but perform blue collar tasks with some regularity.
“灰领”工人(grey-collar worker)指业务熟练的技术工人,尤指那些兼具白领和蓝领工作性质的行业从业人员,比如IT(信息技术)业工作人员。他们本质上是白领,但经常会做一些蓝领性质的工作。
Yellow-collar worker is people in the creative field, namely photographers, filmmakers, etc. They may spend time doing both white and blue collar tasks as well as tasks outside either category.
“黄领”工人(yellow-collar worker)则指创意产业的工作人员,比如摄影师、电影制作人等等。他们有时候可能在做白领和蓝领性质的工作,而有时候干的活却不属于任何一个“领”域。