House hunting
王蕊教师,Cherry Cox从事少儿英语口语教育多年,注重少儿对英语的兴趣培养,将培养孩子学习英语兴趣作为教育的落脚点,课程涉猎自然拼音课程、音标课程、剑桥少儿英语课程、朗文少儿英语课程,SBS朗文国际英语教程、上海二星、三星口笔试教程等等
House hunting
One day Mother Bear said. This house is too little for us. Baby Bear has nowhere to play on cold days. Yes, said Father Bear. The cold winter is coming. Lets go and find a big cave.
In the morning Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear went into the forest to look for a new home. They wanted to find a big warm cave.
This one is too little, said Baby Bear.
Its a home for a rabbit. This one is too big, said Baby Bear.
Thats not a home for bears, said Mother Bear. Its a home for a moose!
Lets go and look for a cave in the hills by the river, said Father Bear.
Baby Bear went up the hill first. He saw a beehive. I can smell the honey inside it, he said.
Then Mother Bear saw a door in the hillside. She opened it. Heres a big warm cave, she said. This is a good home for bears.
We can go fishing in the river if we come here, said Father Bear.
The three bears went inside. Baby Bear ran downstairs. This is Father Bears bed, this is Mother Bears bed, and this is my bed, he said.
Lets move in today. Said Mother Bear. So they did.
王蕊教师,Cherry Cox从事少儿英语口语教育多年,注重少儿对英语的兴趣培养,将培养孩子学习英语兴趣作为教育的落脚点,课程涉猎自然拼音课程、音标课程、剑桥少儿英语课程、朗文少儿英语课程,SBS朗文国际英语教程、上海二星、三星口笔试教程等等
House hunting
One day Mother Bear said. This house is too little for us. Baby Bear has nowhere to play on cold days. Yes, said Father Bear. The cold winter is coming. Lets go and find a big cave.
In the morning Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear went into the forest to look for a new home. They wanted to find a big warm cave.
This one is too little, said Baby Bear.
Its a home for a rabbit. This one is too big, said Baby Bear.
Thats not a home for bears, said Mother Bear. Its a home for a moose!
Lets go and look for a cave in the hills by the river, said Father Bear.
Baby Bear went up the hill first. He saw a beehive. I can smell the honey inside it, he said.
Then Mother Bear saw a door in the hillside. She opened it. Heres a big warm cave, she said. This is a good home for bears.
We can go fishing in the river if we come here, said Father Bear.
The three bears went inside. Baby Bear ran downstairs. This is Father Bears bed, this is Mother Bears bed, and this is my bed, he said.
Lets move in today. Said Mother Bear. So they did.