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Red packets of money will change hands and dragon dances will roar through the streets as people around the world, predominately of Chinese descent, usher in the Year of the Horse.红包会易主,全世界大街上都会出现舞龙,这些都是中国的炎黄子孙,迎接马年的到来Beyond the usual Lunar New Year traditions, however, is a holiday full of interesting quirks and customs.除了惯有的新年传统,农历新年还充满了有趣的怪癖和风俗1.Locals dont call it Chinese New Year1.当地人不称之为中国新年In China, the festivities are known as spring festival (春节) or Lunar New Year (农历新年) -- the new year is determined by the lunar calendar.在中国,最多的说法是春节和农历新年—新年是由阴历决定的And the Chinese arent the only ones who observe it.而中国不是唯一庆祝农历新年的人From late January to mid-February, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and other countries celebrate Lunar New Year.从一月到二月中期,韩国,越南,日本和其他国家都会庆祝农历新年

2. Traffic is chaos2.交通混乱Lunar New Year is basically like having an entire country throw a family reunion -- all at once.农历新年就像是所有的家庭都突然之间团聚在了一起Traffic Armageddon inevitably strikes.交通的末日也不可避免的会到来In China, the Spring Festival travel rush period (chun yun) is the countrys, if not the worlds, biggest season of human migration.在中国,春节的旅行期间(春运)是整个国家,如果不是世界的话,最大规模人口迁移的季节Whether pushing their way into packed buses, buying black- market tickets from scalpers or standing for hours on a crowded train, travelers do whatever it takes to see loved ones.无论是挤进充满人的长途车,还是从黄牛那儿买黑市车票,在拥挤的车厢站上数个小时,旅行者想尽办法回家见自己爱的人With commuters and migrant workers returning home, the government expects 3.62 billion journeys to take place this year, according to Xin hua news.根据新华社报道,随着乘客和农民工回家过年,政府预计今年的旅客人数是36.2亿In Korea last year, nearly 30 million people visited their home towns by car, bus, train or plane, according to the Korea Expressway Corporation.根据韩国道路公社的报道,去年在韩国,将近有3000万人通过汽车,公车,火车或者飞机探访故乡。3. Its not just one day3.不只是一天Lunar New Year lasts 15 days, starting from January 31, 2024.农历新年持续15天,从2024年1月31日开始This year its last day falls on Valentines Day.今年农历新年的最后一天正好是情人节Its an action- packed holiday -- you can bet on horse races, watch parades, bargain in bazaars and fight for prime worship spot at the temple.这是一个令人兴奋又忙碌的假期—你可以为赛马下赌注,看检阅,在集市场讨价还价,以及为在寺庙的首次拜神奋斗4. Its a season of superstitions4.这是一个迷信的季节During L N Y, you live like a college student on the first day -- which means no showers, laundry or cleaning.在农历春节期间,你就像是第一天入学的大学生—不能洗澡,洗衣服或者大扫除Above all, theres no taking out the trash -- doing so is said to wash away your luck and prosperity.特别是不能往外面倒垃圾—这么做会带走自己的好运和兴旺You hang out with family (especially in-laws) on the second day, which is considered the beginning of the year.新年第二天要和家人一起出去逛逛(特别是亲家),这被认为是新年的开始On the third day, visiting friends and family is frowned upon, because its a day prone to arguments.第三天,拜访朋友和家人被认为是不悦的,因为这是容易引起争论的一天On the seventh day, its time to party in celebration of every ones birthday.第七天,是时候参加派对庆祝每一个人的生日了5. You can rent a boy friend5.你可以租一个男友Lunar New Year can be rough for singles, especially females.农历新年对于单身来说很艰难,特别是女性Many family reunions are highlighted by dreaded interrogations of singles who havent settled down.很多家庭的团聚会有对还未安定的单身者恐惧的审问Now theres a solution – boy friend rentals.现在有一个解决办法了—租借男友Chinas largest online retailer, Tao bao, has a section for fake boy friend rentals, so parents and relatives can finally stop nagging.中国最大的网上销售商淘宝专门可以进行男友租赁,这样家人和亲戚就会停止唠叨了Renting a bogus marriage prospect ranges from RMB 500 ($82) to 8,000 ($1,321) per day.租赁假结婚的价钱从每天8000元到500元不等The package comes with a free embrace, hand holding and a good bye kiss on the cheek, as well as a list of additional specific service charges.这一租赁套餐包括“免费拥抱,拉手和分别的时候脸颊上亲吻”以及其他详细的服务收费According to Peoples Daily, dinner costs RMB 50 ($8) an hour and a trip to the movies is RMB 30 ($5) -- double if its a thriller.根据人民日报的报道,一顿饭花费50元一小时,看电影是30元—如果是惊悚片则要翻倍6. Odd linguistic customs are observed奇怪的语言风俗In Parts of China, there are a few things you can and cant do over the Lunar New Year holiday -- simply because of how they sound.在中国部分地区,有一些事情是在农历新年期间不能做的—只是因为他们听起来不吉利而已Footwear purchases are off limits for the entire lunar month, as the term for shoes (haai) sounds like losing and sighing in Cantonese.整个新年期间鞋类的购买都是禁止的,因为鞋子的发音在广东话里就像是失败和叹息一样You can however, turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make dao (which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year.但你可以把中国的汉字福字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)这样就能在新年带来好运了7. Firecrackers are for scaring away monsters7.鞭炮是用来吓走怪兽的Legend says the half- dragon, half- lion monster Nian comes out of hiding and attacks people (especially children) during the Lunar New Year.传说半龙半狮的怪兽“年”回在农历新年出来躲着供给人类(特别是儿童)His weakness? Sensitive ears.他的弱点?敏感的耳朵In the old days, people would light bamboo stalks on fire to frighten the monster.在过去,人们会点燃竹子的茎来吓走怪兽Nowadays, you can watch spectacular fireworks display along the Hong Kong waterfront or play with firecrackers in a Beijing hutong.现在你可以在香港的海滩边观看精彩的烟火表演,或者在北京的胡同放炮仗8. Red undies are critical for some8.红色内衣对一些人至关重要Red is associated with luck and prosperity, but its used mainly for protective purposes.红色与好运和兴旺相关,但其重要是用于保护目的的In addition to being spooked by loud noises, Nian is frightened by the color red, which explains all the red you see on Lunar New Year decorations.除了会受巨大声音的惊吓,“年”还会受到红色的惊吓,这就解释了为什么你能在所有的新年装饰上看到红色For those born in the Year of the Horse -- turning 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 and 96 this year -- red undergarments are a must.对于那些出生在马年的人—今年12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96岁的人—红色的内衣是必要的Not because that pesky L N Y monster has X- ray vision, but because red undies supposedly fend off misfortune in this unlucky year.不是因为这个讨厌的新年怪兽有X光视线,而是因为红色的内衣能够在不够幸运的一年抵挡厄运Interestingly, the Cantonese term for pants (fu) sounds exactly like the word for wealth.有趣的是,广东话里裤子的发音(福)就像是福的发音9. Its a time for sweets9.是时候吃糖了Food is central to all Chinese festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for L N Y, since they sweeten up prospects for the coming year.食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加的甜蜜Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jau goks (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds.传统的佳节食物包括年糕,八宝饭,饺子,果脯和瓜子10. It has its own movie genre10.新年有自己的影片类型China and Hong Kong have a film genre called hesuipian devoted to Lunar New Year.中国和香港在农历新年有自己的影片类型叫做“贺岁片”The films are usually illogical, uplifting comedies, with a focus on families and happy endings to make viewers feel warm and fuzzy. Similar to Christmas movies, really.这类影片通常是不合逻辑,能够振奋喜剧性,通常重点在于家庭和快乐的结局,让观影者感到温暖和温馨,这和圣诞节的影片相似,真的Holiday favorites include the Alls Well, Ends Well series (the 1992 classic stars Stephen Chow and Maggie Cheung), Fat Choi Spirit and Its a Mad Mad World.新年最受欢迎的影片包括“家有喜事”(1992年的经典影片,主演是周星驰和张曼玉),“呖咕呖咕新年财”和“富贵逼人”11. Customs are flexible11.风俗是可以变通的Customs and superstitions arent set in stone.风俗和迷信也不是一成不变的Theres room for flexibility in interpretation and application.对于理解和实施也有灵活性Banning shoes for the entire lunar month?整个新年期间禁止买鞋?That depends on how you read the rules -- the word for shoe might sound like sighing, but it also sounds like harmony (he xie).这取决于你怎么理解规则—鞋一字听起来像是叹气,但是也可以听起来像和谐Not showering for the sake of Lunar New Year?农历新年不能洗澡?Many pass on that for obvious hygienic reasons.很多人因为卫生问题没有继续这个风俗In the end, Lunar New Year is really about having a great time with family and friends, so many opt not to sweat the details.最终,农历新年是和家人和朋友团聚的美好时光,不必纠结于一些细节