BEC中级真题阅读精讲:第4辑T2P2 最合适的人
The best person for the job
Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose themhave a vital role to play.
Employees are a companys new ideas, its public face and its main asset. Hiring the right people is therefore a significant factor in a companys success.(0) G If the human resourcesdepartment makes mistakes with hiring, keeping and dismissing staff, a business can disappear overnight. Many companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key to success.
Sarah Choi, Head of HR at Enco pic, believes that thinking commerciallyis a key quality in HR. Every decision an HR manager makes needs to berelevant toadvancing the business.(8)...C.....Thats no longer the case.HR managers have to think more strategically these days. They continually need to think about the impact of their decisions on thebottom line.(9).....F...For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department toadvise on everything fromthe headcount to whethertoproceed with an acquisition.
Why do people go into HR in the first place? Choi has a ready answer. I think most people in the profession are attracted by a long-term goal.(10)....D......Nothing happens in thecompany which isnt affected by or doesnt impact on its employees, so the HR department isa crucial part of any business.
Not all operational managers agree. An informal survey of attitudes to HR departments that was carried out last year by a leading business journal received comments such as What dothey actually contribute?(11).....A..... As Choi points out, salarieshave never been higherand, in addition, HR managers oftenreceive substantial annual bonuses.
Despite the financial rewards, HR managers oftenfeel undervalued, and this is a major reasonfor many leavingtheir jobs.(12)...E......However, a lack of training and development is a more significant factor. These days, good professional development opportunities are considered an essential part of an attractive package,Choi explains.
A Butrising levels of remuneration demonstrate that the professions growing importanceis widely recognised.
B At one time, a professional qualification was required in order to progress to the top of HR.
C Other departments and senior executivesused tosee HR managers as having a purelyadministrativerole.
D Since its one of the few areas where you cansee the whole operation, it can lead to aninfluential role on the board.
EBeing seen as someone who just ticks off other peoples leave and sick daysdoes not help build a sense of loyalty.
F They therefore need to be competentin many aspectsof a companys operations.
GOn the other hand, recruiting the wrong staff can lead to disaster.
The best person for the job
Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose themhave a vital role to play.
Employees are a companys new ideas, its public face and its main asset. Hiring the right people is therefore a significant factor in a companys success.(0) G If the human resourcesdepartment makes mistakes with hiring, keeping and dismissing staff, a business can disappear overnight. Many companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key to success.
Sarah Choi, Head of HR at Enco pic, believes that thinking commerciallyis a key quality in HR. Every decision an HR manager makes needs to berelevant toadvancing the business.(8)...C.....Thats no longer the case.HR managers have to think more strategically these days. They continually need to think about the impact of their decisions on thebottom line.(9).....F...For example,a chief executive will expect the HR department toadvise on everything fromthe headcount to whethertoproceed with an acquisition.
Why do people go into HR in the first place? Choi has a ready answer. I think most people in the profession are attracted by a long-term goal.(10)....D......Nothing happens in thecompany which isnt affected by or doesnt impact on its employees, so the HR department isa crucial part of any business.
Not all operational managers agree. An informal survey of attitudes to HR departments that was carried out last year by a leading business journal received comments such as What dothey actually contribute?(11).....A..... As Choi points out, salarieshave never been higherand, in addition, HR managers oftenreceive substantial annual bonuses.
Despite the financial rewards, HR managers oftenfeel undervalued, and this is a major reasonfor many leavingtheir jobs.(12)...E......However, a lack of training and development is a more significant factor. These days, good professional development opportunities are considered an essential part of an attractive package,Choi explains.
A Butrising levels of remuneration demonstrate that the professions growing importanceis widely recognised.
B At one time, a professional qualification was required in order to progress to the top of HR.
C Other departments and senior executivesused tosee HR managers as having a purelyadministrativerole.
D Since its one of the few areas where you cansee the whole operation, it can lead to aninfluential role on the board.
EBeing seen as someone who just ticks off other peoples leave and sick daysdoes not help build a sense of loyalty.
F They therefore need to be competentin many aspectsof a companys operations.
GOn the other hand, recruiting the wrong staff can lead to disaster.