图文阅读:Prarie Vole 普拉里田鼠

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图文阅读:Prarie Vole 普拉里田鼠

这种田鼠名叫普拉里(Prarie Vole)。雄普拉里鼠一辈子只和将处女之身献给它的雌普拉里鼠生活。雄普拉里鼠不但不会多看其它雌鼠一眼,甚至还会攻击其它雌鼠。目前,科学家已经将普拉里鼠的痴情行为和它们脑中分泌的荷尔蒙联系起来。科学家认为,这种荷尔蒙不但让普拉里鼠夫妇间保持着长期稳定的伴侣关系,还让他们天生就对可能破坏家庭的第3者具有进攻性。

Although monogamy in the animal kingdom is rare, it's far from boring. Consider males of this mouse-like species, for example. They will stick with the female they lost their virginity to. Far from eyeing other females, a mated male vole will actually attack other females. Scientists have traced this behavior to hormones in the rodent’s brain, which triggers lasting bond formation and increased aggression toward potential home wreckers.