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Life is incredibly short, as the following last photos will show you. We must learn to appreciate each and every day we wake up on Earth, and enjoy the company of our loved ones as much as possible. If you take away anything from the following 10 final photographs to make you appreciate life, we hope its just how lucky we all are to be here.就像以下的照片所呈现的一样,生命极其短暂。我们必须学会感激生活中的每一天,尽可能享受我们所爱之人的陪伴。如果你能从以下10张让你感激生活的照片中收获些东西,我们希望那是你意识到了,每个人都能相安无事地生活是一件多么幸运的事。

10.Jackie and John Knill10.洁姬·尼尔和约翰·尼尔

On 13th January 2005, the bodies of John and Jackie Knill, a Canadian couple, were found on a beach resort in Thailand, following the tragic tsunami that struck on 26th December, 2004. The 2004 Ocean earthquake resulted in the death of approximately 230,000 people in 14 countries. Weeks later, a Seattle man, who was in Thailand for relief work, discovered a damage camera. While he discarded the camera, he kept the memory card. Later, he downloaded the images to discover photos of the Knills enjoying their holiday. The above photo is the last image of the sea before the wave hit the shore, and it was taken at 8.30am on 26th December by the Knills. The man who discovered the camera luckily recognised the couple from the missing persons website, and so contacted their two sons in Vancouver, Canada. The man even drove all the way from Seattle to Vancouver to present the sons with the final images of their parents and their holiday.2005年1月13日,人们在泰国的海边度假胜地发现了加拿大夫妇洁姬和约翰的尸体。这件事发生在2004年的海啸灾难之后,当时这场印度洋地震袭击了14个国家,约23万人因此而丧生。几周后,一个在泰国从事救援工作的西雅图人发现了一个损坏的相机。他丢掉了相机,却留下了记忆卡。后来他把卡里的图片下载下来,发现是尼尔夫妇在海边度假时拍摄的照片。上图是海啸袭击前最后一张印度洋的照片,由尼尔夫妇拍摄于12月26日早晨8点30分。发现相机的西雅图人很巧合地在失踪人口网站上找到了该夫妻,从而联系到他们在加拿大温哥华的两个儿子。这个男人甚至从西雅图一路驱车到温哥华,只为把这对父母度假时最后拍摄的照片交还给他们的儿子。

9.Robert Budd Dwyer9.罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔

Robert Budd Dwyer was a politician who for 10 years served at a Republican member of the Pennsylvania State Senate, and went onto serve as the Treasurer of Pennsylvania until his death in 1987. He was, however, convicted of accepting a bribe, and so called a press conference to announce his resignation. Facing a punishment of up to 55 years imprisonment and a $300,000 fine, Dwyer took matters into his own hands. At the press conference, which was broadcast live on TV to Pennsylvania audiences, he read out his speech and began to hand out enveloped to staff. Holding the final envelope in his hand, Dwyer pulled out a gun and said: Please leave the room if this will offend you. His friends and cabinet members pleaded with Dwyer to put the gun down, leading him to stutter as he spoke to his audience. Before anyone could stop him, Robert Budd Dwyer pulled the trigger, dying in his office.罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔是宾夕法尼亚州参议院的一名共和党成员,其任期长达10年之久。之后他又效力于宾夕法尼亚州的财政部直至1987年离世。然而罗伯特却因受贿而被判刑,接着召开记者招待会来宣布辞职。面对长达55年之久的监狱之灾和高达30万美元的罚款,德怀尔决定自己了结一切。在向宾夕法尼亚州观众直播放送的记者会上,他发表讲话并把信封分发给工作人员。之后德怀尔手里拿着最后一个信封,从里面掏出一把枪,并说到:如果这会冒犯你,请离开这个房间。 朋友和内阁成员恳求德怀尔把枪放下,德怀尔只是结结巴巴地跟观众说话。由于在此的人都没能阻止他,罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔扣动扳机,在办公室当场身亡。

8.RMS Titanic8.英国邮船泰坦尼克号

This is believed to be the last photo of RMS Titanic, as she embarked on her maiden voyage to New York. However, the ill-fated liner never completed her journey, as she collided with an iceberg 400 nautical miles south of Newfoundland, Canada, on 14th April 1912 at 11.40pm. A few hours later, the ship sank, taking the lives of over 1,500 people. Only 705 people survived the maritime disaster.据说,这是泰坦尼克号在开启它前往纽约的处女航前拍摄的最后一张照片。然而这倒霉的邮轮并没能完成它的旅程。1912年4月14日晚上11点40分,邮轮撞上加拿大纽芬兰以南400航里处的冰山。几小时后,邮轮沉没,超过1500人葬身大海,仅705人在这场海难中得以幸存。

7.Rysard Siwiec7.雷塞德·斯威斯

Rysard Siwiece was a Polish accountant and is known as the first person to commit suicide by self-immolation in protest against the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia. Whilst the image was captured on camera (shown above) on 28th September 1968, the Polish press did not mention the incident. His story was forgotten until the fall of communism in 1989.雷塞德·斯威斯是波兰的一名会计师,因率先以自焚的方式来抗议苏联入侵捷克斯诺伐克而出名。尽管照片拍摄于1968年9月28日,但波兰媒体并未对此事进行报道。因此直到1989年共产主义垮台之前,雷塞德的事迹都不为人们所知晓。

6.Jim Clark6.吉姆·克拉克

This is the last close-up image of the two-time Scottish Formula 1 World Champion, Jim Clark On 7th April 1968. Here he can be seen sitting on the grid in the Formula 2 vehicle he later lost his life in. Jims Lotus 48 unfortunately veered off the race track and crashed into trees. Many people recalled his unease the entire weekend, which some believe is shown in the above photograph.这是摄于1968年4月7号,两届苏格兰一级方程式锦标赛冠军吉姆·克拉克最后的特写镜头。照片里的吉姆坐在位于比赛始发处令他丧命的次级F2赛车里,悲剧产生的原因是他的车莲花48号不幸偏离赛道而撞到树上。事件发生后的整整一个星期,很多人回忆说吉姆当时显得有些不安。关于这一点,一些人认为可以在上面的照片中发现。

5.Jewish Ghetto5.犹太人区

13,000 Jews were killed during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943, which was an act of Jewish resistance that occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during WWII. The remaining 50,000 residents were captured and transported to either concentration or extermination camps. The above image shows an unnamed Jewish man leaping to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. It was taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street.在1943年的华沙犹太区起义期间,1.3万犹太人被杀。这场起义是二战时犹太人为了反对德国占领波兰在华沙区进行的抵制运动。区内剩下的5万名犹太居民被捕,并送到了集中营或屠杀场。照片中,一个不知名的犹太人从公寓楼的顶层窗户跳下,不幸坠亡。拍摄地点位于尼斯卡大街的23号到25号。

4.Indonesia AirAsia Flight 85014.印度尼西亚亚洲航空8501航班

This photo was taken by 23-year-old Hendra Gunawan Syawal, a passenger on the doomed AirAsia flight QZ8501. Here he can be seen smiling with friends in the cabin, as the plane prepares for take-off from Surabaya airport in Indonesia. The friends were heading off to Singapore to celebrate New Year, and sent the photo to a friend shortly before take-off. On 28th December 2024, the aircraft crashed into the Java Sea due to bad weather. All 155 passengers onboard, and seven crew members, lost their lives.这张照片的拍摄者是23岁的亨得利·古纳万·施娅,QZ8501航班悲剧的乘客之一。照片上可以看到一脸笑容的亨德利与朋友们坐在机舱里,当时飞机正准备从苏腊巴亚机场起飞。他们将要前往新加坡庆祝新年,并且在飞机起飞前不久把这张照片发给了一个朋友。2024年12月28号,由于天气恶劣,飞机在爪哇海坠毁,155个乘客和7位机组人员全部丧生。

3.Anne Frank3.安妮·弗兰克

This is believed to be the last photograph of Anne Frank, standing with her sister, Margot, in 1942. It is thought to have been taken before her family were discovered and arrested on 4th August, 1944. Sadly, Anne died a few days after Margot at Bergen-Belsen, a Nazi concentration camp in 1945. The exact date of their deaths were not recorded.据说这是安妮·弗兰克生前的最后一张照片,拍摄于1942年,当时她和姐姐玛格特站在一起。人们认为在1944年8月4日,安妮的家人暴露行踪、被纳粹党逮捕之前这张照片就已经存在了。1945年,玛格特被关进位于卑尔根-贝尔森的纳粹集中营,没过几天安妮也不幸去世。没有相关记录表明这些人具体的死亡时间。

2.St Louis Mayor2.圣路易斯市长

William Becker, Mayor of St Louis, can be seen above buckling in for a flight with fellow dignitaries on 1st August, 1943. Following this photo, the glider tragically crashed and no-one survived the unfortunate accident.由图片可见,1943年8月1日,圣路易斯市的市长威廉贝克和其他的政要官员一起搭乘飞机。不幸的是,滑翔机后来意外坠毁,无人生还。

1.Moira Smith1.莫伊拉·史密斯

Moira Smith was just another NYC police officer on 11th September, 2001, but when the World Trade Center began to collapse following a terrorist attack, she proved she was no ordinary officer. The above photograph shows Moira helping Ed Nicholls into an ambulance, just before she headed into the lobby of the south tower to find another person to help. 10 minutes after this photo was taken, the building collapsed with Moira inside. May we never forget the heroism shown that day, and the many lives lost in this tragic event.在2001年的911事件中,莫伊拉·史密斯原本只是纽约市的一名普通警员,然而当世界贸易中心遭受恐怖主义袭击开始坍塌时,她证明了自己并不是一个普通的警察。上面的照片中,莫伊拉帮助爱德华·尼克尔斯进入救护车进行医治,当时她正要到南边大楼的大厅去救其他人。但就在这张照片拍摄的10分钟后,莫伊拉所在的大楼倒塌了。愿我们永不会忘记莫伊拉在那天所展现出的英勇气魄,也不会忘记在这场悲剧里逝去的诸多生命。

翻译:lisha 编辑:烟囱 来源:前十网

Life is incredibly short, as the following last photos will show you. We must learn to appreciate each and every day we wake up on Earth, and enjoy the company of our loved ones as much as possible. If you take away anything from the following 10 final photographs to make you appreciate life, we hope its just how lucky we all are to be here.就像以下的照片所呈现的一样,生命极其短暂。我们必须学会感激生活中的每一天,尽可能享受我们所爱之人的陪伴。如果你能从以下10张让你感激生活的照片中收获些东西,我们希望那是你意识到了,每个人都能相安无事地生活是一件多么幸运的事。

10.Jackie and John Knill10.洁姬·尼尔和约翰·尼尔

On 13th January 2005, the bodies of John and Jackie Knill, a Canadian couple, were found on a beach resort in Thailand, following the tragic tsunami that struck on 26th December, 2004. The 2004 Ocean earthquake resulted in the death of approximately 230,000 people in 14 countries. Weeks later, a Seattle man, who was in Thailand for relief work, discovered a damage camera. While he discarded the camera, he kept the memory card. Later, he downloaded the images to discover photos of the Knills enjoying their holiday. The above photo is the last image of the sea before the wave hit the shore, and it was taken at 8.30am on 26th December by the Knills. The man who discovered the camera luckily recognised the couple from the missing persons website, and so contacted their two sons in Vancouver, Canada. The man even drove all the way from Seattle to Vancouver to present the sons with the final images of their parents and their holiday.2005年1月13日,人们在泰国的海边度假胜地发现了加拿大夫妇洁姬和约翰的尸体。这件事发生在2004年的海啸灾难之后,当时这场印度洋地震袭击了14个国家,约23万人因此而丧生。几周后,一个在泰国从事救援工作的西雅图人发现了一个损坏的相机。他丢掉了相机,却留下了记忆卡。后来他把卡里的图片下载下来,发现是尼尔夫妇在海边度假时拍摄的照片。上图是海啸袭击前最后一张印度洋的照片,由尼尔夫妇拍摄于12月26日早晨8点30分。发现相机的西雅图人很巧合地在失踪人口网站上找到了该夫妻,从而联系到他们在加拿大温哥华的两个儿子。这个男人甚至从西雅图一路驱车到温哥华,只为把这对父母度假时最后拍摄的照片交还给他们的儿子。

9.Robert Budd Dwyer9.罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔

Robert Budd Dwyer was a politician who for 10 years served at a Republican member of the Pennsylvania State Senate, and went onto serve as the Treasurer of Pennsylvania until his death in 1987. He was, however, convicted of accepting a bribe, and so called a press conference to announce his resignation. Facing a punishment of up to 55 years imprisonment and a $300,000 fine, Dwyer took matters into his own hands. At the press conference, which was broadcast live on TV to Pennsylvania audiences, he read out his speech and began to hand out enveloped to staff. Holding the final envelope in his hand, Dwyer pulled out a gun and said: Please leave the room if this will offend you. His friends and cabinet members pleaded with Dwyer to put the gun down, leading him to stutter as he spoke to his audience. Before anyone could stop him, Robert Budd Dwyer pulled the trigger, dying in his office.罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔是宾夕法尼亚州参议院的一名共和党成员,其任期长达10年之久。之后他又效力于宾夕法尼亚州的财政部直至1987年离世。然而罗伯特却因受贿而被判刑,接着召开记者招待会来宣布辞职。面对长达55年之久的监狱之灾和高达30万美元的罚款,德怀尔决定自己了结一切。在向宾夕法尼亚州观众直播放送的记者会上,他发表讲话并把信封分发给工作人员。之后德怀尔手里拿着最后一个信封,从里面掏出一把枪,并说到:如果这会冒犯你,请离开这个房间。 朋友和内阁成员恳求德怀尔把枪放下,德怀尔只是结结巴巴地跟观众说话。由于在此的人都没能阻止他,罗伯特·巴德·德怀尔扣动扳机,在办公室当场身亡。

8.RMS Titanic8.英国邮船泰坦尼克号

This is believed to be the last photo of RMS Titanic, as she embarked on her maiden voyage to New York. However, the ill-fated liner never completed her journey, as she collided with an iceberg 400 nautical miles south of Newfoundland, Canada, on 14th April 1912 at 11.40pm. A few hours later, the ship sank, taking the lives of over 1,500 people. Only 705 people survived the maritime disaster.据说,这是泰坦尼克号在开启它前往纽约的处女航前拍摄的最后一张照片。然而这倒霉的邮轮并没能完成它的旅程。1912年4月14日晚上11点40分,邮轮撞上加拿大纽芬兰以南400航里处的冰山。几小时后,邮轮沉没,超过1500人葬身大海,仅705人在这场海难中得以幸存。

7.Rysard Siwiec7.雷塞德·斯威斯

Rysard Siwiece was a Polish accountant and is known as the first person to commit suicide by self-immolation in protest against the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia. Whilst the image was captured on camera (shown above) on 28th September 1968, the Polish press did not mention the incident. His story was forgotten until the fall of communism in 1989.雷塞德·斯威斯是波兰的一名会计师,因率先以自焚的方式来抗议苏联入侵捷克斯诺伐克而出名。尽管照片拍摄于1968年9月28日,但波兰媒体并未对此事进行报道。因此直到1989年共产主义垮台之前,雷塞德的事迹都不为人们所知晓。

6.Jim Clark6.吉姆·克拉克

This is the last close-up image of the two-time Scottish Formula 1 World Champion, Jim Clark On 7th April 1968. Here he can be seen sitting on the grid in the Formula 2 vehicle he later lost his life in. Jims Lotus 48 unfortunately veered off the race track and crashed into trees. Many people recalled his unease the entire weekend, which some believe is shown in the above photograph.这是摄于1968年4月7号,两届苏格兰一级方程式锦标赛冠军吉姆·克拉克最后的特写镜头。照片里的吉姆坐在位于比赛始发处令他丧命的次级F2赛车里,悲剧产生的原因是他的车莲花48号不幸偏离赛道而撞到树上。事件发生后的整整一个星期,很多人回忆说吉姆当时显得有些不安。关于这一点,一些人认为可以在上面的照片中发现。

5.Jewish Ghetto5.犹太人区

13,000 Jews were killed during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943, which was an act of Jewish resistance that occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during WWII. The remaining 50,000 residents were captured and transported to either concentration or extermination camps. The above image shows an unnamed Jewish man leaping to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. It was taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street.在1943年的华沙犹太区起义期间,1.3万犹太人被杀。这场起义是二战时犹太人为了反对德国占领波兰在华沙区进行的抵制运动。区内剩下的5万名犹太居民被捕,并送到了集中营或屠杀场。照片中,一个不知名的犹太人从公寓楼的顶层窗户跳下,不幸坠亡。拍摄地点位于尼斯卡大街的23号到25号。

4.Indonesia AirAsia Flight 85014.印度尼西亚亚洲航空8501航班

This photo was taken by 23-year-old Hendra Gunawan Syawal, a passenger on the doomed AirAsia flight QZ8501. Here he can be seen smiling with friends in the cabin, as the plane prepares for take-off from Surabaya airport in Indonesia. The friends were heading off to Singapore to celebrate New Year, and sent the photo to a friend shortly before take-off. On 28th December 2024, the aircraft crashed into the Java Sea due to bad weather. All 155 passengers onboard, and seven crew members, lost their lives.这张照片的拍摄者是23岁的亨得利·古纳万·施娅,QZ8501航班悲剧的乘客之一。照片上可以看到一脸笑容的亨德利与朋友们坐在机舱里,当时飞机正准备从苏腊巴亚机场起飞。他们将要前往新加坡庆祝新年,并且在飞机起飞前不久把这张照片发给了一个朋友。2024年12月28号,由于天气恶劣,飞机在爪哇海坠毁,155个乘客和7位机组人员全部丧生。

3.Anne Frank3.安妮·弗兰克

This is believed to be the last photograph of Anne Frank, standing with her sister, Margot, in 1942. It is thought to have been taken before her family were discovered and arrested on 4th August, 1944. Sadly, Anne died a few days after Margot at Bergen-Belsen, a Nazi concentration camp in 1945. The exact date of their deaths were not recorded.据说这是安妮·弗兰克生前的最后一张照片,拍摄于1942年,当时她和姐姐玛格特站在一起。人们认为在1944年8月4日,安妮的家人暴露行踪、被纳粹党逮捕之前这张照片就已经存在了。1945年,玛格特被关进位于卑尔根-贝尔森的纳粹集中营,没过几天安妮也不幸去世。没有相关记录表明这些人具体的死亡时间。

2.St Louis Mayor2.圣路易斯市长

William Becker, Mayor of St Louis, can be seen above buckling in for a flight with fellow dignitaries on 1st August, 1943. Following this photo, the glider tragically crashed and no-one survived the unfortunate accident.由图片可见,1943年8月1日,圣路易斯市的市长威廉贝克和其他的政要官员一起搭乘飞机。不幸的是,滑翔机后来意外坠毁,无人生还。

1.Moira Smith1.莫伊拉·史密斯

Moira Smith was just another NYC police officer on 11th September, 2001, but when the World Trade Center began to collapse following a terrorist attack, she proved she was no ordinary officer. The above photograph shows Moira helping Ed Nicholls into an ambulance, just before she headed into the lobby of the south tower to find another person to help. 10 minutes after this photo was taken, the building collapsed with Moira inside. May we never forget the heroism shown that day, and the many lives lost in this tragic event.在2001年的911事件中,莫伊拉·史密斯原本只是纽约市的一名普通警员,然而当世界贸易中心遭受恐怖主义袭击开始坍塌时,她证明了自己并不是一个普通的警察。上面的照片中,莫伊拉帮助爱德华·尼克尔斯进入救护车进行医治,当时她正要到南边大楼的大厅去救其他人。但就在这张照片拍摄的10分钟后,莫伊拉所在的大楼倒塌了。愿我们永不会忘记莫伊拉在那天所展现出的英勇气魄,也不会忘记在这场悲剧里逝去的诸多生命。

翻译:lisha 编辑:烟囱 来源:前十网