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  首先总结下10.25雅思考试情况---海内外各考点口语话题几乎全中,都在我口语预测的25topics里面。听力有人说是三旧一新,其实真正全旧的跟机经完全一样只有一个,其他都是全新或半新,答案不一样,考官很狡猾,改动不小。这三个版本号都在我预测里面 V07104S1,V30020S2,V30060S3。

  A类大作文Economy is a way to measure a countrys success, while some people think there are other factors . Whats your opinion and which do you prefer?经济政府类,预测中,可以套用。我考前有加发了一篇文章叶毅斌10.23/25雅思考试作文最后押题---十万火急,里面三篇预测题目都是政府经济类的。如果有去准备的同学应该考试时就轻松多了。考试大!

  小作文是the graph shows the number of 4 sports players in a particular European country , between 1985 and 2005. Describe main feature, and make necessary comparision.

  G类书信是:you just came back from a tour in foreign country. write a letter to your friend in the foreign country to 1. thank him or her and remember your pleasant time there 2. invite him or her to your country 3. suggest what activities you can do with your friend in your country。博客里面有范文。

  G类大作文: some people think television contributes more than other modern invention to the quality of life of ordinary people, do you agree or disagree?跟G类预测作文第10个topic类似--看电视的利弊。阅读稍难,新文章多,意料之中。阅读主要题型是多选题(七选三),配对题(信息品配,观点品配),填空summary。完全没有T/F/NG是非判断题和list of headings.考试大!



  10.11 听力是3旧1新,难度适中---3旧是V07137 S1V30032 S3 V07112 S4都预测中。阅读难度大,考生抱怨多。写作适中,属于法律社会类。口语话题预测几乎全中。G类大作文和预测的比较接近,属于交通类。10.23听力三旧一新,难度适中或简单。写作是网络教育类。听力,口语话题预测几乎全中。



  接近年底的雅思考试会逐渐出现一些剑桥4-6的题目(写作,听力或阅读改编),大家要很注意剑桥的利用。而且近半年来阅读考试的重点题型发生比较大的变化,是非判断题T/F/NG题目减少,选择题,list of headings, match, summary增多。

  9.6写作部分的大作文和8.30一样还是教育话题,以前没类似题目,但是比较简单好写:Once children start school, the teacher have more influence in their intellectual and social development than parents. In what extent do you agree or disagree?小作文比较新颖,难度大,但不是流程图:小作文给的是两个切割用石器 一个较早一个较晚--正面图, 背面图 ,侧面图 ,旁边有刻度尺 ,描述了长宽高 ,光滑和锋利程度,之后做比较。这种题目很少见的偶尔一次,不用太担心。

  9.13大作文是新的环保题目,many people think it is important to protect environment, but they make no effort on it themselves。Why is it?Your opinion?好写。小作文bar chart - average housing prices in Sydney and Perth in 2000, 2005, and 2010; Pie chart: 30-35 year-old house owners in 2000 and 2005;9.18大作文是criminals are imprisoned, many argue think that education and job training should replace the former to deal with criminals. To what extent do you agree?新的社会类题目。小作文是two bar charts comparing the average amount number of time spent per day on two common leisure activities by different aged people of New ZealandExamda.com

  9.27A类大作文是poor students or students who come from rural areas often find it is difficult to get access to the university education, people think universities should make it easier for them to study at . To what extent ,you agree or disagree.又是教育类的。

  A类小作文是柱状图,说的是男生和女生在学科上的比率1995年和2005年的对比。G类作文task 1,写封信给英语国家的一个朋友,要求:1介绍为啥跟他在一块时很happy 2问他要照片并解释原因3具体说要什么样的照片。task 2有人说父母要control the behavior. of children from a very young age,另一帮人说要给小孩自由,分析两方面,你的观点。10.11小作文是两个Pies。第一个是type of language training done by the employees,第2个是reasons why the employees learn a foreign language。大作文是society is based on laws and rules. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent you agree or disagree。新的法律社会类。G类写作task1:给你老师写个信说你要回国,没法完成学业了。感谢他,告他为什么回国,还有你如何enjoyed 他的课。Task2 road transport和rail services, 现在更多的用前者,讲下好处坏处,你国家是不是也这样。



  首先总结下10.25雅思考试情况---海内外各考点口语话题几乎全中,都在我口语预测的25topics里面。听力有人说是三旧一新,其实真正全旧的跟机经完全一样只有一个,其他都是全新或半新,答案不一样,考官很狡猾,改动不小。这三个版本号都在我预测里面 V07104S1,V30020S2,V30060S3。

  A类大作文Economy is a way to measure a countrys success, while some people think there are other factors . Whats your opinion and which do you prefer?经济政府类,预测中,可以套用。我考前有加发了一篇文章叶毅斌10.23/25雅思考试作文最后押题---十万火急,里面三篇预测题目都是政府经济类的。如果有去准备的同学应该考试时就轻松多了。考试大!

  小作文是the graph shows the number of 4 sports players in a particular European country , between 1985 and 2005. Describe main feature, and make necessary comparision.

  G类书信是:you just came back from a tour in foreign country. write a letter to your friend in the foreign country to 1. thank him or her and remember your pleasant time there 2. invite him or her to your country 3. suggest what activities you can do with your friend in your country。博客里面有范文。

  G类大作文: some people think television contributes more than other modern invention to the quality of life of ordinary people, do you agree or disagree?跟G类预测作文第10个topic类似--看电视的利弊。阅读稍难,新文章多,意料之中。阅读主要题型是多选题(七选三),配对题(信息品配,观点品配),填空summary。完全没有T/F/NG是非判断题和list of headings.考试大!



  10.11 听力是3旧1新,难度适中---3旧是V07137 S1V30032 S3 V07112 S4都预测中。阅读难度大,考生抱怨多。写作适中,属于法律社会类。口语话题预测几乎全中。G类大作文和预测的比较接近,属于交通类。10.23听力三旧一新,难度适中或简单。写作是网络教育类。听力,口语话题预测几乎全中。



  接近年底的雅思考试会逐渐出现一些剑桥4-6的题目(写作,听力或阅读改编),大家要很注意剑桥的利用。而且近半年来阅读考试的重点题型发生比较大的变化,是非判断题T/F/NG题目减少,选择题,list of headings, match, summary增多。

  9.6写作部分的大作文和8.30一样还是教育话题,以前没类似题目,但是比较简单好写:Once children start school, the teacher have more influence in their intellectual and social development than parents. In what extent do you agree or disagree?小作文比较新颖,难度大,但不是流程图:小作文给的是两个切割用石器 一个较早一个较晚--正面图, 背面图 ,侧面图 ,旁边有刻度尺 ,描述了长宽高 ,光滑和锋利程度,之后做比较。这种题目很少见的偶尔一次,不用太担心。

  9.13大作文是新的环保题目,many people think it is important to protect environment, but they make no effort on it themselves。Why is it?Your opinion?好写。小作文bar chart - average housing prices in Sydney and Perth in 2000, 2005, and 2010; Pie chart: 30-35 year-old house owners in 2000 and 2005;9.18大作文是criminals are imprisoned, many argue think that education and job training should replace the former to deal with criminals. To what extent do you agree?新的社会类题目。小作文是two bar charts comparing the average amount number of time spent per day on two common leisure activities by different aged people of New ZealandExamda.com

  9.27A类大作文是poor students or students who come from rural areas often find it is difficult to get access to the university education, people think universities should make it easier for them to study at . To what extent ,you agree or disagree.又是教育类的。

  A类小作文是柱状图,说的是男生和女生在学科上的比率1995年和2005年的对比。G类作文task 1,写封信给英语国家的一个朋友,要求:1介绍为啥跟他在一块时很happy 2问他要照片并解释原因3具体说要什么样的照片。task 2有人说父母要control the behavior. of children from a very young age,另一帮人说要给小孩自由,分析两方面,你的观点。10.11小作文是两个Pies。第一个是type of language training done by the employees,第2个是reasons why the employees learn a foreign language。大作文是society is based on laws and rules. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent you agree or disagree。新的法律社会类。G类写作task1:给你老师写个信说你要回国,没法完成学业了。感谢他,告他为什么回国,还有你如何enjoyed 他的课。Task2 road transport和rail services, 现在更多的用前者,讲下好处坏处,你国家是不是也这样。
