25 a city you like/a place you enjoy visiting/ a trip you took in your childhood /a foreign country you want to travel to/
PART3 advantages and disadvantages about international tourism?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,不同的人会用什么交通工具。What is the difference between business trip and tour trip? Why do you think of the effect modern media have on tourism?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么? /中国人都喜欢visit什么历史建筑呀?为什么很多国家都喜欢repair building?有人认为钱应该花在people上而不是building上,你觉得呢?visit 历史建筑有什么好处呀?visit historic building 和 reading history book有什么不一样?学习历史对孩子们重要吗?我们为什么要学习历史?
26 talk about a street in your hometown.
PART3 How do you think about the green areas in the city? try to talk about city lives.?以及一些绿化? 城市环保? 在未来会有怎么趋势的问题。
27 a garden/ or park
28 a leisure center / an interseting place that open to the public.
第三部分:should people do some leisure activities? should company organize some activities for the workers? Why?
29 describe a work place /a shopping center
Part3: people live far from city Why?/ thansportation classification/the traffic poblems future/ what do foreigners do when they want building a company in your city ?
30 place you sometimes go for lunch (where who what)
part3:饭店怎样吸引顾客? 广告对饮食的影响?中国最流行的食物是什么?中国人喜欢去什么地方吃饭?你喜欢吃中餐还是西餐?现在人们选择餐厅最看重什么?快餐流行还是传统食物流行?
33 a toy in your childhood
Part 3 Do you still keep your toy?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do you think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind of toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop childrens intelligence?
34 something made in a foreign country you if you have enough money
P3 Why people bought some expensive products that they do not need to use?Do you think that caused by advertisements? Which kinds of products could young people buy? Why?do young people like your age like shopping on the Internet?How to choose good websites to shop?你觉得高科技的产物为什么会卖这么贵?你会愿意话很多钱去买那些很贵但你实际上不需要的东西么?你还有没有买过其他华而不实的东西?
35 the clothing you bought and wear on special occasion
part3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的杀价/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?
36 A photo
part3 照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?
37 an electronic equipment
part3问的是为什么学校会用这些科技的东西?为什么很多人要上网?上网有什么好处?不上网有什么坏处?科技发展对人的好处?在未来你觉得科技会怎么发展?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些equipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?
38 a gift / describe an occasion when someone gave you some money as a gift/
P3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。大人用钱做什么?/do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift with others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?
39 a thing that you lost
P3: what do people usually lose? why? How to prevent from losing our things?Do you think crime rate is increasing? why?what will you do if you found something other peole lost?
40 a furniture in your family
part3 what should be considered while buying a furniture; in china who make dicision about buying furniture in a family; what factors should a designer have; how the climate affect designs.
41 something made by yourself
25 a city you like/a place you enjoy visiting/ a trip you took in your childhood /a foreign country you want to travel to/
PART3 advantages and disadvantages about international tourism?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,不同的人会用什么交通工具。What is the difference between business trip and tour trip? Why do you think of the effect modern media have on tourism?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么? /中国人都喜欢visit什么历史建筑呀?为什么很多国家都喜欢repair building?有人认为钱应该花在people上而不是building上,你觉得呢?visit 历史建筑有什么好处呀?visit historic building 和 reading history book有什么不一样?学习历史对孩子们重要吗?我们为什么要学习历史?
26 talk about a street in your hometown.
PART3 How do you think about the green areas in the city? try to talk about city lives.?以及一些绿化? 城市环保? 在未来会有怎么趋势的问题。
27 a garden/ or park
28 a leisure center / an interseting place that open to the public.
第三部分:should people do some leisure activities? should company organize some activities for the workers? Why?
29 describe a work place /a shopping center
Part3: people live far from city Why?/ thansportation classification/the traffic poblems future/ what do foreigners do when they want building a company in your city ?
30 place you sometimes go for lunch (where who what)
part3:饭店怎样吸引顾客? 广告对饮食的影响?中国最流行的食物是什么?中国人喜欢去什么地方吃饭?你喜欢吃中餐还是西餐?现在人们选择餐厅最看重什么?快餐流行还是传统食物流行?
33 a toy in your childhood
Part 3 Do you still keep your toy?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do you think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind of toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop childrens intelligence?
34 something made in a foreign country you if you have enough money
P3 Why people bought some expensive products that they do not need to use?Do you think that caused by advertisements? Which kinds of products could young people buy? Why?do young people like your age like shopping on the Internet?How to choose good websites to shop?你觉得高科技的产物为什么会卖这么贵?你会愿意话很多钱去买那些很贵但你实际上不需要的东西么?你还有没有买过其他华而不实的东西?
35 the clothing you bought and wear on special occasion
part3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的杀价/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?
36 A photo
part3 照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?
37 an electronic equipment
part3问的是为什么学校会用这些科技的东西?为什么很多人要上网?上网有什么好处?不上网有什么坏处?科技发展对人的好处?在未来你觉得科技会怎么发展?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些equipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?
38 a gift / describe an occasion when someone gave you some money as a gift/
P3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。大人用钱做什么?/do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift with others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?
39 a thing that you lost
P3: what do people usually lose? why? How to prevent from losing our things?Do you think crime rate is increasing? why?what will you do if you found something other peole lost?
40 a furniture in your family
part3 what should be considered while buying a furniture; in china who make dicision about buying furniture in a family; what factors should a designer have; how the climate affect designs.
41 something made by yourself