1. School children are feeling great pressure from their studies, especially in that they often spend a long time doing their homework. Therefore many of them do not have enough time to play sports, pursue hobbies, and enjoy themselves. What is your opinion of your issue? 题目解析:pursue 追求 薛鹏点评:本文讨论的是孩子学习压力大的原因以及影响,再提出解决策略。 写作解析:劳逸结合;发展爱好;家庭旅行。 2. It is now very popular for high school or college students who have full-time courses to do some part-time jobs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time. 薛鹏点评:本文讨论的是学生兼职的利弊,应该熟悉利弊讨论写法。 文章解析:利好:积累工作经验;经济独立;性格成长;成熟心态。弊端:耽误学习;浪费时间;可能被欺骗和剥削。 3. In recent decades, there have been an increasing number of interracial marriages around the world. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of marrying people from other countries or races. 题目解析:decade 十年;interracial 种族和种族之间的 薛鹏点评:利弊讨论的写法,主题异族通婚。 文章解析:利好:名族融合;学习异族文化。弊端:不同的名族文化带来潜在的婚姻矛盾;文化侵略,很多少数民族的文化被强势文化同化掉。 4. There are a lot of professions in the modern society, including policeman, doctor, farmer, manager, lawyer, scientist, artist, and teacher. Which profession do you think should receive the highest salary? Give your reasons. 薛鹏点评:所有职业都有高薪的理由,但是,按照题目要求只能支持一种职业。 文章解析:作家立场:医生应该获得最高薪,因为医生工作辛苦,压力大。例如:很多医生较少有休息时间,无暇照顾家人。医生职业风险大,教育投资多,周期长,高薪是保障,是对于辛苦付出的回报。医生帮助病人缓解病痛,和谐家庭,稳定社会。 5. Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspaper, magazine, television, radio, and even the Internet, are publishing stories of peoples private lives. Should this practice be banned? Give your reasons. 题目解析:ban v禁止;story n报道 薛鹏点评:社会类话题热点,资讯中文体明星的报道过多,很多报道仅仅是耸人听闻,仅仅为了博取关注。 文章解析:不应该过度报道和关注明星隐私,本文写作的是狗仔队曝光明星隐私的弊端和解决策略,需要例证和细节的展开。 6. In modern society, there has been a growing trend that people prefer to have fast food instead of cooking for themselves. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of easting fast food. 薛鹏点评:人们更多依赖快餐的利弊: 文章解析:吃太多的快餐是弊大于利。弊端的展开:第一,因为快餐含有糖分,脂肪,热量。第二,失去了家庭烹饪和家庭团聚的乐趣。第三,对比快餐,传统食物的营养价值高。利好的展开:第一,满足了人们快节奏的生活需求,尤其是早餐和午餐适应了学生和职员的需求。第二,偶尔享受快餐也是一种美食体验。 7. In many countries, young people are required to do military service for a whole year. What are the benefits of this practice? In countries there is no military service, should the government organize young people to do some community jobs? Give examples and your own experience. 文章解析:do military service 服兵役;do some community job 做社区服务 薛鹏点评:本文需要论证服兵役对于个人和国家利好。建议支持年轻人做社区服务。论据应该谈及社区服务对于个人,社区,国家的利好。 文章解析:培养人的爱心,积累相关的工作经验;具体帮助社区;培养了更多的有社会责任感的好公民。 8. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job satisfaction, working hours, and the opportunity to travel are more important. Discuss both arguments and give your opinion. 薛鹏点评: 题目指令是谈及一份理想工作的标准。 文章解析:主题观点:高薪,工作强度,旅行机会都是重要条件,但是最重要的是职业兴趣,职业满足感,例证展开,我是医生,我热爱我的职业, 因此兴趣和事业的结合是人生的成功。 9. Nowadays, people often feel great pressure from their jobs. What measures can employers as well as employees take to reduce the work-related stress? Give examples and your own experience. 薛鹏点评: 典型的分析问题和解决问题的提问。主题是如何帮助职员缓解压力。 文章解析:企业主应该理性安排工作时间,建立弹性工作制,应该提供带薪假期,带薪旅行的机会,这是企业管理的有效方式,可以增强员工的归属感,提高员工的工作效率。同时,对于事业心强的员工而言,他们应该转换意识,劳逸结合。 10. Many parents complain that the computer games have no value to their childrens studies. On the contrary, those on-line games have produced a lot of negative effects on their mental and physical development. What is your opinion? Give examples and your own experience. 薛鹏点评: 网络游戏对于孩子的利弊影响。 文章解析: 主题观点:网络游戏弊大于利。第一,沉迷于网络游戏有害健康,例如近视,肥胖,久坐的生活方式。第二,网络游戏上瘾,浪费时间,耽误学习。第三,不良的网络游戏含有暴力色情等信息,毒害孩子纯净的心灵,诱发暴力冲动,误导人生观。我的立场是应该加强传播审查,父母应该限制孩子的游戏时间。 薛鹏解析:题目论据可以写作青少年犯罪的原因。 11. Nowadays there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to pursue the career of teacher. What are the causes of this phenomenon? What can government do to encourage people to work in this profession? 题目解析:this phenomenon 这种现象 薛鹏点评:文本讨论的是人们不愿意选择教师职业的原因,以及如果鼓励人们选择教师职业。 文章解析:原因展开:薪水福利远非令人满意,社会尊敬程度不足,职业发展前景对比其他行业没有吸引力。解决策略:提高薪水福利,降低师范学院的费用以及入学条件,号召人们尊师重教。 12. In modern education, a lot of homework makes school children feel very stressful. Some people say the amount of homework should be reduced so that they can have more time to learn other useful skills. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons and use your own experience and examples. 薛鹏点评:在学生减负的背景下,我们鼓励技能教育不是学术教育。 文章解析:作家立场:支持学习实用性技能,谈及实用性技能对于个人和未来的职业选择的利好。细节即为:人际沟通技巧,好口才;驾驶技能,烹饪技能等。 13. Nowadays, school children are given too much free time. Some people think that this time should be used for schoolwork. Discuss how children should spend their free time. Give your reasons and examples. 薛鹏点评:父母对于孩子的教育的主题、 文章解析:作家立场:孩子们空闲时间不应该再分配给学业,锻炼身体,培养爱好,家庭旅行等是更加值得推荐的方法,例证和细节展开。 薛鹏点评:题目融会贯通写作年轻人不快乐的原因和解决;年轻人压力大的原因和解决。 14. Some people believe that pet animals such as cats and dogs cannot be kept in the cities, especially in busy modern cities. Do you agree or disagree? 薛鹏点评:支持城市不应该养宠物。 文章解析:第一,宠物的排泄物传染疾病,例如家养宠物脱落的皮毛容易诱发很多过敏性疾病。第二,大型宠物犬容易吓坏社区的小朋友。第三,如果忽视防疫,宠物可能导致狂犬病。 15. Nowadays, teenagers cause a lot of social problems due to lack of discipline. Some people think that parents should spend more time staying with their children. Do you agree or disagree? 薛鹏点评:支持父母应该花更多的时间和孩子在一起。 文章解析:成长中的年轻人面对很多烦恼,如果缺乏引导和教育,容易引发很多社会问题,例如少年犯罪。因此,父母应该加强和子女的交流交往,加强教育指导,这可以增强家庭纽带。具体例证:家庭聚餐,家庭旅行,家庭出游。数据支持:在西方国家,父母有时间,就会和孩子出游和旅行。
16. Some people think if students want to learn a foreign language, it is advisable for them to learn it in the native countries where the language is actually spoken. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons. 文章解析:作家立场是支持孩子去外国学习外语。第一,很多父母会送孩子参加国外的英语夏令营,孩子们有语言环境,进步很快,因为他们模仿力强,可塑性强。第二,孩子出国学习外语容易激发他们外语学习的积极性,开发他们的语言潜能,例证展开。 17. In some countries, there are women taking the positions of police officers, while some people believe that women are not suitable to work in the police force. DO you agree or disagree? Write your reasons and give examples in your experience. 薛鹏点评:A类和G类通用考题,女性是否应该从军从警。 作家立场:我基本上不支持女性从事军警行业。第一,女性从警,对比男性,职业晋升的机会很小。第二,女性的身体条件的局限性使得她们不适合做刑侦这样压力大风险高的工作。 18. Some people say money is very useful in bringing us happiness, but others argue that it is useless in terms of providing happiness. Discuss both views and give your own opinion and reasons. 薛鹏点评:G类和A类重合题目。焦点是财富是否是幸福的源泉。 文章解析:作家立场:支持财富是幸福的重要的源泉。第一,财富可以提高生活质量,例如,美食,豪宅,旅行。第二,财富是社会资源的象征,财富赢得他人的尊敬和羡慕,所以,财富是幸福的源泉。第三,财富可以帮助人实现诸多梦想,例如升入名校,买喜欢的东西,因此,财富是幸福的源泉。 19. Some parents think the childrens leisure time should be more educational, but others argue this will exert too much pressure on children. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion and reasons. 薛鹏点评:如何合理安排孩子的空闲时间的话题。 文章解析:作家立场:孩子们的空闲时间应该是以休闲娱乐为主,不应该从事以教育为目的活动。第一,孩子学业负担已经很重,休闲时光应该是劳逸结合为主。第二,对比以学习为目的的活动,家庭旅行,发展爱好,体育运动更加值得推荐。 20. More and more people choose to get married in their thirties or even forties, and they often give birth to fewer children than their parents and grandparents. What is the reason for this social phenomenon? Do you think it is a good or bad development? 薛鹏点评:评论晚婚晚育。 作家立场:支持晚育,支持生育较少的子女。第一,父母晚育,经济基础雄厚,为孩子提供良好的物质条件,同时,父母心智成熟,教育孩子方法得当。第二,支持生育较少的孩子,因为,可以集中精力培养孩子,同时,经济负担较轻,父母可以享受高质量的生活,也有精力发展事业。 21. Some people say that in ones teens, a person can enjoy more happiness because adults have too many responsibilities, while others think adults are more likely to have their happy times. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 题目解析:in ones teens 在人十几岁的时候 薛鹏点评:孩子和成人谁更加快乐的话题。 文章解析:作家立场:支持少年人快乐多。第一,小小少年,很少烦恼,少年人比较单纯,欲望较少,因此快乐的源泉较多,例证展开。第二,成人的责任感更强,欲望较多,思虑较多,因此快乐的源泉较少,例证展开。 22.Some people think that private schools should not be allowed because they provide some students unfair advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 薛鹏点评:讨论的是私立学校的利弊: 文章解析:作家立场:支持私立学校的存在。第一,私立学校提供了量体裁衣的精英教育,适合特殊的群体,例如企业家,文体明星,政客的子女。第二,私立学校和公立学校的竞争有助于教育的健康发展。第三,私立学校从师资力量,教学设施,课程设计方面有优势,可以为国家培养顶尖的精英人才。 23. In order to improve students chances of finding a decent job, secondary schools should spend less time teaching traditional subjects, such as history. Instead, they should devote more time to communicational skills and business. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons. 薛鹏点评:让步反驳的写法,应该支持学习历史。 文章解析:中学生应该学习历史课程,第一,历史学习本身的利好:学习前人的经验教训,增强人的文化底蕴,成熟人的心态,例证展开。第二,历史学习本身的利好:培养人的分析性思维,辩证思维,理性思维的能力,使学生们可以自我反思,独立思考,例证展开。第三,交流技能和商业技能固然是重要的,但是他们可以在工作中学习。 24. Some people think that anyone can be a good teacher with suitable training, while others argue that there are certain requirements that cannot be achieved just by training. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion and some relevant examples. 薛鹏点评:类似勤奋和天赋哪个更加重要的主题。 文章解析:作家立场:支持任何孩子可以通过培养成为好老师。第一,教育应该基于如下理念:任何人无论天赋如何,都可以通过指导性的训练和个人的努力成为一个领域的专家,包括优秀的教育者。第二,能力是可以培养的,兴趣是可以激发的,教育经验是可以积累的,因此,优秀教师是可以培养的,例证展开。第三,如果一个人有成为优秀教师的梦想,仅仅是因为天赋不足就放弃对其的培养,是教育者的失败,是教育的不公正。 25. Some people say that they can learn a wide range of knowledge from their traveling experience, while others think there is little to be learned from their tours. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 薛鹏点评:争议焦点是旅行是否是人们获得知识的源泉。 文章解析:旅行是人们获得知识的重要的源泉。第一,在旅行中学习知识更加有趣,真实,印象深刻。例如,我去过很多历史古迹,名山大川,亲自聆听导游的讲解,亲眼见证历史文物,激发了我的学习兴趣,开拓了我的视野,拓宽了我的知识面。第二,我们可以从阅读中学习历史,间接地欣赏美景,但是,旅行中接触当地文化,了解民俗,增长见识是书本阅读无法比拟的。 作者介绍: 专栏作家:薛鹏,吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 ,前长春功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员。 爱生活,爱运动,爱音乐电影,爱旅行美食,爱读书摄影,更爱英语教学。20岁登上英语讲台,主讲英语万词速记课程。熟悉GRE、TOEFL、SAT、TEM、CET等各级别词汇教学。 大一时即在报刊杂志上主持英语学习系列谈以及薛鹏教你学单词等专栏。2006年获得外研社/朗文杯新概念背诵大赛吉林省赛区大学成人组冠军,全国总决赛大学成人组二等奖。 对于各类写作课程有精深研究,授课方式行云流水,妙语连珠,知识底蕴深厚,对学员极具有启迪性和激励性。 教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
1. School children are feeling great pressure from their studies, especially in that they often spend a long time doing their homework. Therefore many of them do not have enough time to play sports, pursue hobbies, and enjoy themselves. What is your opinion of your issue? 题目解析:pursue 追求 薛鹏点评:本文讨论的是孩子学习压力大的原因以及影响,再提出解决策略。 写作解析:劳逸结合;发展爱好;家庭旅行。 2. It is now very popular for high school or college students who have full-time courses to do some part-time jobs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time. 薛鹏点评:本文讨论的是学生兼职的利弊,应该熟悉利弊讨论写法。 文章解析:利好:积累工作经验;经济独立;性格成长;成熟心态。弊端:耽误学习;浪费时间;可能被欺骗和剥削。 3. In recent decades, there have been an increasing number of interracial marriages around the world. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of marrying people from other countries or races. 题目解析:decade 十年;interracial 种族和种族之间的 薛鹏点评:利弊讨论的写法,主题异族通婚。 文章解析:利好:名族融合;学习异族文化。弊端:不同的名族文化带来潜在的婚姻矛盾;文化侵略,很多少数民族的文化被强势文化同化掉。 4. There are a lot of professions in the modern society, including policeman, doctor, farmer, manager, lawyer, scientist, artist, and teacher. Which profession do you think should receive the highest salary? Give your reasons. 薛鹏点评:所有职业都有高薪的理由,但是,按照题目要求只能支持一种职业。 文章解析:作家立场:医生应该获得最高薪,因为医生工作辛苦,压力大。例如:很多医生较少有休息时间,无暇照顾家人。医生职业风险大,教育投资多,周期长,高薪是保障,是对于辛苦付出的回报。医生帮助病人缓解病痛,和谐家庭,稳定社会。 5. Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspaper, magazine, television, radio, and even the Internet, are publishing stories of peoples private lives. Should this practice be banned? Give your reasons. 题目解析:ban v禁止;story n报道 薛鹏点评:社会类话题热点,资讯中文体明星的报道过多,很多报道仅仅是耸人听闻,仅仅为了博取关注。 文章解析:不应该过度报道和关注明星隐私,本文写作的是狗仔队曝光明星隐私的弊端和解决策略,需要例证和细节的展开。 6. In modern society, there has been a growing trend that people prefer to have fast food instead of cooking for themselves. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of easting fast food. 薛鹏点评:人们更多依赖快餐的利弊: 文章解析:吃太多的快餐是弊大于利。弊端的展开:第一,因为快餐含有糖分,脂肪,热量。第二,失去了家庭烹饪和家庭团聚的乐趣。第三,对比快餐,传统食物的营养价值高。利好的展开:第一,满足了人们快节奏的生活需求,尤其是早餐和午餐适应了学生和职员的需求。第二,偶尔享受快餐也是一种美食体验。 7. In many countries, young people are required to do military service for a whole year. What are the benefits of this practice? In countries there is no military service, should the government organize young people to do some community jobs? Give examples and your own experience. 文章解析:do military service 服兵役;do some community job 做社区服务 薛鹏点评:本文需要论证服兵役对于个人和国家利好。建议支持年轻人做社区服务。论据应该谈及社区服务对于个人,社区,国家的利好。 文章解析:培养人的爱心,积累相关的工作经验;具体帮助社区;培养了更多的有社会责任感的好公民。 8. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job satisfaction, working hours, and the opportunity to travel are more important. Discuss both arguments and give your opinion. 薛鹏点评: 题目指令是谈及一份理想工作的标准。 文章解析:主题观点:高薪,工作强度,旅行机会都是重要条件,但是最重要的是职业兴趣,职业满足感,例证展开,我是医生,我热爱我的职业, 因此兴趣和事业的结合是人生的成功。 9. Nowadays, people often feel great pressure from their jobs. What measures can employers as well as employees take to reduce the work-related stress? Give examples and your own experience. 薛鹏点评: 典型的分析问题和解决问题的提问。主题是如何帮助职员缓解压力。 文章解析:企业主应该理性安排工作时间,建立弹性工作制,应该提供带薪假期,带薪旅行的机会,这是企业管理的有效方式,可以增强员工的归属感,提高员工的工作效率。同时,对于事业心强的员工而言,他们应该转换意识,劳逸结合。 10. Many parents complain that the computer games have no value to their childrens studies. On the contrary, those on-line games have produced a lot of negative effects on their mental and physical development. What is your opinion? Give examples and your own experience. 薛鹏点评: 网络游戏对于孩子的利弊影响。 文章解析: 主题观点:网络游戏弊大于利。第一,沉迷于网络游戏有害健康,例如近视,肥胖,久坐的生活方式。第二,网络游戏上瘾,浪费时间,耽误学习。第三,不良的网络游戏含有暴力色情等信息,毒害孩子纯净的心灵,诱发暴力冲动,误导人生观。我的立场是应该加强传播审查,父母应该限制孩子的游戏时间。 薛鹏解析:题目论据可以写作青少年犯罪的原因。 11. Nowadays there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to pursue the career of teacher. What are the causes of this phenomenon? What can government do to encourage people to work in this profession? 题目解析:this phenomenon 这种现象 薛鹏点评:文本讨论的是人们不愿意选择教师职业的原因,以及如果鼓励人们选择教师职业。 文章解析:原因展开:薪水福利远非令人满意,社会尊敬程度不足,职业发展前景对比其他行业没有吸引力。解决策略:提高薪水福利,降低师范学院的费用以及入学条件,号召人们尊师重教。 12. In modern education, a lot of homework makes school children feel very stressful. Some people say the amount of homework should be reduced so that they can have more time to learn other useful skills. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons and use your own experience and examples. 薛鹏点评:在学生减负的背景下,我们鼓励技能教育不是学术教育。 文章解析:作家立场:支持学习实用性技能,谈及实用性技能对于个人和未来的职业选择的利好。细节即为:人际沟通技巧,好口才;驾驶技能,烹饪技能等。 13. Nowadays, school children are given too much free time. Some people think that this time should be used for schoolwork. Discuss how children should spend their free time. Give your reasons and examples. 薛鹏点评:父母对于孩子的教育的主题、 文章解析:作家立场:孩子们空闲时间不应该再分配给学业,锻炼身体,培养爱好,家庭旅行等是更加值得推荐的方法,例证和细节展开。 薛鹏点评:题目融会贯通写作年轻人不快乐的原因和解决;年轻人压力大的原因和解决。 14. Some people believe that pet animals such as cats and dogs cannot be kept in the cities, especially in busy modern cities. Do you agree or disagree? 薛鹏点评:支持城市不应该养宠物。 文章解析:第一,宠物的排泄物传染疾病,例如家养宠物脱落的皮毛容易诱发很多过敏性疾病。第二,大型宠物犬容易吓坏社区的小朋友。第三,如果忽视防疫,宠物可能导致狂犬病。 15. Nowadays, teenagers cause a lot of social problems due to lack of discipline. Some people think that parents should spend more time staying with their children. Do you agree or disagree? 薛鹏点评:支持父母应该花更多的时间和孩子在一起。 文章解析:成长中的年轻人面对很多烦恼,如果缺乏引导和教育,容易引发很多社会问题,例如少年犯罪。因此,父母应该加强和子女的交流交往,加强教育指导,这可以增强家庭纽带。具体例证:家庭聚餐,家庭旅行,家庭出游。数据支持:在西方国家,父母有时间,就会和孩子出游和旅行。
16. Some people think if students want to learn a foreign language, it is advisable for them to learn it in the native countries where the language is actually spoken. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons. 文章解析:作家立场是支持孩子去外国学习外语。第一,很多父母会送孩子参加国外的英语夏令营,孩子们有语言环境,进步很快,因为他们模仿力强,可塑性强。第二,孩子出国学习外语容易激发他们外语学习的积极性,开发他们的语言潜能,例证展开。 17. In some countries, there are women taking the positions of police officers, while some people believe that women are not suitable to work in the police force. DO you agree or disagree? Write your reasons and give examples in your experience. 薛鹏点评:A类和G类通用考题,女性是否应该从军从警。 作家立场:我基本上不支持女性从事军警行业。第一,女性从警,对比男性,职业晋升的机会很小。第二,女性的身体条件的局限性使得她们不适合做刑侦这样压力大风险高的工作。 18. Some people say money is very useful in bringing us happiness, but others argue that it is useless in terms of providing happiness. Discuss both views and give your own opinion and reasons. 薛鹏点评:G类和A类重合题目。焦点是财富是否是幸福的源泉。 文章解析:作家立场:支持财富是幸福的重要的源泉。第一,财富可以提高生活质量,例如,美食,豪宅,旅行。第二,财富是社会资源的象征,财富赢得他人的尊敬和羡慕,所以,财富是幸福的源泉。第三,财富可以帮助人实现诸多梦想,例如升入名校,买喜欢的东西,因此,财富是幸福的源泉。 19. Some parents think the childrens leisure time should be more educational, but others argue this will exert too much pressure on children. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion and reasons. 薛鹏点评:如何合理安排孩子的空闲时间的话题。 文章解析:作家立场:孩子们的空闲时间应该是以休闲娱乐为主,不应该从事以教育为目的活动。第一,孩子学业负担已经很重,休闲时光应该是劳逸结合为主。第二,对比以学习为目的的活动,家庭旅行,发展爱好,体育运动更加值得推荐。 20. More and more people choose to get married in their thirties or even forties, and they often give birth to fewer children than their parents and grandparents. What is the reason for this social phenomenon? Do you think it is a good or bad development? 薛鹏点评:评论晚婚晚育。 作家立场:支持晚育,支持生育较少的子女。第一,父母晚育,经济基础雄厚,为孩子提供良好的物质条件,同时,父母心智成熟,教育孩子方法得当。第二,支持生育较少的孩子,因为,可以集中精力培养孩子,同时,经济负担较轻,父母可以享受高质量的生活,也有精力发展事业。 21. Some people say that in ones teens, a person can enjoy more happiness because adults have too many responsibilities, while others think adults are more likely to have their happy times. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 题目解析:in ones teens 在人十几岁的时候 薛鹏点评:孩子和成人谁更加快乐的话题。 文章解析:作家立场:支持少年人快乐多。第一,小小少年,很少烦恼,少年人比较单纯,欲望较少,因此快乐的源泉较多,例证展开。第二,成人的责任感更强,欲望较多,思虑较多,因此快乐的源泉较少,例证展开。 22.Some people think that private schools should not be allowed because they provide some students unfair advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 薛鹏点评:讨论的是私立学校的利弊: 文章解析:作家立场:支持私立学校的存在。第一,私立学校提供了量体裁衣的精英教育,适合特殊的群体,例如企业家,文体明星,政客的子女。第二,私立学校和公立学校的竞争有助于教育的健康发展。第三,私立学校从师资力量,教学设施,课程设计方面有优势,可以为国家培养顶尖的精英人才。 23. In order to improve students chances of finding a decent job, secondary schools should spend less time teaching traditional subjects, such as history. Instead, they should devote more time to communicational skills and business. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons. 薛鹏点评:让步反驳的写法,应该支持学习历史。 文章解析:中学生应该学习历史课程,第一,历史学习本身的利好:学习前人的经验教训,增强人的文化底蕴,成熟人的心态,例证展开。第二,历史学习本身的利好:培养人的分析性思维,辩证思维,理性思维的能力,使学生们可以自我反思,独立思考,例证展开。第三,交流技能和商业技能固然是重要的,但是他们可以在工作中学习。 24. Some people think that anyone can be a good teacher with suitable training, while others argue that there are certain requirements that cannot be achieved just by training. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion and some relevant examples. 薛鹏点评:类似勤奋和天赋哪个更加重要的主题。 文章解析:作家立场:支持任何孩子可以通过培养成为好老师。第一,教育应该基于如下理念:任何人无论天赋如何,都可以通过指导性的训练和个人的努力成为一个领域的专家,包括优秀的教育者。第二,能力是可以培养的,兴趣是可以激发的,教育经验是可以积累的,因此,优秀教师是可以培养的,例证展开。第三,如果一个人有成为优秀教师的梦想,仅仅是因为天赋不足就放弃对其的培养,是教育者的失败,是教育的不公正。 25. Some people say that they can learn a wide range of knowledge from their traveling experience, while others think there is little to be learned from their tours. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 薛鹏点评:争议焦点是旅行是否是人们获得知识的源泉。 文章解析:旅行是人们获得知识的重要的源泉。第一,在旅行中学习知识更加有趣,真实,印象深刻。例如,我去过很多历史古迹,名山大川,亲自聆听导游的讲解,亲眼见证历史文物,激发了我的学习兴趣,开拓了我的视野,拓宽了我的知识面。第二,我们可以从阅读中学习历史,间接地欣赏美景,但是,旅行中接触当地文化,了解民俗,增长见识是书本阅读无法比拟的。 作者介绍: 专栏作家:薛鹏,吉林大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士。17年英语教学经验 ,前长春功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员。 爱生活,爱运动,爱音乐电影,爱旅行美食,爱读书摄影,更爱英语教学。20岁登上英语讲台,主讲英语万词速记课程。熟悉GRE、TOEFL、SAT、TEM、CET等各级别词汇教学。 大一时即在报刊杂志上主持英语学习系列谈以及薛鹏教你学单词等专栏。2006年获得外研社/朗文杯新概念背诵大赛吉林省赛区大学成人组冠军,全国总决赛大学成人组二等奖。 对于各类写作课程有精深研究,授课方式行云流水,妙语连珠,知识底蕴深厚,对学员极具有启迪性和激励性。 教学理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.