雅思口语Part Two 25题核心卡片来自长春以及全国各城市10月的现场回忆整理,为60张口语卡片最核心的题目,最高频的热题,建议准备个性口语答语。 1. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome. 点评:藏地旅行时遇到的导游;我喜欢的演员;我喜欢的运动员等。 2. Describe a person you know who has an interesting job. 点评:旅行美食家。 3. Describe a foreign celebrity / famous foreigner you would like to meet./ a person you would like to meet who is not from your country. 点评:NBA球星林书豪;小皇帝;外国演员;外国企业家等。 4. Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager. 点评:我年少时看到介绍旅行家保罗的电视节目,因此梦想成为职业的旅行美食作家。 5. Describe a sports person who did well in the match. / a sport star you like. 点评:NBA球星林书豪;小皇帝;科比;杜兰特等。 6. Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know. 点评:手机软件百度地图,手机软件懒人听书;手机软件酷我音乐。 7. Describe something that you have shared with others. 和他人分享的东西 点评:旅行照片;旅行经历 8. Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives. 点评:好友在外国留学,生日来临,我亲手制作中国结送给好友。 9. Describe a book you read recently. 点评:老人与海:答语亦可回答描述喜欢的电影;描述真实的电影人物。其他电影可以按照喜欢自由选择。 10. Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home. / describe a home that you would like to live in. 点评:我去三亚海边度假酒店旅居一段时光,喜欢三亚,喜欢大海,梦想在海边拥有海景房。 11. Describe a city that you have visited . 点评:西藏旅行;海边青岛,美丽三亚,小城清迈等。 12. Describe the first foreign country you want to go. 点评:想去的国家:泰国;美国;英国;澳大利亚等。 13. Describe a situation when you received some useful advice. 点评:角度较冷。思路拓展:我听了一场讲座;旅行家小鹏做的,建议我们趁着年轻去旅行。我因此想去西藏,泰国,九寨沟开拓视野,丰富人生阅历。 14. Describe a family celebration you have attended / wedding. 定评:我参加姐姐的三亚海边婚礼。 15. Describe an occasion that you waited for someone. 点评:类似于迟到的经历。面试迟到,约会迟到;会议迟到,旅行中集合是团友因为帮助他人而迟到。 16. Describe an occasion you helped your neighbor. 点评:长春热题卡片,我的邻居小鹏渴望去西藏旅行,我去过西藏,给他收集了旅行的路书,给予他一些有用的建议,借给他我的佳能相机。 17. Describe something your friend did that you admire. / describe one of your friends success that you are proud of. 点评:我的同学小鹏哥一个人去了西藏旅行,我们都有这个梦想,但是他锻炼身体,读相关的书籍,去肯德基做兼职,做好了准备,成功地实现了一个人游览西藏的梦。 18. Describe something you did with a group of people./ a group activity you took part in 点评:和朋友一起玩的网络游戏;和朋友们一起做了一次社区服务。 19. Describe a project that you were once involved in 点评:小组试验;水煮青蛙。英语翻译的小组作业,我们一起讨论,收集资料,一起汇总,一起修改。 20. Describe an interesting conversation you had with other people. 点评:我和朋友去西藏旅行,途中遇到摄影发烧友,旅行爱好者。他分享了旅行心得,太有意思了。 21. Describe a problem with an equipment that you cant solve. 点评:设备出现了问题,你自己无法解决。和朋友们去西藏旅行,我的佳能相机坏了,无法打开,很焦虑,找人专业修理人员,镜头坏了,所以我买来新的,因为西藏太美了。 22. Describe an important job in your country. 点评:国家重要的工作:保护野生工作;保护环境;打击犯罪;解决大学生择业难等。 23. Describe a useful / good law in your country. 点评:大学生在校结婚,保护野生动物等。 24. A magazine that you like to read. 点评:我喜欢阅读看天下,利好可以从教育,信息,娱乐等角度展开。 25. Your first phone. 点评:我的第一部手机是联想手机,是爸爸送我的生日礼物,陪伴我很多年,手机各项功能给我的生活带来便利和欢乐。
雅思口语Part Two 25题核心卡片来自长春以及全国各城市10月的现场回忆整理,为60张口语卡片最核心的题目,最高频的热题,建议准备个性口语答语。 1. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome. 点评:藏地旅行时遇到的导游;我喜欢的演员;我喜欢的运动员等。 2. Describe a person you know who has an interesting job. 点评:旅行美食家。 3. Describe a foreign celebrity / famous foreigner you would like to meet./ a person you would like to meet who is not from your country. 点评:NBA球星林书豪;小皇帝;外国演员;外国企业家等。 4. Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager. 点评:我年少时看到介绍旅行家保罗的电视节目,因此梦想成为职业的旅行美食作家。 5. Describe a sports person who did well in the match. / a sport star you like. 点评:NBA球星林书豪;小皇帝;科比;杜兰特等。 6. Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know. 点评:手机软件百度地图,手机软件懒人听书;手机软件酷我音乐。 7. Describe something that you have shared with others. 和他人分享的东西 点评:旅行照片;旅行经历 8. Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives. 点评:好友在外国留学,生日来临,我亲手制作中国结送给好友。 9. Describe a book you read recently. 点评:老人与海:答语亦可回答描述喜欢的电影;描述真实的电影人物。其他电影可以按照喜欢自由选择。 10. Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home. / describe a home that you would like to live in. 点评:我去三亚海边度假酒店旅居一段时光,喜欢三亚,喜欢大海,梦想在海边拥有海景房。 11. Describe a city that you have visited . 点评:西藏旅行;海边青岛,美丽三亚,小城清迈等。 12. Describe the first foreign country you want to go. 点评:想去的国家:泰国;美国;英国;澳大利亚等。 13. Describe a situation when you received some useful advice. 点评:角度较冷。思路拓展:我听了一场讲座;旅行家小鹏做的,建议我们趁着年轻去旅行。我因此想去西藏,泰国,九寨沟开拓视野,丰富人生阅历。 14. Describe a family celebration you have attended / wedding. 定评:我参加姐姐的三亚海边婚礼。 15. Describe an occasion that you waited for someone. 点评:类似于迟到的经历。面试迟到,约会迟到;会议迟到,旅行中集合是团友因为帮助他人而迟到。 16. Describe an occasion you helped your neighbor. 点评:长春热题卡片,我的邻居小鹏渴望去西藏旅行,我去过西藏,给他收集了旅行的路书,给予他一些有用的建议,借给他我的佳能相机。 17. Describe something your friend did that you admire. / describe one of your friends success that you are proud of. 点评:我的同学小鹏哥一个人去了西藏旅行,我们都有这个梦想,但是他锻炼身体,读相关的书籍,去肯德基做兼职,做好了准备,成功地实现了一个人游览西藏的梦。 18. Describe something you did with a group of people./ a group activity you took part in 点评:和朋友一起玩的网络游戏;和朋友们一起做了一次社区服务。 19. Describe a project that you were once involved in 点评:小组试验;水煮青蛙。英语翻译的小组作业,我们一起讨论,收集资料,一起汇总,一起修改。 20. Describe an interesting conversation you had with other people. 点评:我和朋友去西藏旅行,途中遇到摄影发烧友,旅行爱好者。他分享了旅行心得,太有意思了。 21. Describe a problem with an equipment that you cant solve. 点评:设备出现了问题,你自己无法解决。和朋友们去西藏旅行,我的佳能相机坏了,无法打开,很焦虑,找人专业修理人员,镜头坏了,所以我买来新的,因为西藏太美了。 22. Describe an important job in your country. 点评:国家重要的工作:保护野生工作;保护环境;打击犯罪;解决大学生择业难等。 23. Describe a useful / good law in your country. 点评:大学生在校结婚,保护野生动物等。 24. A magazine that you like to read. 点评:我喜欢阅读看天下,利好可以从教育,信息,娱乐等角度展开。 25. Your first phone. 点评:我的第一部手机是联想手机,是爸爸送我的生日礼物,陪伴我很多年,手机各项功能给我的生活带来便利和欢乐。