I am a undergraduate with Department of Chinese Language and Literature in Nangjing University.I am writing to express my interest in your resently advertised position for a secretary of staff office in your corporation.I would much grateful if you are so kind as to take my application into consideration.
sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Dear sir(因为不知道将会是男士还是女士,所以应该用Sir or Madam), I am a undergraduate with Department of Chinese Languageand Literature(in Chinese Language and Literature Department)in Nangjing(Nanjing) University. I am writing to express my interest in your resently(拼写错误,recently) advertised position for a secretary of staff office in your corporation. I would much grateful if you are so kind as to take my application into consideration. It is falling in with my previous training and strengthen(这里需要一个名词strength) to apply for the position of your company. firstly(f大写), I am(加补丁冠词a) young man who have cheerful personality and strong professional spirit. secondly(s大写), Relative(r小写)certificatons(拼写错误,certifications) like university graduation certification, computer degree qualification, ect(etc.) have been caquired(拼写错误,acquired). Please contact me via LingMing@126.com or call 1234567 to inform whether I will having(will后用动词原形) been invited .Looking forword(拼写错误,forward) to your reply. Thank you for your time and consideration. sincerely yours(一般用Yours sincerely,还是随大流比较好), Li Ming 点评:5-6分。第二段应该再写多一点内容,要让你自己有说服力。虽说是要简短,但是不能过于简短。
I am a undergraduate with Department of Chinese Language and Literature in Nangjing University.I am writing to express my interest in your resently advertised position for a secretary of staff office in your corporation.I would much grateful if you are so kind as to take my application into consideration.
sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Dear sir(因为不知道将会是男士还是女士,所以应该用Sir or Madam), I am a undergraduate with Department of Chinese Languageand Literature(in Chinese Language and Literature Department)in Nangjing(Nanjing) University. I am writing to express my interest in your resently(拼写错误,recently) advertised position for a secretary of staff office in your corporation. I would much grateful if you are so kind as to take my application into consideration. It is falling in with my previous training and strengthen(这里需要一个名词strength) to apply for the position of your company. firstly(f大写), I am(加补丁冠词a) young man who have cheerful personality and strong professional spirit. secondly(s大写), Relative(r小写)certificatons(拼写错误,certifications) like university graduation certification, computer degree qualification, ect(etc.) have been caquired(拼写错误,acquired). Please contact me via LingMing@126.com or call 1234567 to inform whether I will having(will后用动词原形) been invited .Looking forword(拼写错误,forward) to your reply. Thank you for your time and consideration. sincerely yours(一般用Yours sincerely,还是随大流比较好), Li Ming 点评:5-6分。第二段应该再写多一点内容,要让你自己有说服力。虽说是要简短,但是不能过于简短。