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Blade Runner 2049 《银翼杀手2049》


Ridley Scott’s original Blade Runner is, for many, the apex of cinematic cool: a dystopian sci-fi thriller set in the future that is shot like a film noir. Harrison Ford is back as Deckard, a cop who hunted down killer robots, in this sequel, set 30 years later – and now he’s joined by a younger police officer played by Ryan Gosling. Ford, one not given to demonstrative displays of excitement, has called Blade Runner 2049 the best script he’s ever read. And it’s directed by rising visionary Denis Villeneuve, who dazzled many with his alien first-contact drama Arrival, a film of stunning narrative depth and visual acuity that may have also gone over Academy Awards voters’ heads. His Blade Runner 2049 could do the same, and its box-office prospects could be limited because studio Warner Bros allowed it to have a restricted rating. But early reviews have been rhapsodic, with Indiewire’s Anne Thompson suggesting that Roger Deakins, the beloved cinematographer who’s never won an Academy Award, “may land his Oscar at last… stunningly beautiful.” Released 5 October in the UK, 6 October in the US and 12 October in South Korea. (Credit: Warner Bros)

对许多人来说,雷德利•斯科特执导的《银翼杀手》原作是有史以来最酷的电影之一,这部反乌托邦科幻惊悚片将故事背景设置在未来,拍摄方式类似黑色电影。原作男主扮演者哈里森•福特回归续集,在三十年后继续饰演追捕杀手机器人的警察迪卡德,但是他身边多了一个由瑞恩•高斯林饰演的年轻警察。哈里森•福特并不是个感情外露的人,但是他却表示《银翼杀手2049》的剧本是他看过最好的剧本。这部电影的导演丹尼斯•维伦纽瓦是导演界正在崛起的一颗新星,也是一个有远见的人。他执导的讲述外星人和人类初次接触的电影《降临》颇有深度的叙事手法和敏锐的视觉效果肯定让奥斯卡奖评委印象深刻。他执导的《银翼杀手2049》也可能同样让人震撼。不过,该片的票房预期有限,因为出品的华纳兄弟娱乐公司将该片定为限制级。然而,这部电影的先期评论十分火爆,《Indiewire》的安妮•汤姆森指出,广受喜爱却从未获得过奥斯卡奖的电影摄影师罗杰•狄金斯“有可能会凭借此片终于摘得奥斯卡奖……画面实在是美呆了”。该电影于10月5日在英国上映,10月6日在美国上映,10月12日在韩国上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:本片发生在前作30年后,新的银翼杀手、瑞恩•高斯林饰演的洛杉矶警察K发现一个足以颠覆社会的惊天秘密,这个发现让他开始寻找已经消失匿迹30年的前银翼杀手瑞克•戴克(哈里森•福特饰)。

The Snowman 《雪人》


‘Scandi noir’ is thriving on television but may have cooled for Hollywood studios a bit after David Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo failed to become a franchise. However Universal believes in the cinematic appeal of the series about Detective Harry Hole by Norwegian author Jo Nesbø. Michael Fassbender steps into the shoes of this ace investigator, who is called upon to solve a murder that occurred during the first snow of winter which may be connected to decades-old cold cases. Released 13 October in the UK and Norway, 20 October in the US and 26 October in Israel. (Credit: Universal Pictures)

北欧推理悬疑题材拍成电视剧很受欢迎,但是自从大卫•芬奇的电影《龙纹身的女孩》续集计划失败后,好莱坞工作室对这种题材的热情就降温了。然而,环球影业公司依然对挪威作家尤•奈斯博系列小说的男主人公哈里•霍尔侦探的荧屏魅力充满信心。由迈克尔•法斯宾德扮演的哈里侦探受人之托去破解一宗寒冬初雪时节发生的谋杀案,这宗谋杀案可能和积压数十年之久的多宗冬日旧案有关。这部电影于10月13日在英国和挪威上映,10月20日在美国上映,10月26日在以色列上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:《雪人》根据挪威作家Jo Nesbo在2007年出版的同名畅销小说改编,这部书是他以奥斯陆侦探哈里(Harry Hole)为主角创作的第七本小说。故事主要讲述哈里在调查一位年轻妈妈失踪案件的时候,发现受害人院子里出现了一个神秘的雪人,而且它脖子上还围着这家孩子送给妈妈做圣诞礼物的粉红围巾。由此,哈里挖出了一系列有着相同情况的陈年旧案,一个总爱在落下第一场雪时作案的连环杀人犯浮出了水面……

The Foreigner 《英伦对决》


At the age of 63, Jackie Chan has largely put his virtuosic stunts and balletic fight choreography behind him. But he is venturing into the revenge-thriller territory most recently occupied by Liam Neeson in the Taken franchise, with The Foreigner. Martin Campbell’s drama follows Chan as an immigrant to the UK whose daughter is killed in a terrorist attack – and vows to get payback. On his quest for bloody satisfaction he encounters odd bureaucratic resistance from a political figure played by Pierce Brosnan, who Campbell previously directed in his first 007 outing, GoldenEye. Campbell’s sensibility for action is always impressive, but it’ll be interesting to see if he can elicit brooding intensity from Chan, whose acting throughout his career has often drifted toward the comic, becoming a kind of contemporary Buster Keaton. If he can deliver a performance suited for a nuanced drama, it’ll be a stunning reinvention. Released 12 October in Australia and Russia and 13 October in the US and Turkey. (Credit: STX Entertainment)

在63岁这年,成龙已将武术特技和花式打斗抛在身后。不过,他接拍了复仇惊悚片《英伦对决》,向连姆•尼森的《飓风营救》系列发起了挑战。在马丁•坎贝尔导演的这部电影中,成龙饰演一个生活在英国的移民,他的女儿在一次恐怖袭击中丧生,而他发誓要为女儿报仇。在他寻找复仇机会的时候,意外受到了皮尔斯•布鲁斯南饰演的官员的阻拦。布鲁斯南曾出演过坎贝尔执导的第一部007电影《黄金眼》。坎贝尔对动作的敏感一直是让人叹服的,但是让人感兴趣的是,他能否激发出成龙体内蕴藏的那股力量。成龙在其演艺生涯中拍的武打戏通常都带有喜剧元素,堪称现代的巴斯特•基顿。如果成龙这次能够演绎出人物微妙的情感,那将是一次惊人的转型。本片于10月12日在澳大利亚和俄罗斯上映,于10月13日在美国和土耳其上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:关玉明(成龙饰)年轻时打过越战,当过特种兵。但如今,他敛尽锋芒,在英国伦敦唐人街开了一家小餐馆,与女儿(梁佩诗 饰)相依为命。在一次恐怖袭击中,女儿不幸遇难。英国有关部门的不作为更使他悲愤莫名,这时,关键人物汉尼斯(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南饰)出现在他的视野之中,担任政府高官的他当年曾与恐怖分子有千丝万缕联系。曾经在战争中出生入死的经验,让关玉明敏锐地察觉,汉尼斯手中一定有此次恐怖袭击的资料。于是,关玉明几次登门请求汉尼斯为自己提供线索,但遭到汉尼斯的拒绝。万念俱灰的关玉明决定用自己的方式为女儿报仇雪恨。为此,他拒绝了爱人林宝怡(刘涛饰)的挽留,独自踏上向恐怖组织以牙还牙以血还血的复仇之路。但他并不知道的是,一个错综复杂的大阴谋正在他面前徐徐展开……

Wonderstruck 《寂静中的惊奇》


As the man behind Velvet Goldmine, Far From Heaven, I’m Not There and Carol, Todd Haynes is not a film-maker you’d ever expect to direct a movie for children. But that’s just what he’s done with Wonderstruck, an adaptation of Brian Selznick’s 2011 novel of the same name. It follows two children, one who lives in 1927, the other in 1977, their respective journeys of self-discovery and the mysterious connections between them. Appearances from Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams suggest that Wonderstruck is a movie that should appeal as much to adults as kids, however. Opening 20 October in the US and 26 October in China's Hong Kong and Singapore (Credit: Amazon Studios)

在托德•海因斯导演了《天鹅绒金矿》、《远离天堂》、《我不在那儿》和《卡罗尔》这些电影后,你可能想不到他还会导演儿童电影。然而他导演的《寂静中的惊奇》就是一部儿童电影,改编自布莱恩•瑟兹尼克2011年的同名小说。这部电影讲述了两个生活在不同年代的小孩自我发现的旅程,以及两人之间的神秘联系。其中一个小孩生活在1927年,另一个生活在1977年。朱丽安•摩尔和米歇尔•威廉姆斯的加盟使得这部电影对成年人也同样有吸引力。这部电影于10月20日在美国首映,10月26日在中国香港和新加坡上映。(资料The Death of Stalin 《斯大林之死》


Armando Iannucci’s In the Loop is one of the most celebrated political satires of all time – it even made BBC Culture’s 100 greatest comedies list – and his TV work, such as The Thick of It and Veep are showered with awards. (Julia-Louis Dreyfuss just won her sixth Emmy in a row as the star of Veep, an unprecedented streak.) But now Iannucci’s turning his biting wit away from the present moment and back to the USSR in 1953, right at the moment that a mad scramble for power consumed the highest ranks of the Soviet government following the demise of Stalin. Steve Buscemi plays the man who would ultimately win the game, Nikita Khrushchev, with Jason Isaacs as the great World WarII hero Georgy Zhukov, Jeffrey Tambor as Stalin’s brief successor Malenkov, and Andrea Riseborough as Stalin’s daughter Svetlana. Released 20 October in the UK and Ireland and 26 October in Hungary. (Credit: IFC Films)

阿尔曼多•伊安努奇导演的《灵通人士》是有史以来最著名的政治讽刺电影。该电影甚至还入选BBC文化100部最伟大的喜剧电影。伊安努奇的电视作品,比如《幕后危机》和《副总统》也是得奖无数。(作为《副总统》主演,茱莉亚•路易斯•德瑞弗斯已经连续第六次获得艾美奖,这是史无前例的。)如今,伊安努奇将他的辛辣幽默从现代转投到1953年的苏联,当时斯大林刚刚去世,苏联的政府高官正在疯狂争夺权力。史蒂夫•布西密饰演最终胜出的人——赫鲁晓夫,而詹森•艾萨克饰演二战的伟大英雄格奥尔基•朱可夫,杰弗里•塔伯饰演斯大林短暂的继任者马林科夫,安德丽亚•瑞斯波罗格饰演斯大林的女儿斯维特兰娜。这部电影于10月20日在英国和爱尔兰上映,于10月26日在匈牙利上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:斯大林是苏联历史上在位时间最长的最高领导人(1924—1953),在他的铁腕统治之下,苏联成为与美国相抗衡的超级大国。关于他的死一直存在各种阴谋论,官方给出的结论是中风导致的自然死亡,但也有人坚信他是被投毒害死的,而凶手就是克格勃(苏联情报机构)头子贝利亚。斯大林死后,苏联一度陷入群龙无首的状态,高层的政治斗争异常激烈。最终赫鲁晓夫等人扳倒了当时苏联实际上的二号人物——贝利亚。斯大林去世几个月后,贝利亚被作为西方间谍处以死刑。

Loving Vincent 《至爱梵高》


It’s a miracle that Loving Vincent even exists. Made over several years – BBC Culture first wrote about it in October 2024, it’s a film in which every single frame, some 65,000, has been created by hand as oil paintings. Polish directors Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman felt this was the best way to capture the dreamy essence of Vincent van Gogh’s life and work – particularly during the stormy final months of his life, as he battled mental illness and hurtled toward suicide. Most of the images recreate or evoke well-known Van Gogh paintings, and since so many of his paintings were of portraits, Kobiela and Welchman structured their film via a series of interviews, in which the subjects who sat for Van Gogh, such as Postman Roulin and Dr Gachet, recall their relationship to the artist and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. The directors brought in 115 oil painters, specially retrained to gear their technique for animation, to create the paintings that would make up the movie – each would take about 40 minutes to complete. Released 6 October in Canada, 13 October in the UK and Ireland and 20 October in Finland and Sweden (Credit: Good Deed Entertainment)

《至爱梵高》这部电影的存在本身就是个奇迹。这部电影制作了数年,BBC文化2024年10月首次提到这部电影时称,这部电影中的每一幅油画(总共有65000幅)都是手工绘制的。波兰导演多洛塔•科别拉和休•韦尔什曼认为这是捕捉梵高生活和工作梦幻精华的最好的方式,尤其是在梵高生命最后狂风骤雨的几个月,在他和精神疾病作斗争,逐渐走向自杀的时候。大多数这些油画或是再现梵高名画,或是唤起人们对梵高名画的记忆。因为梵高的许多画都是肖像画,多洛塔•科别拉和休•韦尔什曼在电影中还穿插了一系列访谈,采访对象包括梵高的模特,如邮差鲁林和加歇医生。他们都会在电影中回忆自己和梵高的关系,以及和梵高死亡有关的神秘情形。两位导演聘请了115名油画师来创作这部电影中的油画,他们都经过特别训练,学习用动画技术来创作油画——完成一幅油画大概需要40分钟。这部电影于10月6日在加拿大上映,于10月13日在英国和爱尔兰上映,10月20日在芬兰和瑞典上映。(资料The Party 《酒会》


Pray you never get an invitation to a dinner soiree like this one. “A comedy of tragic proportions” is the tagline of The Party, a new film by Sally Potter, the visionary British auteur behind Orlando and The Tango Lesson. Kristin Scott Thomas decides to celebrate her appointment as Shadow Minister of Health with a few close friends, and absolute disaster ensues. Which is a shame because the guest-list is impeccable: Cillian Murphy, Cherry Jones, Patricia Clarkson, Emily Mortimer, Timothy Spall, Bruno Ganz. If these same actors were staging this as a play on Broadway or the West End they’d need a wheelbarrow to collect all their theatre awards – as it’s a small independent film it will struggle to get much distribution in cinemas at all. Such is the reality for bracing works of art geared for grown-ups. Perhaps its marketing should stress the fact it’s only 71 minutes? Released 12 October in Denmark and 13 October in the UK (Credit: Picturehouse Entertainment)

你应该祈祷,自己永远不要被邀请去参加这样的社交晚宴。莎莉•波特导演的这部新电影的宣传语是“一部有着悲剧成分的喜剧”。波特是一位有远见的英国电影导演,曾导演过《美丽佳人欧兰朵》和《探戈课》。克里斯汀•斯科特•托马斯饰演的女主角决定和几个好友一起庆祝自己当上卫生部的影子部长,然而接下来发生的却是彻头彻尾的悲剧。这真叫人可惜,因为宾客名单上的人是那么完美:基里安•墨菲、切莉•琼斯、派翠西娅•克拉克森、艾米莉•莫迪默、蒂莫西•斯波、布鲁诺•甘茨。如果这些演员齐聚到百老汇或伦敦西区上演这部剧,那么收获的戏剧奖得用手推车才装得下。然而这只是一部小制作独立电影,因此在电影院得不到多少排片。这就是成人清新文艺片要面对的现实。也许宣传的时候应该强调这部片只有71分钟?这部电影于10月12日在丹麦上映,10月13日在英国上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:一部以喜剧外壳包装的悲剧作品,故事发生在现代伦敦的一栋房子中。珍妮特为了庆祝自己荣升为卫生部的影子部长,叫来自己的密友组织了一次聚会。然而,她的丈夫比尔却对此有些不乐意。不久后,朋友们纷至沓来,大家都互相分享着生活近况,酒会顺利进行着。然而愉快的聚会气氛突然被比尔的一阵发言所打破,顿时这个充满爆炸性的夜晚就像是踏上了一条颠簸不平的道路,他们必须系好安全带才能获救。


Blade Runner 2049 《银翼杀手2049》


Ridley Scott’s original Blade Runner is, for many, the apex of cinematic cool: a dystopian sci-fi thriller set in the future that is shot like a film noir. Harrison Ford is back as Deckard, a cop who hunted down killer robots, in this sequel, set 30 years later – and now he’s joined by a younger police officer played by Ryan Gosling. Ford, one not given to demonstrative displays of excitement, has called Blade Runner 2049 the best script he’s ever read. And it’s directed by rising visionary Denis Villeneuve, who dazzled many with his alien first-contact drama Arrival, a film of stunning narrative depth and visual acuity that may have also gone over Academy Awards voters’ heads. His Blade Runner 2049 could do the same, and its box-office prospects could be limited because studio Warner Bros allowed it to have a restricted rating. But early reviews have been rhapsodic, with Indiewire’s Anne Thompson suggesting that Roger Deakins, the beloved cinematographer who’s never won an Academy Award, “may land his Oscar at last… stunningly beautiful.” Released 5 October in the UK, 6 October in the US and 12 October in South Korea. (Credit: Warner Bros)

对许多人来说,雷德利•斯科特执导的《银翼杀手》原作是有史以来最酷的电影之一,这部反乌托邦科幻惊悚片将故事背景设置在未来,拍摄方式类似黑色电影。原作男主扮演者哈里森•福特回归续集,在三十年后继续饰演追捕杀手机器人的警察迪卡德,但是他身边多了一个由瑞恩•高斯林饰演的年轻警察。哈里森•福特并不是个感情外露的人,但是他却表示《银翼杀手2049》的剧本是他看过最好的剧本。这部电影的导演丹尼斯•维伦纽瓦是导演界正在崛起的一颗新星,也是一个有远见的人。他执导的讲述外星人和人类初次接触的电影《降临》颇有深度的叙事手法和敏锐的视觉效果肯定让奥斯卡奖评委印象深刻。他执导的《银翼杀手2049》也可能同样让人震撼。不过,该片的票房预期有限,因为出品的华纳兄弟娱乐公司将该片定为限制级。然而,这部电影的先期评论十分火爆,《Indiewire》的安妮•汤姆森指出,广受喜爱却从未获得过奥斯卡奖的电影摄影师罗杰•狄金斯“有可能会凭借此片终于摘得奥斯卡奖……画面实在是美呆了”。该电影于10月5日在英国上映,10月6日在美国上映,10月12日在韩国上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:本片发生在前作30年后,新的银翼杀手、瑞恩•高斯林饰演的洛杉矶警察K发现一个足以颠覆社会的惊天秘密,这个发现让他开始寻找已经消失匿迹30年的前银翼杀手瑞克•戴克(哈里森•福特饰)。

The Snowman 《雪人》


‘Scandi noir’ is thriving on television but may have cooled for Hollywood studios a bit after David Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo failed to become a franchise. However Universal believes in the cinematic appeal of the series about Detective Harry Hole by Norwegian author Jo Nesbø. Michael Fassbender steps into the shoes of this ace investigator, who is called upon to solve a murder that occurred during the first snow of winter which may be connected to decades-old cold cases. Released 13 October in the UK and Norway, 20 October in the US and 26 October in Israel. (Credit: Universal Pictures)

北欧推理悬疑题材拍成电视剧很受欢迎,但是自从大卫•芬奇的电影《龙纹身的女孩》续集计划失败后,好莱坞工作室对这种题材的热情就降温了。然而,环球影业公司依然对挪威作家尤•奈斯博系列小说的男主人公哈里•霍尔侦探的荧屏魅力充满信心。由迈克尔•法斯宾德扮演的哈里侦探受人之托去破解一宗寒冬初雪时节发生的谋杀案,这宗谋杀案可能和积压数十年之久的多宗冬日旧案有关。这部电影于10月13日在英国和挪威上映,10月20日在美国上映,10月26日在以色列上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:《雪人》根据挪威作家Jo Nesbo在2007年出版的同名畅销小说改编,这部书是他以奥斯陆侦探哈里(Harry Hole)为主角创作的第七本小说。故事主要讲述哈里在调查一位年轻妈妈失踪案件的时候,发现受害人院子里出现了一个神秘的雪人,而且它脖子上还围着这家孩子送给妈妈做圣诞礼物的粉红围巾。由此,哈里挖出了一系列有着相同情况的陈年旧案,一个总爱在落下第一场雪时作案的连环杀人犯浮出了水面……

The Foreigner 《英伦对决》


At the age of 63, Jackie Chan has largely put his virtuosic stunts and balletic fight choreography behind him. But he is venturing into the revenge-thriller territory most recently occupied by Liam Neeson in the Taken franchise, with The Foreigner. Martin Campbell’s drama follows Chan as an immigrant to the UK whose daughter is killed in a terrorist attack – and vows to get payback. On his quest for bloody satisfaction he encounters odd bureaucratic resistance from a political figure played by Pierce Brosnan, who Campbell previously directed in his first 007 outing, GoldenEye. Campbell’s sensibility for action is always impressive, but it’ll be interesting to see if he can elicit brooding intensity from Chan, whose acting throughout his career has often drifted toward the comic, becoming a kind of contemporary Buster Keaton. If he can deliver a performance suited for a nuanced drama, it’ll be a stunning reinvention. Released 12 October in Australia and Russia and 13 October in the US and Turkey. (Credit: STX Entertainment)

在63岁这年,成龙已将武术特技和花式打斗抛在身后。不过,他接拍了复仇惊悚片《英伦对决》,向连姆•尼森的《飓风营救》系列发起了挑战。在马丁•坎贝尔导演的这部电影中,成龙饰演一个生活在英国的移民,他的女儿在一次恐怖袭击中丧生,而他发誓要为女儿报仇。在他寻找复仇机会的时候,意外受到了皮尔斯•布鲁斯南饰演的官员的阻拦。布鲁斯南曾出演过坎贝尔执导的第一部007电影《黄金眼》。坎贝尔对动作的敏感一直是让人叹服的,但是让人感兴趣的是,他能否激发出成龙体内蕴藏的那股力量。成龙在其演艺生涯中拍的武打戏通常都带有喜剧元素,堪称现代的巴斯特•基顿。如果成龙这次能够演绎出人物微妙的情感,那将是一次惊人的转型。本片于10月12日在澳大利亚和俄罗斯上映,于10月13日在美国和土耳其上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:关玉明(成龙饰)年轻时打过越战,当过特种兵。但如今,他敛尽锋芒,在英国伦敦唐人街开了一家小餐馆,与女儿(梁佩诗 饰)相依为命。在一次恐怖袭击中,女儿不幸遇难。英国有关部门的不作为更使他悲愤莫名,这时,关键人物汉尼斯(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南饰)出现在他的视野之中,担任政府高官的他当年曾与恐怖分子有千丝万缕联系。曾经在战争中出生入死的经验,让关玉明敏锐地察觉,汉尼斯手中一定有此次恐怖袭击的资料。于是,关玉明几次登门请求汉尼斯为自己提供线索,但遭到汉尼斯的拒绝。万念俱灰的关玉明决定用自己的方式为女儿报仇雪恨。为此,他拒绝了爱人林宝怡(刘涛饰)的挽留,独自踏上向恐怖组织以牙还牙以血还血的复仇之路。但他并不知道的是,一个错综复杂的大阴谋正在他面前徐徐展开……

Wonderstruck 《寂静中的惊奇》


As the man behind Velvet Goldmine, Far From Heaven, I’m Not There and Carol, Todd Haynes is not a film-maker you’d ever expect to direct a movie for children. But that’s just what he’s done with Wonderstruck, an adaptation of Brian Selznick’s 2011 novel of the same name. It follows two children, one who lives in 1927, the other in 1977, their respective journeys of self-discovery and the mysterious connections between them. Appearances from Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams suggest that Wonderstruck is a movie that should appeal as much to adults as kids, however. Opening 20 October in the US and 26 October in China's Hong Kong and Singapore (Credit: Amazon Studios)

在托德•海因斯导演了《天鹅绒金矿》、《远离天堂》、《我不在那儿》和《卡罗尔》这些电影后,你可能想不到他还会导演儿童电影。然而他导演的《寂静中的惊奇》就是一部儿童电影,改编自布莱恩•瑟兹尼克2011年的同名小说。这部电影讲述了两个生活在不同年代的小孩自我发现的旅程,以及两人之间的神秘联系。其中一个小孩生活在1927年,另一个生活在1977年。朱丽安•摩尔和米歇尔•威廉姆斯的加盟使得这部电影对成年人也同样有吸引力。这部电影于10月20日在美国首映,10月26日在中国香港和新加坡上映。(资料The Death of Stalin 《斯大林之死》


Armando Iannucci’s In the Loop is one of the most celebrated political satires of all time – it even made BBC Culture’s 100 greatest comedies list – and his TV work, such as The Thick of It and Veep are showered with awards. (Julia-Louis Dreyfuss just won her sixth Emmy in a row as the star of Veep, an unprecedented streak.) But now Iannucci’s turning his biting wit away from the present moment and back to the USSR in 1953, right at the moment that a mad scramble for power consumed the highest ranks of the Soviet government following the demise of Stalin. Steve Buscemi plays the man who would ultimately win the game, Nikita Khrushchev, with Jason Isaacs as the great World WarII hero Georgy Zhukov, Jeffrey Tambor as Stalin’s brief successor Malenkov, and Andrea Riseborough as Stalin’s daughter Svetlana. Released 20 October in the UK and Ireland and 26 October in Hungary. (Credit: IFC Films)

阿尔曼多•伊安努奇导演的《灵通人士》是有史以来最著名的政治讽刺电影。该电影甚至还入选BBC文化100部最伟大的喜剧电影。伊安努奇的电视作品,比如《幕后危机》和《副总统》也是得奖无数。(作为《副总统》主演,茱莉亚•路易斯•德瑞弗斯已经连续第六次获得艾美奖,这是史无前例的。)如今,伊安努奇将他的辛辣幽默从现代转投到1953年的苏联,当时斯大林刚刚去世,苏联的政府高官正在疯狂争夺权力。史蒂夫•布西密饰演最终胜出的人——赫鲁晓夫,而詹森•艾萨克饰演二战的伟大英雄格奥尔基•朱可夫,杰弗里•塔伯饰演斯大林短暂的继任者马林科夫,安德丽亚•瑞斯波罗格饰演斯大林的女儿斯维特兰娜。这部电影于10月20日在英国和爱尔兰上映,于10月26日在匈牙利上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:斯大林是苏联历史上在位时间最长的最高领导人(1924—1953),在他的铁腕统治之下,苏联成为与美国相抗衡的超级大国。关于他的死一直存在各种阴谋论,官方给出的结论是中风导致的自然死亡,但也有人坚信他是被投毒害死的,而凶手就是克格勃(苏联情报机构)头子贝利亚。斯大林死后,苏联一度陷入群龙无首的状态,高层的政治斗争异常激烈。最终赫鲁晓夫等人扳倒了当时苏联实际上的二号人物——贝利亚。斯大林去世几个月后,贝利亚被作为西方间谍处以死刑。

Loving Vincent 《至爱梵高》


It’s a miracle that Loving Vincent even exists. Made over several years – BBC Culture first wrote about it in October 2024, it’s a film in which every single frame, some 65,000, has been created by hand as oil paintings. Polish directors Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman felt this was the best way to capture the dreamy essence of Vincent van Gogh’s life and work – particularly during the stormy final months of his life, as he battled mental illness and hurtled toward suicide. Most of the images recreate or evoke well-known Van Gogh paintings, and since so many of his paintings were of portraits, Kobiela and Welchman structured their film via a series of interviews, in which the subjects who sat for Van Gogh, such as Postman Roulin and Dr Gachet, recall their relationship to the artist and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. The directors brought in 115 oil painters, specially retrained to gear their technique for animation, to create the paintings that would make up the movie – each would take about 40 minutes to complete. Released 6 October in Canada, 13 October in the UK and Ireland and 20 October in Finland and Sweden (Credit: Good Deed Entertainment)

《至爱梵高》这部电影的存在本身就是个奇迹。这部电影制作了数年,BBC文化2024年10月首次提到这部电影时称,这部电影中的每一幅油画(总共有65000幅)都是手工绘制的。波兰导演多洛塔•科别拉和休•韦尔什曼认为这是捕捉梵高生活和工作梦幻精华的最好的方式,尤其是在梵高生命最后狂风骤雨的几个月,在他和精神疾病作斗争,逐渐走向自杀的时候。大多数这些油画或是再现梵高名画,或是唤起人们对梵高名画的记忆。因为梵高的许多画都是肖像画,多洛塔•科别拉和休•韦尔什曼在电影中还穿插了一系列访谈,采访对象包括梵高的模特,如邮差鲁林和加歇医生。他们都会在电影中回忆自己和梵高的关系,以及和梵高死亡有关的神秘情形。两位导演聘请了115名油画师来创作这部电影中的油画,他们都经过特别训练,学习用动画技术来创作油画——完成一幅油画大概需要40分钟。这部电影于10月6日在加拿大上映,于10月13日在英国和爱尔兰上映,10月20日在芬兰和瑞典上映。(资料The Party 《酒会》


Pray you never get an invitation to a dinner soiree like this one. “A comedy of tragic proportions” is the tagline of The Party, a new film by Sally Potter, the visionary British auteur behind Orlando and The Tango Lesson. Kristin Scott Thomas decides to celebrate her appointment as Shadow Minister of Health with a few close friends, and absolute disaster ensues. Which is a shame because the guest-list is impeccable: Cillian Murphy, Cherry Jones, Patricia Clarkson, Emily Mortimer, Timothy Spall, Bruno Ganz. If these same actors were staging this as a play on Broadway or the West End they’d need a wheelbarrow to collect all their theatre awards – as it’s a small independent film it will struggle to get much distribution in cinemas at all. Such is the reality for bracing works of art geared for grown-ups. Perhaps its marketing should stress the fact it’s only 71 minutes? Released 12 October in Denmark and 13 October in the UK (Credit: Picturehouse Entertainment)

你应该祈祷,自己永远不要被邀请去参加这样的社交晚宴。莎莉•波特导演的这部新电影的宣传语是“一部有着悲剧成分的喜剧”。波特是一位有远见的英国电影导演,曾导演过《美丽佳人欧兰朵》和《探戈课》。克里斯汀•斯科特•托马斯饰演的女主角决定和几个好友一起庆祝自己当上卫生部的影子部长,然而接下来发生的却是彻头彻尾的悲剧。这真叫人可惜,因为宾客名单上的人是那么完美:基里安•墨菲、切莉•琼斯、派翠西娅•克拉克森、艾米莉•莫迪默、蒂莫西•斯波、布鲁诺•甘茨。如果这些演员齐聚到百老汇或伦敦西区上演这部剧,那么收获的戏剧奖得用手推车才装得下。然而这只是一部小制作独立电影,因此在电影院得不到多少排片。这就是成人清新文艺片要面对的现实。也许宣传的时候应该强调这部片只有71分钟?这部电影于10月12日在丹麦上映,10月13日在英国上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:一部以喜剧外壳包装的悲剧作品,故事发生在现代伦敦的一栋房子中。珍妮特为了庆祝自己荣升为卫生部的影子部长,叫来自己的密友组织了一次聚会。然而,她的丈夫比尔却对此有些不乐意。不久后,朋友们纷至沓来,大家都互相分享着生活近况,酒会顺利进行着。然而愉快的聚会气氛突然被比尔的一阵发言所打破,顿时这个充满爆炸性的夜晚就像是踏上了一条颠簸不平的道路,他们必须系好安全带才能获救。