Some people believe that taking a part|time job certainly brings about several advantages. To begin with, students can learn how to get along with people and know the society better by taking a part|time job. Furthermore, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families financial burden.
However, problems may also arise. Firstly, some students spend too much time doing part|time jobs while neglecting their studies. Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distracted from their studies by the colorful lives in the society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they dont know how to protect themselves.
As for me, I share the view that college students need to step out of the campus and take some part|time jobs if their schedule permits. After all, it opens them a window to know about the society, which is essential to their maturity.