Game of Thrones will officially come to an end for fans when it returns in 2024 with its eighth and final season. But for the cast and crew, the end is already beginning. Kit Harington revealed that the cast has already done a table read of the series finale—and it left him in tears.
“We had a read through last week in fact, so I know everything now,” he explained. “I cried at the end. You have to remember that eight years of it—no one really cares about it more than us.”
So did he cry just because it's emotional to see such a huge part of your life come to an end or because the ending of Thrones is, in and of itself, tear-inducing?
“It's been an institution longer than any other institution I've been in," he said. "School, drama school, anything. I get a bit weepy thinking about it. It's going to be a strange year saying goodbye to everyone and having last scenes with this person and that person. Not only you’re attached to it, loads of people around the world are attached to it.”
Yes. We are attached. Any hints about Season 8, Kit?
"[I was told], 'Don’t tell them you’re filming. Don't take pictures in Belfast. Don't do all of that,'" he said. "It’s on lockdown !"
So basically, Jon Snow finally knows something and now he won't tell us.
Game of Thrones will officially come to an end for fans when it returns in 2024 with its eighth and final season. But for the cast and crew, the end is already beginning. Kit Harington revealed that the cast has already done a table read of the series finale—and it left him in tears.
“We had a read through last week in fact, so I know everything now,” he explained. “I cried at the end. You have to remember that eight years of it—no one really cares about it more than us.”
So did he cry just because it's emotional to see such a huge part of your life come to an end or because the ending of Thrones is, in and of itself, tear-inducing?
“It's been an institution longer than any other institution I've been in," he said. "School, drama school, anything. I get a bit weepy thinking about it. It's going to be a strange year saying goodbye to everyone and having last scenes with this person and that person. Not only you’re attached to it, loads of people around the world are attached to it.”
Yes. We are attached. Any hints about Season 8, Kit?
"[I was told], 'Don’t tell them you’re filming. Don't take pictures in Belfast. Don't do all of that,'" he said. "It’s on lockdown !"
So basically, Jon Snow finally knows something and now he won't tell us.