考研英语中,以s开头的单词最多,约200个,其次是以a, c,p,t开始的单词,最少的是x,y,z. 建议大家从单词最多的字母s开始,最硬的骨头开始啃,越背越轻松。其次,记单词时不要采用从AZ的顺序,而是要灵活搭配,比如A和J, B和O,C和N,D和L等,S和Z等,这样多少搭配,记起来既不觉得累又有成就感。一定记住Frank的建议:每天早晨或中午看4页(约100个单词),把自己不认识的用三角形标记出来,每天晚上不管多忙,多晚,多累都要把画三角的单词再复习一遍。然后过1天,3天、7天、15天、30天各复习一遍,坚持下来,两个月后,你会发现不知不觉中1800个核心词汇已经烂熟于心了。
abide 遵循(容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying.
abnormal 反常的 abnormal behavior
abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom
abrupt 突然的,意外的 an abrupt departure
absolute 纯粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb.
absorb 吸收,吸进 A sponge absorbs water.
abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 13 brings bad luck is absurd.
abuse 滥用 abuse ones authority
aaccelerate 加速,增速 accelerate ones steps
access 接近(或进入)的机会 have regular and immediate access to the President
accommodate 使适应,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances
accompany 陪伴,伴随 She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend.
accomplish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等) accomplish ones purpose
accord 使符合,相一致 His violent action doesnt accord with his peaceful
考研英语中,以s开头的单词最多,约200个,其次是以a, c,p,t开始的单词,最少的是x,y,z. 建议大家从单词最多的字母s开始,最硬的骨头开始啃,越背越轻松。其次,记单词时不要采用从AZ的顺序,而是要灵活搭配,比如A和J, B和O,C和N,D和L等,S和Z等,这样多少搭配,记起来既不觉得累又有成就感。一定记住Frank的建议:每天早晨或中午看4页(约100个单词),把自己不认识的用三角形标记出来,每天晚上不管多忙,多晚,多累都要把画三角的单词再复习一遍。然后过1天,3天、7天、15天、30天各复习一遍,坚持下来,两个月后,你会发现不知不觉中1800个核心词汇已经烂熟于心了。
abide 遵循(容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying.
abnormal 反常的 abnormal behavior
abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom
abrupt 突然的,意外的 an abrupt departure
absolute 纯粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb.
absorb 吸收,吸进 A sponge absorbs water.
abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 13 brings bad luck is absurd.
abuse 滥用 abuse ones authority
aaccelerate 加速,增速 accelerate ones steps
access 接近(或进入)的机会 have regular and immediate access to the President
accommodate 使适应,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances
accompany 陪伴,伴随 She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend.
accomplish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等) accomplish ones purpose
accord 使符合,相一致 His violent action doesnt accord with his peaceful