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  【例】In July 2006, facing abdominal surgery, he turned over his powers to his brother, Raul Castro.2006年7月,老卡斯特罗接受了腹部外科手术,当时他就把权力移交给了其弟劳尔卡斯特罗。



  【派生】surgical a.外科的surgeon n.外科医师



  【例1】The Government and the unions are on a collision course.政府和工会必将发生冲突。

  【例2】The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft.驾驶员采取规避动作避免与敌机相撞。


  【同义替换】conflict, clash, impact, crash

  【派生】collide v.冲撞



  【例1】As the addicts tolerance increases, he requires ever larger doses of the drug.嗜毒者由于对毒品的耐毒性增加了,因而需要更大剂量的毒品。

  【例2】The president smiled, with tolerance for a minor persons naivety.总统笑了笑,表现出对一个下级人员的天真想法的宽容。

  【同义替换】endurance, connivance

  【派生】tolerate v.容忍tolerable a.可容忍的tolerant a.宽容的toleration n.宽容



  【例】Detectives deduced from the clues who had committed the crime.侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。


  【同义替换】infer, surmise, reckon

  【派生】deducible a.可以推断的,可以演绎的



  【例】The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory.进退两难的局面出在那些公众意见本身就模棱两可或自相矛盾的含糊领域。


  【同义替换】consent, agreement, concord, assent

  【真题】In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed atthe17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would bemorally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.在5月17日会议上讨论的建议序言草案中,Shapiro表示,专家组已达成广泛的共识,认为试图利用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿是违背道 德伦理的。




  【例】In July 2006, facing abdominal surgery, he turned over his powers to his brother, Raul Castro.2006年7月,老卡斯特罗接受了腹部外科手术,当时他就把权力移交给了其弟劳尔卡斯特罗。



  【派生】surgical a.外科的surgeon n.外科医师



  【例1】The Government and the unions are on a collision course.政府和工会必将发生冲突。

  【例2】The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft.驾驶员采取规避动作避免与敌机相撞。


  【同义替换】conflict, clash, impact, crash

  【派生】collide v.冲撞



  【例1】As the addicts tolerance increases, he requires ever larger doses of the drug.嗜毒者由于对毒品的耐毒性增加了,因而需要更大剂量的毒品。

  【例2】The president smiled, with tolerance for a minor persons naivety.总统笑了笑,表现出对一个下级人员的天真想法的宽容。

  【同义替换】endurance, connivance

  【派生】tolerate v.容忍tolerable a.可容忍的tolerant a.宽容的toleration n.宽容



  【例】Detectives deduced from the clues who had committed the crime.侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。


  【同义替换】infer, surmise, reckon

  【派生】deducible a.可以推断的,可以演绎的



  【例】The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory.进退两难的局面出在那些公众意见本身就模棱两可或自相矛盾的含糊领域。


  【同义替换】consent, agreement, concord, assent

  【真题】In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed atthe17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would bemorally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.在5月17日会议上讨论的建议序言草案中,Shapiro表示,专家组已达成广泛的共识,认为试图利用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿是违背道 德伦理的。
