Line vt.使排成一行;划线于 vi.排队,排齐
Line n.线条;方针,路线;线路,电话线;线,绳;排,行;行业,专长
People lined the streets to see the famous man go past.人们站在街道两旁看那位 著名人士走过.
Line and color are both important in portrait painting.线条和色彩在肖像绘画中 都很重要.
Master vt.掌握,精通;征服,控制 a.主要的,重要的;精通的,优秀的
Master n.男主人,雇主;能手,名家,大师;硕士
Who is the master mind behind this plan? 谁是这个计划的幕后决策人?
I dont think we can master a language in a years study. 我不相信经过一年的学习我们就可以掌握一种语言.
Notion n.概念,观念;意图,想法,念头
The notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world. 关于地球是圆的概念已广泛为人们所接受自从麦哲伦首次完成环球旅行以来.
Some men have a notion that women should never wear cosmetics.有些男人认为女人应该素面朝天.
Option n.选择;选择权,选择自由;选择的事物
The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. 政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收.
Please make a list of the various options.请列出可供选择的项目.
Pay vt.付钱给,支出;给予,进行
Pay vi.付款;有利,值得;付出代价,受到惩罚 n.工资,薪金
It will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities. 从长远来看,在城市里鞭 炮是值得的, 真正有效地禁放.
Ill certainly pay you back for what you did to me! 你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!
Rare a.稀有的,罕见的;珍奇的,出类拔萃的;
Rare a.稀薄的;煎得嫩的
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths.贾斯珀.怀特是那些少有的相信古代神话的人之一.
The higher we go above the earth,the rarer the air is.我们离开地面越高,空气越稀薄.
reflection n.映象,倒映;反射;反映,表达;深思,考虑,反省
Dont act without sufficient reflection.不要未经深思就采取行动.
The dog barked at his reflection in the river.那条狗对着小河中自己的倒影吠叫.
Line vt.使排成一行;划线于 vi.排队,排齐
Line n.线条;方针,路线;线路,电话线;线,绳;排,行;行业,专长
People lined the streets to see the famous man go past.人们站在街道两旁看那位 著名人士走过.
Line and color are both important in portrait painting.线条和色彩在肖像绘画中 都很重要.
Master vt.掌握,精通;征服,控制 a.主要的,重要的;精通的,优秀的
Master n.男主人,雇主;能手,名家,大师;硕士
Who is the master mind behind this plan? 谁是这个计划的幕后决策人?
I dont think we can master a language in a years study. 我不相信经过一年的学习我们就可以掌握一种语言.
Notion n.概念,观念;意图,想法,念头
The notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world. 关于地球是圆的概念已广泛为人们所接受自从麦哲伦首次完成环球旅行以来.
Some men have a notion that women should never wear cosmetics.有些男人认为女人应该素面朝天.
Option n.选择;选择权,选择自由;选择的事物
The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. 政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收.
Please make a list of the various options.请列出可供选择的项目.
Pay vt.付钱给,支出;给予,进行
Pay vi.付款;有利,值得;付出代价,受到惩罚 n.工资,薪金
It will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities. 从长远来看,在城市里鞭 炮是值得的, 真正有效地禁放.
Ill certainly pay you back for what you did to me! 你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!
Rare a.稀有的,罕见的;珍奇的,出类拔萃的;
Rare a.稀薄的;煎得嫩的
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths.贾斯珀.怀特是那些少有的相信古代神话的人之一.
The higher we go above the earth,the rarer the air is.我们离开地面越高,空气越稀薄.
reflection n.映象,倒映;反射;反映,表达;深思,考虑,反省
Dont act without sufficient reflection.不要未经深思就采取行动.
The dog barked at his reflection in the river.那条狗对着小河中自己的倒影吠叫.