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  四级真题名词第六期37. Although the weather was very bad, the buses still run on ______.

  A)list B)plan C)arrangement D)schedule

  37. D 尽管天气非常恶劣,公共汽车还是按时运行。

  A)list 目录, 名单, 列表, 序列;I must make a list of things to buy. 我得列个购物单。

  B)plan 计划, 打算, 设计图;We listened as he told us his plan for starting a football club. 当他向我们讲要成立一个足球俱乐部的计划时,我们听着。

  C)arrangement 排列, 安排,整理,布置;to make arrangement for a party 为晚会做准备;D)schedule 时刻表;日程安排表;on schedule 按时间表, 准时;The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends. 我们的日程安排中要做的下一件事是给我们的朋友打电话。

  38. Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong ______ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists,

  A)motivation B)perspective C)impression D)impact

  38. D 泰勒教授的讲话表明,科学不仅对科学家而且对普通人的日常成活有着巨大的影响。

  A)motivation 动机,积极性;The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。

  B)perspective 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察;He sees things in their right perspective. 他观察事物很正确。

  C)impression 印象, 感想, 盖印, 压痕;give sb. a favorable impression 给某人以好印象;Whats your impression of him? 你对他的印象如何? What were your first impressions of London? 你对伦敦的最初印象如何?

  D)impact (on) (对)影响;冲击(力);How will the war impact on such a poet? 战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?

  39. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _____ .

  A)reach B)hand C)hold D)place

  39. A 有孩子在旁边时,必须把药瓶放在孩子够不到的地方。题中out of 可与 A, B,D项的名词搭配。

  A)reach 延伸, 区域, 河段, 范围;beyond ones reach达不到的, 力所不及的; 不能理解;The ball was out of reach. 我够不着这个球。

  B)hand 手, 掌管, 协助, 支配;out of hand 无法控制;立刻;马上;hand in hand 关系密切地;手拉着手地;Power and money go hand in hand. 权和钱密不可分。

  C)hold 把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁;to hold ones breath 屏住气; to hold a position ;坚守阵地;D)place 地方, 地点, 位置, 职位, 处境;out of place 在错误的位置;在不适当的位置;take place 发生,举行 ;take the place of 代替,替代;

  40. We regret to inform you that the materials ordered are _____ .

  A)out of work B)out of stock C)out of reach D)out of practice

  40. B 我们遗憾的通知你,你所订购的材料已脱销。本题测试4个短语的含义。

  A)out of work 失业;B)out of stock 已脱销; C)out of reach 无法达到/理解;D)out of practice 荒疏, 久不练习;

  41. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____ of responsibility.

  A)field B)limit C)extent D)range

  41. D 她在受到批评时声称这不属她的职责范围。outside 只能与D和A搭配,本句中D项搭配符合题意。

  A)field 原野, 旷野, 领域, (一块)田地, 牧场;outside ones field 在某人的专业范围以外;B)limit 界限, 限度, 限制;There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford. 我能付得起的钱数是有限的。

  C)extent 广度, 宽度, 长度, 范围, 程度;extent of ones knowledge 某人的知识多少;What is the extent of your garden? 你的花园有多大?

  D)range 范围,区域;outside of ones range of responsibility 不属于某人的责任范围;

  四级真题名词第七期42. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _____ .

  A)capacity B)strength C)length D)possibility

  42. A 不外出工作的家庭主妇经常感到他们的工作能力没有得到充分发挥。本题D不与to 搭配。

  A)capacity 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位;a mind of great capacity 理解力极强的头脑;That bowl has a capacity of two pints. 那只碗的容量有两品脱。

  B)strength 力, 力量, 力气, 强度,长处;I havent the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。

  C)length 长度, 长;a pipe 20 meters in length 一根二十米长的管子;D)possibility 可能性, 可能发生的事物;Is it a possibility that you will work abroad? 你有可能去国外工作吗?Lets consider the possibilities. 让我们来讨论一下可能发生的事。

  48. In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind hardly tends to keep ____ with the rapid changes of society.

  A)step B)progress C)pace D)touch

  48. C 在社会变革时代,人们的思想状态往往跟不上社会的飞速变化。keep with只与A, C项构成词组。

  A)keep step with 与步调一致;(C)项强调速度一致;A)项强调步伐一致;) The construction of classrooms and the training of teachers have kept step with population growth. 教室的兴建和教师的培训与人口增长同步。

  B)progress 前进, 进步, 发展;progress in the art of agriculture 农业技术的进步;You have made progress with your English. 你的英语进步了。

  C)keep pace with 与起步前进;跟上;keep pace with the time 跟上时代的步伐;D)keep in touch with 与保持联系;Please keep in touch with us. 请与我们保持联系。

  49. The manager lost his ______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

  A)mood B)temper C)mind D)passion

  49. B 经理只是因为秘书迟到了10分钟就发脾气了。B项与lose 构成的短语符合题意。

  A)mood 心情, 情绪, 语气;The beautiful sunny morning put me in a happy mood. 阳光明媚的早晨使我心情愉快。

  B)temper 性情, 脾气, 情绪, 心情;keep ones temper 忍住气;不发火;lose ones temper 发火;生气;He lost his temper. 他发脾气了。

  C)mind 头脑, 智力, 精神, 意见;Her little son has a mind of great capacity. 她的小儿子接受力很强。He has a very sharp mind. 他头脑灵活。

  D)passion 激情, 热情;speak with passion 充满激情地说;burning passions 灼热的情感;

  50. What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any ______ .

  A)sense B)idea C)meaning D)significance

  50. A 他关于那件事情说的话毫无道理。make 与A) 项构成词组。

  A)sense 官能, 感觉, 判断力, 见识;make sense 有 意义;意思清楚;有道理;make sense of 理解;懂;明白;no sense in 没道理;He has a good sense of smell. 他的嗅觉很灵敏。

  B)idea 想法, 念头, 意见, 主意;Shell have her own ideas about that. 对那件事她会有自己的想法。I had no idea about that. 对那件事我没有印象了。

  C)meaning 意义, 含意, 意图;the meaning of life 生命的价值;It doesnt seem to have much meaning. 似乎无多大意义。

  D)significance 意义, 重要性;of no significance 无关紧要的;What is the significance of this speech? 这个讲话有什么意义?The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience. 大学生打工的意义还不仅在于钱和经验。

  53. As the shortage of certain metals approaches, others must be found to take their ______ .

  A)share B)role C)place D)shape

  53. C 某些金属日趋短缺,必须找到别的材料去取代它们。

  A)take share 分担; You must take your share of the blame. 你必须承担部分责任。

  B)take on a role 扮演一个角色;C)take sbs place = take the place of sb 代替; She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. 他不能出席会议,由其助手代之。

  D)take shape 成形;形成;具体化;take the shape of a human being 呈人的形状

  meaning, import, significance, sense这组名词的一般含义是意思或意义。

  meaning 是通用词,它似乎可以代替本组的任何一个其他词Whats the meaning of the word?


  I am afraid I dont understand your meaning.恐怕我不明白你的意思。

  import 尤其适用于以语言、文章等所传递的意义而且有接收的内涵。这一含义与其原义goods brought into a country (进口货物)有一定的联系Whats the import of his statement?


  Can you interpret the import of what he remarked at the end of the meeting?


  significance 用于表示重大的意义This is a matter of great significance.这是一个具有重大意义的问题。

  sense 可以表示一个词的意义,也可以表示一个词的多层含义中的某个具体意义,或者用来表示其他方面的抽象意义The word carries several senses.这个词有几个含义。

  What you say is true in a sense.你所说的在某种意义上讲是真实的。

  四级真题之形容词 第一期1. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _____ opportunity to change his mind.

  A)accurate B)adequate C)urgent D)excessive

B 按法律,当人们购买大件时,他们有足够的机会改变主意。本题只有B项能与opportunity搭配。

  A)accurate 正确的, 精确的;an accurate answer 准确的答案;Is this watch accurate? 这只表准吗?

  B)adequate (to/for) 适当的, 足够的;恰当的;胜任的; We took adequate food for the holiday. 我们为假期带足食品。

  I hope you will prove adequate to the job. 我希望你能胜任这工作。

  C)urgent 急迫的, 紧急的; I must post this letter; its urgent. 我必须发了这封信,信很紧急。 She was urgent in her demands. 她凡事都要求马上就办。

  D)excessive 过多的, 过分的, 额外;excessive drinking 过度饮酒; The food was bad and the bill was excessive in this restaurant. 这家餐馆饭菜很糟,但价钱又很贵。

  2. There were some ______ flowers on the table.

  A)artificial B)unnatural C)false D)unreal

  2.A 桌上有几朵假花。

  A)artificial 人造的, 假的, 非原产地的;做作的,不自然的;artificial manners 矫揉造作的态度;artificial flowers 假花;This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial coloring. 这种品牌的罐装青豆不含人造色素。

  B)unnatural 不自然的,异常的;不合自然规律的;die an unnatural death 横死, 死于非命;unnatural reaction 不自然的反应。

  C)false 错误的, 虚伪的, 假的, 无信义的, 伪造的;false diamonds 假钻石;Is this statement true or false? 这份报告是正确的还是错误的?

  D)unreal 不真实的, 虚幻的;The whole evening seemed strangely unreal. 整个晚上似乎梦幻般的奇异。

  3. He was ______ of having asked such a silly question.

  A)sorry B)guilty C)ashamed D)miserable

  3. C 他为问了这么一个愚蠢的问题而惭愧。本题B,C两项可与of连成词组。

  A)sorry 遗憾的, 可怜的, 抱歉的;Im sorry, I cant come to your party. 很抱歉,我不能来参加你们的晚会了。

  B)guilty (of) 犯罪的, 有罪的;内疚的;guilty look 内疚的神色;to be guilty of a crime 犯了罪;C)ashamed of 惭愧的, 羞耻的;耻于的;不好意思的;I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed (of myself) now. 我昨天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。She was ashamed to ask such a simple question. 她不好意思提这么简单的问题。

  D)miserable 痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜;a miserable failure 可悲的失败;The child is cold, hungry, and tired, so of course hes feeling miserable. 这孩子又冷、又饿、又疲劳,当然他感到很痛苦。

  4. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _____ in grocery stores.

  A)ready B)approachable C)probable D)available

  4.D 可以立即食用的方便食品可在杂货店里买到。

  A)ready 准备完毕的, 甘心的, 情愿的;The new house is ready for occupation. 新屋可以居住了。He is always ready enough to help us. 他随时都准备来帮助我们。

  B)approachable 可接近的, 平易近人的;Youll find the headmaster a very approachable person. 你将会发现校长十分平易近人。

  C)probable 很可能的, 大概的;probable life 大概耐用年限;A storm is probable today. 今天可能会有暴风雨。

  D)available (to /for)可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的;Chinese commodities available for export are varied. 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。

  5. The shy girl felt ______ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.

  A)amazed B)awkward C)curious D)amused

  5. B 那位怕羞的女同学答不出老师的问题时感到又窘又不自在。

  A)amaze 使吃惊;Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car manufacture of the city during the past decade.参观者对这城市过去十年中汽车制造工业的成就感到惊奇。

  B)awkward 难使用的, 笨拙的;尴尬的, 不方便的;There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say. 当谁都不知道说什么时,陷入了尴尬的沉默。

  C)curious 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的;It is good to be curious about the world around you. 对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。

  D)amuse 使发笑, 使愉快;We were all amused at his foolish behaviour. 我们对他那愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。

  四级真题之形容词 第二期9. Writing is a slow process, requiring ______ thought, time, and effort.

  A)significant B)considerable C)enormous D)numerous

  9. B 写作是个缓慢的过程,需要大量思考,并须花费大量时间和不惜努力。

  A)significant 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的;a significant speech 意味深长的讲话;B)considerable 相当大(或多)的, 值得考虑的, 相当可观的;The TV play received considerable acclaim. 这部电视剧获得很高评价。He has done considerable for me. 他为我做了不少事。

  C)enormous 巨大的, 庞大的;an enormous plate of food 很大的一盘食物;an enormous sum of money 巨额资金;D)numerous 众多的, 许多的,无数的(后接可数名词); Those birds have become more numerous lately. 近来那种鸟变得越来越多了。