领某人出去/进来show sb. out / in
炫耀show off
看不见lose sight of
看到,发现catch sight out
看不见out of sight
静静地in silence
和类似的be similar to
单程票single ticket
偷偷塞给某人一张纸条slip a note into ones hand
在雪地上滑倒slip on the snow
克服困难smooth away difficulties
与有关系have something to do with
国歌the national song
大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说speak out
发言,演讲make a speech
以的速度at a speed of
平方公里square kilometers
代表,象征stand for
饿死starve to death
处于良好状态in a good state
逐步地,一步一步地step by step
遵守诺言stick to ones word / promise