Prison overcrowding
ANTHONY KENNEDY, appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan and in effect its swingvote nowadays, has for years been speaking out against the inhumane conditions insideAmericas prisons. As a native of California, he has also taken an interest in that statesparticularly horrendous prison overcrowding. In Los Angeles last year, he called it sick that thestates prison-guards union had sponsored a notorious ballot measure that, with othersentencing excesses, now keeps far too many Californians locked up.
So it was no surprise that Mr Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in a 5-4 decision by thecourt this week that orders California to reduce its prison overcrowding. Full capacity isdefined as one inmate per cell, which in California currently means 80,000 prisoners. ButCalifornias prisons have at times housed twice as many, with inmates stacked in bunk beds ingymnasiums. At the moment, the prisons are about 175% full. The court order requires thatratio to go down to a slightly less egregious 137.5% within two years.
难怪肯尼迪在本周法院5比4的提案中写下的判词都是要求加州削减其监狱人数。最高容量是指每间牢房住一个囚犯,而这个概念在如今的加州意味着一个牢房住8万名囚犯。可是有时加州监狱在押犯人数量是这个的两倍之多,囚犯就蜗居在体育馆的双层床上。目前,建州监狱人数比率约 175%。法院的指示要求两年之内该比率应下降到一个稍微没那么糟的水平,即137.5%
Overcrowding has meant not only more violence butwoefully inadequate health and mental care, withmore deaths and suicides. When are you going toavoid or get around people sitting in their faeces fordays in a dazed state? Justice Sonia Sotomayortestily demanded of a lawyer representing Californialast November. Mr Kennedy, in his opinion this week,referred to an inmate who had been held in a cagefor nearly 24 hours, standing in a pool of his ownurine, unresponsive and nearly catatonic.
监狱的过度拥挤不仅意味着更多暴力现象的产生,而且犯人们的身心也会极不健康,导致死亡和自杀人数增加。你何时才能避开那些神智不清且好几天都夹带着粪便的人去透透气呢?去年 11月,索尼亚??索托梅雅法官被来自加州的法官代表这样质问到。本周肯尼迪提到一个犯人,说他在牢中关了将近一天,站在自己的小便里,神情恍惚,几近昏厥。
Such conditions are, in Mr Kennedys words, incompatible with the concept of humandignity and amount to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. The four judges whoare considered liberal agreed; the four conservatives did not. For Justice Samuel Alito, the casewas a matter not of dignity but of public safety. The decision, he said, will force California torelease 46,000 criminalsthe equivalent of three army divisions.
That is quite an exaggeration, and not only in numbers. First, the decision itself does notorder releases. In theory, California could build new prisons or send inmates out of state toreduce the ratio to 137.5%. Given the states budget crisis, that is admittedly unlikely. ButCalifornia can also transfer inmates to county jails. As it happens, Jerry Brown, the governor,is trying to do that anyway, and is haggling over the details with local administrations.
More generally, many prisoners can indeed be released without any threat to public safety.What caused this overcrowding in the first place were the draconian sentencing laws that nowunnecessarily keep huge numbers of entirely non-violent inmates behind bars: for smokingdope or writing bad cheques, say, or for missing parole appointments.
More puzzling yet was the tone of the other dissent, by Antonin Scalia. Calling theproceedings a judicial travesty, Mr Scalia wrote that the decision will benefit inmates whowill undoubtedly be fine physical specimens who have developed intimidating muscles pumpingiron in the prison gym. That was the language of sarcasm, not dignity.
Prison overcrowding
ANTHONY KENNEDY, appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan and in effect its swingvote nowadays, has for years been speaking out against the inhumane conditions insideAmericas prisons. As a native of California, he has also taken an interest in that statesparticularly horrendous prison overcrowding. In Los Angeles last year, he called it sick that thestates prison-guards union had sponsored a notorious ballot measure that, with othersentencing excesses, now keeps far too many Californians locked up.
So it was no surprise that Mr Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in a 5-4 decision by thecourt this week that orders California to reduce its prison overcrowding. Full capacity isdefined as one inmate per cell, which in California currently means 80,000 prisoners. ButCalifornias prisons have at times housed twice as many, with inmates stacked in bunk beds ingymnasiums. At the moment, the prisons are about 175% full. The court order requires thatratio to go down to a slightly less egregious 137.5% within two years.
难怪肯尼迪在本周法院5比4的提案中写下的判词都是要求加州削减其监狱人数。最高容量是指每间牢房住一个囚犯,而这个概念在如今的加州意味着一个牢房住8万名囚犯。可是有时加州监狱在押犯人数量是这个的两倍之多,囚犯就蜗居在体育馆的双层床上。目前,建州监狱人数比率约 175%。法院的指示要求两年之内该比率应下降到一个稍微没那么糟的水平,即137.5%
Overcrowding has meant not only more violence butwoefully inadequate health and mental care, withmore deaths and suicides. When are you going toavoid or get around people sitting in their faeces fordays in a dazed state? Justice Sonia Sotomayortestily demanded of a lawyer representing Californialast November. Mr Kennedy, in his opinion this week,referred to an inmate who had been held in a cagefor nearly 24 hours, standing in a pool of his ownurine, unresponsive and nearly catatonic.
监狱的过度拥挤不仅意味着更多暴力现象的产生,而且犯人们的身心也会极不健康,导致死亡和自杀人数增加。你何时才能避开那些神智不清且好几天都夹带着粪便的人去透透气呢?去年 11月,索尼亚??索托梅雅法官被来自加州的法官代表这样质问到。本周肯尼迪提到一个犯人,说他在牢中关了将近一天,站在自己的小便里,神情恍惚,几近昏厥。
Such conditions are, in Mr Kennedys words, incompatible with the concept of humandignity and amount to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. The four judges whoare considered liberal agreed; the four conservatives did not. For Justice Samuel Alito, the casewas a matter not of dignity but of public safety. The decision, he said, will force California torelease 46,000 criminalsthe equivalent of three army divisions.
That is quite an exaggeration, and not only in numbers. First, the decision itself does notorder releases. In theory, California could build new prisons or send inmates out of state toreduce the ratio to 137.5%. Given the states budget crisis, that is admittedly unlikely. ButCalifornia can also transfer inmates to county jails. As it happens, Jerry Brown, the governor,is trying to do that anyway, and is haggling over the details with local administrations.
More generally, many prisoners can indeed be released without any threat to public safety.What caused this overcrowding in the first place were the draconian sentencing laws that nowunnecessarily keep huge numbers of entirely non-violent inmates behind bars: for smokingdope or writing bad cheques, say, or for missing parole appointments.
More puzzling yet was the tone of the other dissent, by Antonin Scalia. Calling theproceedings a judicial travesty, Mr Scalia wrote that the decision will benefit inmates whowill undoubtedly be fine physical specimens who have developed intimidating muscles pumpingiron in the prison gym. That was the language of sarcasm, not dignity.