The Post Office
THE US Postal Service has an unofficial creed that harks back to Herodotus, who wasadmiring the Persian empires stalwart messengers. Its own history is impressive too, datingto a royal licence by William and Mary in 1692, and including Benjamin Franklin as a notablepostmaster, both for the crown and then for the newly independent country. Ever since, the post has existed to bind theNation together.
But as ever more Americans go online instead of sending paper, the volume of mail has beenplummeting . The decline is steeper than even pessimists expected a decadeago, says Patrick Donahoe, the current postmaster-general. Worse, because the post mustdeliver to every address in the countryabout 150m, with some 1.4m additions every yearcosts are simultaneously going up. As a result, the post has lost $20 billion in the last fouryears and expects to lose another $8 billion this fiscal year.
And although the recession made everything worse,the internet is the main culprit. As Christmas cardshave gone online , so have bills. In2000, 5% of Americans paid utilities online. Last year55% did, and eventually everybody will, says MrDonahoe. Photos now go on Facebook, magazinescome on iPads. Already, at least for Americans undera certain age, the post delivers only bad news ornuisances, from jury summonses to junk mail.Pleasant deliveries probably arrive by a parcel servicesuch as UPS or FedEx.
尽管经济衰退迫使百业凋零,但要指出,网络才是罪魁祸首。人们上网寄送圣诞贺卡,连账单也电子化了。在2000年,5%的美国人上网交水电煤气费,而去年这一比例是55%。多纳霍先生表示,到头来,人人都将上网交水电煤气费。照片分享用 facebook,杂志订阅有ipad。至少对于某一年龄段的美国人来说,邮差送来的净是法院传票或垃圾邮件什么的,只会带来坏消息或麻烦事。而让人高兴的邮件大概会用UPS或FedEx这样的快递公司送来。
Quasi-independent since 1970, the post gets no public money. And yet it is obliged to visit every mailbox, no matter how remote, six days a week. This hasdriven the average cost of each piece of mail up from 34 cents in 2006 to 41 cents. Yet thepost is not allowed to raise prices willy-nilly; a 2006 law set formulas forthat. So in effect, the post cannot control either its costs or its revenues.
Nor can it buy companies as freely as postal services in Europe, Canada or Asia have been doingfor the past decade. Many European countries, as well as New Zealand and Japan, have alreadyprivatised or liberalised their postal services. Combined, foreign posts now get most of theirrevenue from new businesses such as retailing or banking for consumers, or warehousing andlogistics for companies.
So Americas post is looking for other solutions. It is planning to close post offices; up to3,653, out of about 32,000. This month it announced plans to lay off another 120,000workers by 2023, having already bidden adieu to some 110,000 over the past four years . It also wants to fiddle with its workers pensions and health care.
Ultimately, says Mr Donahoe, the post will have to stop delivering mail on Saturdays. Then perhaps on other days too. The post has survived new technologies before, he points out. In 1910, we owned the most horses, by 1920 we owned the most vehicles. But the internet just might send it the way of the pony express.
The United States Postal Service has no official creed or motto.Often falsely cited as such, Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds is an inscription on the James Farley Post Office in New York City, derived from a quote from Herodotus Histories , referring to the courier service of the ancient Persian Empire.
The Post Office
THE US Postal Service has an unofficial creed that harks back to Herodotus, who wasadmiring the Persian empires stalwart messengers. Its own history is impressive too, datingto a royal licence by William and Mary in 1692, and including Benjamin Franklin as a notablepostmaster, both for the crown and then for the newly independent country. Ever since, the post has existed to bind theNation together.
But as ever more Americans go online instead of sending paper, the volume of mail has beenplummeting . The decline is steeper than even pessimists expected a decadeago, says Patrick Donahoe, the current postmaster-general. Worse, because the post mustdeliver to every address in the countryabout 150m, with some 1.4m additions every yearcosts are simultaneously going up. As a result, the post has lost $20 billion in the last fouryears and expects to lose another $8 billion this fiscal year.
And although the recession made everything worse,the internet is the main culprit. As Christmas cardshave gone online , so have bills. In2000, 5% of Americans paid utilities online. Last year55% did, and eventually everybody will, says MrDonahoe. Photos now go on Facebook, magazinescome on iPads. Already, at least for Americans undera certain age, the post delivers only bad news ornuisances, from jury summonses to junk mail.Pleasant deliveries probably arrive by a parcel servicesuch as UPS or FedEx.
尽管经济衰退迫使百业凋零,但要指出,网络才是罪魁祸首。人们上网寄送圣诞贺卡,连账单也电子化了。在2000年,5%的美国人上网交水电煤气费,而去年这一比例是55%。多纳霍先生表示,到头来,人人都将上网交水电煤气费。照片分享用 facebook,杂志订阅有ipad。至少对于某一年龄段的美国人来说,邮差送来的净是法院传票或垃圾邮件什么的,只会带来坏消息或麻烦事。而让人高兴的邮件大概会用UPS或FedEx这样的快递公司送来。
Quasi-independent since 1970, the post gets no public money. And yet it is obliged to visit every mailbox, no matter how remote, six days a week. This hasdriven the average cost of each piece of mail up from 34 cents in 2006 to 41 cents. Yet thepost is not allowed to raise prices willy-nilly; a 2006 law set formulas forthat. So in effect, the post cannot control either its costs or its revenues.
Nor can it buy companies as freely as postal services in Europe, Canada or Asia have been doingfor the past decade. Many European countries, as well as New Zealand and Japan, have alreadyprivatised or liberalised their postal services. Combined, foreign posts now get most of theirrevenue from new businesses such as retailing or banking for consumers, or warehousing andlogistics for companies.
So Americas post is looking for other solutions. It is planning to close post offices; up to3,653, out of about 32,000. This month it announced plans to lay off another 120,000workers by 2023, having already bidden adieu to some 110,000 over the past four years . It also wants to fiddle with its workers pensions and health care.
Ultimately, says Mr Donahoe, the post will have to stop delivering mail on Saturdays. Then perhaps on other days too. The post has survived new technologies before, he points out. In 1910, we owned the most horses, by 1920 we owned the most vehicles. But the internet just might send it the way of the pony express.
The United States Postal Service has no official creed or motto.Often falsely cited as such, Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds is an inscription on the James Farley Post Office in New York City, derived from a quote from Herodotus Histories , referring to the courier service of the ancient Persian Empire.