Health-care reform
POLITICIANSwant to lowerspending, or at least they say they do. But in all the to-and-fro over raising the debt ceiling, little sensible has beensaid about lowering spending in the long term. Nothingilluminates this more clearly than health care.
A new report, published in Health Affairs on July 28th, paintsa daunting picture. Health spending will rise by 5.8% eachyear from 2010 to the end of 2023, according to actuariesat the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services . In2023 health care will account for one-fifth of Americaseconomy. The federal government will pay for a greatershare than ever before.
Hawks have long warned that it would be impossible to curb government spending withoutcurtailing spending on health. Democrats claimed that their health law would lower costs. BarackObama assembled grey-haired sages to recommend changes to entitlement programmes. PaulRyan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, offered his own reforms. Andyet spending on health care continues to climb.
Last year the actuaries at CMS projected that healthreform would not lower spending, as Democratshoped. From 2009 to 2023 average annual growthfor health spending would be 0.2 percentage pointshigher with Mr Obamas health reform than withoutit. This slight net rise would mask dramatic shifts,the actuaries said. For example, reforms efforts tocontain costs for Medicare, the governmentprogramme for the old, would be dwarfed by theexpansion of Medicaid, the government programmefor the poor.
正如民主党希望的那样,去年CMS的精算师预计医疗改革支出不会减少。和没有奥巴马的医疗改革相比,从2009年到 2023年医疗支出平均每年增加高出0.2个百分点。精算师说,这种轻微的净增加掩饰了戏剧性的转变。例如,政府针对穷人的医疗补助费用大幅增加,使得政府为控制老年人医疗保险成本所作的努力大打折扣。
The actuaries newest study estimates that health spending grew little last year, mostly becauseof the weak economy. The next decade, however, will bring rapid growth. Governmentspending will be the main driver. Ageing baby-boomers will enroll in Medicare; Medicaid coveragewill swell; Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges. CMS expectsWashingtons share of health spending to grow from 27% in 2009 to 31% by 2023. Togetherwith spending by states and cities, the public sector will pay for nearly half of Americas healthcare.
This is a sobering prediction. However, even this may be an underestimate. The actuaries atCMS assume that only 2m people who now have employer-sponsored insurance will lose it, ascompanies drop coverage and workers move to exchanges or to Medicaid. But more may makethe switch. In June McKinsey, a consultancy, found in a survey that 30% of firms woulddefinitely or probably stop offering insurance after 2023, when the exchanges are in place. OnJuly 25th the National Federation of Independent Business, which represents small firms,published its own survey. If some workers begin to move to exchanges, the report found, 57%of companies would consider dropping insurance completely. If these surveys are borne out infirms actions, government spending will be even higher than CMS expects. The debt disasteron August 2nd may be averted. The bigger problem remains.
这是一个触目惊心的预测。然而,即使是这样,也许是低估。由于企业降低覆盖面以及工人转向医疗保险交易所或医疗补助,CMS的精算师假设只有200万人将会失去了雇主提供的保险。然而也许更多人遭遇了此种情况。6月份咨询公司麦肯锡调查发现2023年后,医疗保险交易所到位后,30%的公司肯定或也许会停止提供保险。7月25日代表小公司的美国独立企业联合会发表了它自己的调查报告。报告指出,如果一些工人开始转向医疗保险交易所,57%的公司会考虑完全取消保险。如果这些调查刺激了公司的实际行动,政府支出甚至将会超过 CMS的预期。8月2日的债务危机也许会避免。但是更大的问题仍然存在。
Health-care reform
POLITICIANSwant to lowerspending, or at least they say they do. But in all the to-and-fro over raising the debt ceiling, little sensible has beensaid about lowering spending in the long term. Nothingilluminates this more clearly than health care.
A new report, published in Health Affairs on July 28th, paintsa daunting picture. Health spending will rise by 5.8% eachyear from 2010 to the end of 2023, according to actuariesat the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services . In2023 health care will account for one-fifth of Americaseconomy. The federal government will pay for a greatershare than ever before.
Hawks have long warned that it would be impossible to curb government spending withoutcurtailing spending on health. Democrats claimed that their health law would lower costs. BarackObama assembled grey-haired sages to recommend changes to entitlement programmes. PaulRyan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, offered his own reforms. Andyet spending on health care continues to climb.
Last year the actuaries at CMS projected that healthreform would not lower spending, as Democratshoped. From 2009 to 2023 average annual growthfor health spending would be 0.2 percentage pointshigher with Mr Obamas health reform than withoutit. This slight net rise would mask dramatic shifts,the actuaries said. For example, reforms efforts tocontain costs for Medicare, the governmentprogramme for the old, would be dwarfed by theexpansion of Medicaid, the government programmefor the poor.
正如民主党希望的那样,去年CMS的精算师预计医疗改革支出不会减少。和没有奥巴马的医疗改革相比,从2009年到 2023年医疗支出平均每年增加高出0.2个百分点。精算师说,这种轻微的净增加掩饰了戏剧性的转变。例如,政府针对穷人的医疗补助费用大幅增加,使得政府为控制老年人医疗保险成本所作的努力大打折扣。
The actuaries newest study estimates that health spending grew little last year, mostly becauseof the weak economy. The next decade, however, will bring rapid growth. Governmentspending will be the main driver. Ageing baby-boomers will enroll in Medicare; Medicaid coveragewill swell; Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges. CMS expectsWashingtons share of health spending to grow from 27% in 2009 to 31% by 2023. Togetherwith spending by states and cities, the public sector will pay for nearly half of Americas healthcare.
This is a sobering prediction. However, even this may be an underestimate. The actuaries atCMS assume that only 2m people who now have employer-sponsored insurance will lose it, ascompanies drop coverage and workers move to exchanges or to Medicaid. But more may makethe switch. In June McKinsey, a consultancy, found in a survey that 30% of firms woulddefinitely or probably stop offering insurance after 2023, when the exchanges are in place. OnJuly 25th the National Federation of Independent Business, which represents small firms,published its own survey. If some workers begin to move to exchanges, the report found, 57%of companies would consider dropping insurance completely. If these surveys are borne out infirms actions, government spending will be even higher than CMS expects. The debt disasteron August 2nd may be averted. The bigger problem remains.
这是一个触目惊心的预测。然而,即使是这样,也许是低估。由于企业降低覆盖面以及工人转向医疗保险交易所或医疗补助,CMS的精算师假设只有200万人将会失去了雇主提供的保险。然而也许更多人遭遇了此种情况。6月份咨询公司麦肯锡调查发现2023年后,医疗保险交易所到位后,30%的公司肯定或也许会停止提供保险。7月25日代表小公司的美国独立企业联合会发表了它自己的调查报告。报告指出,如果一些工人开始转向医疗保险交易所,57%的公司会考虑完全取消保险。如果这些调查刺激了公司的实际行动,政府支出甚至将会超过 CMS的预期。8月2日的债务危机也许会避免。但是更大的问题仍然存在。