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  HOW people collaborate, in the face of numeroustemptations to cheat, is an important field ofpsychological and economic research. A lot of thisresearch focuses on the tit-for-tat theory of co-operation: that humans are disposed, when dealingwith another person, to behave in a generousmanner until that other person shows himself not tobe generous. At this point co-operation iswithdrawn. Fool me once, in other words, shameon you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


  When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor willlearn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual. And there isexperimental evidence, based on specially designed games, that tit-for-tat does work forpairs of people. Human societies, though, are more complex than mere dyads. And untilrecently, it has been difficult to model that complexity in the laboratory. But a paper publishedthis week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Nicholas Christakis and hiscolleagues at Harvard has changed that. Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testinggame to be played over the web, with many participants. As a result, he and his team havegained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops.


  Dr Christakis used what is known as a public-goods game for his experiment. At the beginningof such a game, points are doled out to each participant. During every round, players aregiven the opportunity to donate points to their neighbours. Points so donated are augmentedby an equal number from the masters of the game. If everyone co-operates, then, everyoneends up richer. A defector who refuses to donate to his co-operating neighbours will,however, benefit at the expense of those neighbours. At the games end, the points areconverted into real money, to ensure that proper incentives are in place.


  To play his large-scale public-goods game, Dr Christakis recruited 785 volunteers via MechanicalTurka service provided by Amazon, an online retailer, that works by farming out small tasksto an army of individual workers. Each volunteer was randomly assigned links to, on average,eight other players. Together, they played repeated rounds of one of three variations of thegame.


  In the first, participants always interacted with the same group of people. In the second, theconnections were randomly reshuffled after each round. In the final version, one-third of thepossible pairings between participants were chosen at random after each round . Oneplayer from each pair was first told or reminded of how the other had behaved in the previousround, and was then asked whether he wanted to break his connection with that player, if healready had one, or form a new connection, if he had not.


  In all versions of the game, roughly 60% of players started out co-operating. However, in thefirst two, this decreased over time as the pernicious influence of the freeloaders spread. Thelarger the fraction of a subjects partners who defected in a given round, the less likely thatperson was to co-operate in the nextclassical tit-for-tat. However, this tit-for-tat retaliationwas not enough to save co-operation, and after a dozen rounds only 10-20% of the playerswere still willing to co-operate.


  In the variant where participants had some choice over whom they interacted with, though, theamount of co-operation stayed stable as the rounds progressed. When Dr Christakis and histeam looked at how the relationships between players were evolving in this third version, theyfound that connections between two co-operators were much more likely to be maintained thanlinks that involved a defector. Over time, the co-operators accumulated more social connectionsthan the defectors did.


  Furthermore, as they were shunned, the defectors began to change their behaviour. Adefectors likelihood of switching to co-operation increased with the number of players whohad broken links with him in the previous round. Unlike straightforward tit-for-tat, socialretaliation was having a marked effect.


  The next question, then, is whether such a mechanism holds outside the laboratory. To findout, Dr Christakis has forged links with some anthropologists. They hope to report the answersoon.



  HOW people collaborate, in the face of numeroustemptations to cheat, is an important field ofpsychological and economic research. A lot of thisresearch focuses on the tit-for-tat theory of co-operation: that humans are disposed, when dealingwith another person, to behave in a generousmanner until that other person shows himself not tobe generous. At this point co-operation iswithdrawn. Fool me once, in other words, shameon you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


  When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor willlearn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual. And there isexperimental evidence, based on specially designed games, that tit-for-tat does work forpairs of people. Human societies, though, are more complex than mere dyads. And untilrecently, it has been difficult to model that complexity in the laboratory. But a paper publishedthis week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Nicholas Christakis and hiscolleagues at Harvard has changed that. Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testinggame to be played over the web, with many participants. As a result, he and his team havegained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops.


  Dr Christakis used what is known as a public-goods game for his experiment. At the beginningof such a game, points are doled out to each participant. During every round, players aregiven the opportunity to donate points to their neighbours. Points so donated are augmentedby an equal number from the masters of the game. If everyone co-operates, then, everyoneends up richer. A defector who refuses to donate to his co-operating neighbours will,however, benefit at the expense of those neighbours. At the games end, the points areconverted into real money, to ensure that proper incentives are in place.


  To play his large-scale public-goods game, Dr Christakis recruited 785 volunteers via MechanicalTurka service provided by Amazon, an online retailer, that works by farming out small tasksto an army of individual workers. Each volunteer was randomly assigned links to, on average,eight other players. Together, they played repeated rounds of one of three variations of thegame.


  In the first, participants always interacted with the same group of people. In the second, theconnections were randomly reshuffled after each round. In the final version, one-third of thepossible pairings between participants were chosen at random after each round . Oneplayer from each pair was first told or reminded of how the other had behaved in the previousround, and was then asked whether he wanted to break his connection with that player, if healready had one, or form a new connection, if he had not.


  In all versions of the game, roughly 60% of players started out co-operating. However, in thefirst two, this decreased over time as the pernicious influence of the freeloaders spread. Thelarger the fraction of a subjects partners who defected in a given round, the less likely thatperson was to co-operate in the nextclassical tit-for-tat. However, this tit-for-tat retaliationwas not enough to save co-operation, and after a dozen rounds only 10-20% of the playerswere still willing to co-operate.


  In the variant where participants had some choice over whom they interacted with, though, theamount of co-operation stayed stable as the rounds progressed. When Dr Christakis and histeam looked at how the relationships between players were evolving in this third version, theyfound that connections between two co-operators were much more likely to be maintained thanlinks that involved a defector. Over time, the co-operators accumulated more social connectionsthan the defectors did.


  Furthermore, as they were shunned, the defectors began to change their behaviour. Adefectors likelihood of switching to co-operation increased with the number of players whohad broken links with him in the previous round. Unlike straightforward tit-for-tat, socialretaliation was having a marked effect.


  The next question, then, is whether such a mechanism holds outside the laboratory. To findout, Dr Christakis has forged links with some anthropologists. They hope to report the answersoon.
