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  THIS may seem an odd moment to make the claim,but Britain is a country in the grip of a modernisingfrenzy. The outside world may see an unvaryingkingdom of royal weddings, golden carriages andclip-clopping Horse Guards, with a young prime minister drawn from the old Establishment.But strip away the pageantry, and David Camerons Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition isproposing radical changes to the constitutional order.


  A national referendum on May 5th and months of parliamentary wrangling lie ahead. But if allthe changes being proposed by the coalition come to fruition, British democracy could lookand feel very different by the next general election, set by the coalition for May 2023.


  Depending on the outcome of the referendum, that general election may be held using a newvoting system: supporters of change call it the biggest shake-up since votes for women in1928. Voters are to be asked to choose between keeping the winner-takes-all system of first-past-the-post and moving to the alternative-vote method, in which voters rankcandidates in numbered order of preference. Under AV, if no candidate wins more than 50%of voters first preferences, the least popular candidate is eliminated and the secondpreferences of those who voted for him are distributed. The process continues, redistributingthird, fourth or lower preferences until someone crosses the 50% line.


  The House of Commons is also set to shrink from650 to 600 seats, and almost every constituency willhave new boundaries. With few exceptions, the seatswill be more uniform, with around 76,000 votersapiecea change that will mean many seatsstraddling county borders for the first time, and themerger of many small seats, notably in Wales. Thenext parliament might also have a fixed term of fiveyears, ending the privilege enjoyed by British primeministers of choosing the date tocall a general election.

  下议院的席位将从650个缩减到600个,几乎所有的选区都要重新划分。总体来说席位将更加均衡,每个议员代表近 7.6万的投票人,这一改变将意味着有很多席位首次跨郡,很多量小的席位合并,尤其是在威尔士。下一届议会的任期大概也是5年,首相将不再享有选择大选日期的特权。

  Under another set of proposals due to be unveiled in May, the present House of Lords isearmarked for abolition. Its 792 serving members are to be replaced, after a transition period,by a semi-elected house of as few as 300 members. According topress leaks, 80% of its members would be elected by a form of proportional representation ie, a system in which a party that polls a fifth of the votes wins roughly a fifth of the seatsfor single terms of 15 years. The remaining 20% would be appointed, in an awkward trade-off between democracy and the expertise brought to Lords debates by retired military chiefs,judges, scientists and other grandees who may be unwilling to run for party-political office.The 92 remaining hereditary peers would be ejected from Parliament, as would most of the 25 Anglican bishops and archbishops who sit in todays House of Lords.


  Many peers expect their elected successors to be much more assertive towards the House ofCommons, straining old conventions that the Lords should bow before the primacy of theelected chamber. Government ministers play down the prospect of clashes, saying there is noreason why the relationship should alter. That seems a stretch. At the least the newrelationship will probably have to be written down in statutory form. And then, notes VernonBogdanor of Kings College London, Britain would be halfway to a written constitution. Thatmarks another break, this time with the tradition that Britains constitution exists merely invirtual form, scattered across the statute books and buttressed by precedent andconvention.


  Will all these changes happen? Previous attempts at bold reform have often been watereddown. Ordinary voters may determine part of the answer. Plans for reforming the upper housearelike plans for AVLiberal Democrat ambitions, and are the personal responsibility of NickClegg, the Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister. If May 5th sees a series of defeats forthe Lib Demsnotably in the AV referendum, but also in elections held the same day to localcouncils and devolved parliamentsMr Clegg will need something to cheer up his party. If, onthe other hand, AV is approved, furious Tory MPs may demand that the House of Lords be leftalone.



  THIS may seem an odd moment to make the claim,but Britain is a country in the grip of a modernisingfrenzy. The outside world may see an unvaryingkingdom of royal weddings, golden carriages andclip-clopping Horse Guards, with a young prime minister drawn from the old Establishment.But strip away the pageantry, and David Camerons Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition isproposing radical changes to the constitutional order.


  A national referendum on May 5th and months of parliamentary wrangling lie ahead. But if allthe changes being proposed by the coalition come to fruition, British democracy could lookand feel very different by the next general election, set by the coalition for May 2023.


  Depending on the outcome of the referendum, that general election may be held using a newvoting system: supporters of change call it the biggest shake-up since votes for women in1928. Voters are to be asked to choose between keeping the winner-takes-all system of first-past-the-post and moving to the alternative-vote method, in which voters rankcandidates in numbered order of preference. Under AV, if no candidate wins more than 50%of voters first preferences, the least popular candidate is eliminated and the secondpreferences of those who voted for him are distributed. The process continues, redistributingthird, fourth or lower preferences until someone crosses the 50% line.


  The House of Commons is also set to shrink from650 to 600 seats, and almost every constituency willhave new boundaries. With few exceptions, the seatswill be more uniform, with around 76,000 votersapiecea change that will mean many seatsstraddling county borders for the first time, and themerger of many small seats, notably in Wales. Thenext parliament might also have a fixed term of fiveyears, ending the privilege enjoyed by British primeministers of choosing the date tocall a general election.

  下议院的席位将从650个缩减到600个,几乎所有的选区都要重新划分。总体来说席位将更加均衡,每个议员代表近 7.6万的投票人,这一改变将意味着有很多席位首次跨郡,很多量小的席位合并,尤其是在威尔士。下一届议会的任期大概也是5年,首相将不再享有选择大选日期的特权。

  Under another set of proposals due to be unveiled in May, the present House of Lords isearmarked for abolition. Its 792 serving members are to be replaced, after a transition period,by a semi-elected house of as few as 300 members. According topress leaks, 80% of its members would be elected by a form of proportional representation ie, a system in which a party that polls a fifth of the votes wins roughly a fifth of the seatsfor single terms of 15 years. The remaining 20% would be appointed, in an awkward trade-off between democracy and the expertise brought to Lords debates by retired military chiefs,judges, scientists and other grandees who may be unwilling to run for party-political office.The 92 remaining hereditary peers would be ejected from Parliament, as would most of the 25 Anglican bishops and archbishops who sit in todays House of Lords.


  Many peers expect their elected successors to be much more assertive towards the House ofCommons, straining old conventions that the Lords should bow before the primacy of theelected chamber. Government ministers play down the prospect of clashes, saying there is noreason why the relationship should alter. That seems a stretch. At the least the newrelationship will probably have to be written down in statutory form. And then, notes VernonBogdanor of Kings College London, Britain would be halfway to a written constitution. Thatmarks another break, this time with the tradition that Britains constitution exists merely invirtual form, scattered across the statute books and buttressed by precedent andconvention.


  Will all these changes happen? Previous attempts at bold reform have often been watereddown. Ordinary voters may determine part of the answer. Plans for reforming the upper housearelike plans for AVLiberal Democrat ambitions, and are the personal responsibility of NickClegg, the Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister. If May 5th sees a series of defeats forthe Lib Demsnotably in the AV referendum, but also in elections held the same day to localcouncils and devolved parliamentsMr Clegg will need something to cheer up his party. If, onthe other hand, AV is approved, furious Tory MPs may demand that the House of Lords be leftalone.
