Book Review;Capital punishment inAmerica
Justice, delayed and denied
正义, 姗姗来迟甚至无处可伸?
Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong.By Raymond Bonner.
What sort of town was Greenwood, South Carolinain the early 1980s? It was the kind of place where aprominent white man could get away with shooting and killing a black man who walkedacross his property at night. When the local chief prosecutor, William T. Jones, brought thecase before a grand jury, he was not looking for an indictment. Surely anyone would havebehaved the same way under the circumstances, he argued. Surely, he told the jurors, theytoo would have picked up a shotgun. The grand jury did not indict.
上世纪80年代早期,美国南卡罗来纳州的格林伍德是怎样的一个城镇呢?这是这样的一个地方,一个身份显赫的白人在射击杀死一个晚上穿过他私人土地的黑人后并没有受到什么惩罚。在当地首席检察官William T.Jones将这个案件拿到大陪审团面前时,他并不是在寻求一种控诉。他认为,在同样的情况下每个人肯定都会采取同样的行动。他很坚定地告诉陪审团,他们也会拿起一把猎枪。陪审团没有起诉。
A few months later Jones persuaded the same grand jury to indict Edward Lee Elmore, a23-year-old black man, for the murder of Dorothy Edwards, a 75-year-old white woman. Shewas found inside her bedroom closet, bruised and repeatedly stabbed. Mr Elmore wassentenced to death less than 90 days later. This grim case is the subject of Anatomy ofInjustice, a gripping and enraging book from Raymond Bonner, a veteran investigativejournalist at the New York Times.Mr Elmore would spend 27 years on death row, despitestrong circumstantial evidence suggesting that he did not commit the crime. His capitalsentence was ultimately overturned thanks to the tireless efforts of Diana Holt, his lawyerand the book s hero, who spent more than a decade seeking justice on his behalf.
几个月之后Jones说服这相同的大陪审团起诉 Edward Lee Elmore,一个23岁的黑人谋杀一位75岁的白人妇女Dorothy Edwards。她是在自己的卧室衣橱被发现的,身上青肿并被刺了很多刀。Elmore先生在90天内就被判处死刑。这个残酷的例子就是《不公正的剖析》这本书的主题,这本吸引人的书是一位纽约时报资深调查资讯记者雷蒙德邦纳写的。尽管大量的间接推测都表明Elmore先生并没有犯罪,但他也将在死刑房耗尽27年。他死刑的罪状最终在戴安娜霍尔特的不懈努力下推翻了,戴安娜霍尔特是他的律师也是这本书的主人翁,他花费了10多年的时间为Elmore 声张正义。
Mentally disabled and barely literate, Mr Elmore was 14 years old when he dropped out ofschool. He could add and subtract using his fingers, but he could not tell the time, he did notknow the seasons and he could not understand directions. He became a neighbourhoodhandyman, and he cleaned Edwards s gutters and washed her windows two weeks before shewas killed. He was arrested because his fingerprint was found at her house.
智力上的缺陷以及知识的匮乏,Elmore在他14岁的时候就辍学了。他可以用手指进行加减但是他不能识别时间,不知道一年四季,没有方向感。他成了邻居街坊里的勤杂工,就在Dorothy Edwards被杀的前两周,他还在清洗她家的水沟,擦洗他的窗户。由于在Edwards家发现了他的指纹就被逮捕了。
At his trial, Mr Elmore was given two lawyers. One was known as the bourbon cowboy. Hewas twice arrested for drunk driving, and his breath smelled of alcohol in court. The otherlawyer referred to his client as a redheaded nigger. They had Mr Elmore testify, a rarity inmurder trials, and they called no other witnesses. The judge dismissed four potential jurorsbecause of their opposition to capital punishment. It took the jury less than three hours to convict Mr Elmore, and anadditional 50 minutes to sentence him to death.
在审讯过程中,Elmore 有两位律师。一位被称作波旁牛仔。这位律师曾两次酒后驾驶被拘留,同时在法庭上他呼吸里有浓重的酒味。另一位提到的律师对于他的客户来说就是红发黑人。他们让Elmore自己作证,这是在谋杀案件中少有的事,他们称没有其他证人了。法官解散了四个潜在的陪审团,正由于他们对死刑裁决的反对。这就使得陪审团在不到3个小时就判Elmore有罪,并在额外的50分钟内就对他判了死刑。
But Mr Elmore did not die in jail. After the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that states could notexecute the mentally disabled, his sentence was commuted to life in prison, where he stillsits. Opponents of capital punishment may be familiar with arguments about its expense,unjust application and inefficacy as a deterrent. But it is another thing entirely to readabout patently biased judges, policemen who lie under oath and bloodthirsty prosecutors.
In telling Mr Elmore s story, Mr Bonner deftly weaves in a brief history of American capitalpunishment and its discontents. Following a brief moratorium in 1972, when the SupremeCourt ruled that the death penalty s application violated the Eighth Amendment s ban oncruel and unusual punishment, it was reinstated in 38 states from 1976. By 2010, 1,226more executions had taken place, 1,010 of them in the South. Most of these executedinmates have been black; a vast majority of the victims in capital cases were white. But MrBonner s book is not a treatise against the death penalty. Rather, it is a dismal look atwhat happens in America s justice system when justice is absent.
在讲述Elmore的故事的时候,奥邦纳很快的就编织出了关于美国死刑刑罚的简洁历史,并表示不满。随后就是 1972年的一个简洁的禁令在那时,这最高法院裁定这死刑刑法的运用违反了第八修正案禁止残忍与异常的刑罚条款,到了1976年在38个州才恢复使用。截止2010年,执行了1226多次死刑的裁决,其中南方占到1010例。大部分的死囚犯是黑人,而大多数的受害者是资本阶级白人。但是Bonner 的书不是一本反对死刑的论述。然而,它是对美国的司法系统当公正不在时所发生的事的一点心痛的看法。
Book Review;Capital punishment inAmerica
Justice, delayed and denied
正义, 姗姗来迟甚至无处可伸?
Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong.By Raymond Bonner.
What sort of town was Greenwood, South Carolinain the early 1980s? It was the kind of place where aprominent white man could get away with shooting and killing a black man who walkedacross his property at night. When the local chief prosecutor, William T. Jones, brought thecase before a grand jury, he was not looking for an indictment. Surely anyone would havebehaved the same way under the circumstances, he argued. Surely, he told the jurors, theytoo would have picked up a shotgun. The grand jury did not indict.
上世纪80年代早期,美国南卡罗来纳州的格林伍德是怎样的一个城镇呢?这是这样的一个地方,一个身份显赫的白人在射击杀死一个晚上穿过他私人土地的黑人后并没有受到什么惩罚。在当地首席检察官William T.Jones将这个案件拿到大陪审团面前时,他并不是在寻求一种控诉。他认为,在同样的情况下每个人肯定都会采取同样的行动。他很坚定地告诉陪审团,他们也会拿起一把猎枪。陪审团没有起诉。
A few months later Jones persuaded the same grand jury to indict Edward Lee Elmore, a23-year-old black man, for the murder of Dorothy Edwards, a 75-year-old white woman. Shewas found inside her bedroom closet, bruised and repeatedly stabbed. Mr Elmore wassentenced to death less than 90 days later. This grim case is the subject of Anatomy ofInjustice, a gripping and enraging book from Raymond Bonner, a veteran investigativejournalist at the New York Times.Mr Elmore would spend 27 years on death row, despitestrong circumstantial evidence suggesting that he did not commit the crime. His capitalsentence was ultimately overturned thanks to the tireless efforts of Diana Holt, his lawyerand the book s hero, who spent more than a decade seeking justice on his behalf.
几个月之后Jones说服这相同的大陪审团起诉 Edward Lee Elmore,一个23岁的黑人谋杀一位75岁的白人妇女Dorothy Edwards。她是在自己的卧室衣橱被发现的,身上青肿并被刺了很多刀。Elmore先生在90天内就被判处死刑。这个残酷的例子就是《不公正的剖析》这本书的主题,这本吸引人的书是一位纽约时报资深调查资讯记者雷蒙德邦纳写的。尽管大量的间接推测都表明Elmore先生并没有犯罪,但他也将在死刑房耗尽27年。他死刑的罪状最终在戴安娜霍尔特的不懈努力下推翻了,戴安娜霍尔特是他的律师也是这本书的主人翁,他花费了10多年的时间为Elmore 声张正义。
Mentally disabled and barely literate, Mr Elmore was 14 years old when he dropped out ofschool. He could add and subtract using his fingers, but he could not tell the time, he did notknow the seasons and he could not understand directions. He became a neighbourhoodhandyman, and he cleaned Edwards s gutters and washed her windows two weeks before shewas killed. He was arrested because his fingerprint was found at her house.
智力上的缺陷以及知识的匮乏,Elmore在他14岁的时候就辍学了。他可以用手指进行加减但是他不能识别时间,不知道一年四季,没有方向感。他成了邻居街坊里的勤杂工,就在Dorothy Edwards被杀的前两周,他还在清洗她家的水沟,擦洗他的窗户。由于在Edwards家发现了他的指纹就被逮捕了。
At his trial, Mr Elmore was given two lawyers. One was known as the bourbon cowboy. Hewas twice arrested for drunk driving, and his breath smelled of alcohol in court. The otherlawyer referred to his client as a redheaded nigger. They had Mr Elmore testify, a rarity inmurder trials, and they called no other witnesses. The judge dismissed four potential jurorsbecause of their opposition to capital punishment. It took the jury less than three hours to convict Mr Elmore, and anadditional 50 minutes to sentence him to death.
在审讯过程中,Elmore 有两位律师。一位被称作波旁牛仔。这位律师曾两次酒后驾驶被拘留,同时在法庭上他呼吸里有浓重的酒味。另一位提到的律师对于他的客户来说就是红发黑人。他们让Elmore自己作证,这是在谋杀案件中少有的事,他们称没有其他证人了。法官解散了四个潜在的陪审团,正由于他们对死刑裁决的反对。这就使得陪审团在不到3个小时就判Elmore有罪,并在额外的50分钟内就对他判了死刑。
But Mr Elmore did not die in jail. After the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that states could notexecute the mentally disabled, his sentence was commuted to life in prison, where he stillsits. Opponents of capital punishment may be familiar with arguments about its expense,unjust application and inefficacy as a deterrent. But it is another thing entirely to readabout patently biased judges, policemen who lie under oath and bloodthirsty prosecutors.
In telling Mr Elmore s story, Mr Bonner deftly weaves in a brief history of American capitalpunishment and its discontents. Following a brief moratorium in 1972, when the SupremeCourt ruled that the death penalty s application violated the Eighth Amendment s ban oncruel and unusual punishment, it was reinstated in 38 states from 1976. By 2010, 1,226more executions had taken place, 1,010 of them in the South. Most of these executedinmates have been black; a vast majority of the victims in capital cases were white. But MrBonner s book is not a treatise against the death penalty. Rather, it is a dismal look atwhat happens in America s justice system when justice is absent.
在讲述Elmore的故事的时候,奥邦纳很快的就编织出了关于美国死刑刑罚的简洁历史,并表示不满。随后就是 1972年的一个简洁的禁令在那时,这最高法院裁定这死刑刑法的运用违反了第八修正案禁止残忍与异常的刑罚条款,到了1976年在38个州才恢复使用。截止2010年,执行了1226多次死刑的裁决,其中南方占到1010例。大部分的死囚犯是黑人,而大多数的受害者是资本阶级白人。但是Bonner 的书不是一本反对死刑的论述。然而,它是对美国的司法系统当公正不在时所发生的事的一点心痛的看法。