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  Mightier than the sword


  The collected thoughts on this, that and the other oftwo clever men;


  When writers are grand enough, they can producebooks by recycling their journalism, lectures,academic papers and other jottings. Sometimesthat can seem dated and lazy. Sometimes it is atreat: the assorted pieces come together to create a great mosaic. Neither Facts areSubversive by Timothy Garton Ash, an Oxford-based writer and academic, nor Gray sAnatomy by John Gray, a political philosopher, fall into the first trap . They are both good reads. But neither quite reaches the goal of the whole beingmore interesting than the parts.


  Mr Garton Ash is incapable of writing a dull article. Unlike some famous-name writers, he isproud to be a reporter: whatever the subject, he digs diligently. He observes sharply andwith a dry donnish wit that deserves greater play. A remarkable wordsmith, at his best hehas an echo of one of his great heroes, George Orwell. The pieces range from his firststamping-grounds of Germany and central Europe to the bigger themes he took on later and tomore exotic places, including Brazil, Iran and Myanmar.


  His aim is to chronicle the history of the nameless decade, the period that began with theterrorist attacks on America in September 2001 and ended with the election of BarackObama last year. The subjects encompassed in that time include authoritariangovernments, the challenge to liberalism raised by Islam and the corrosive combinationof the Bush administration s bungled foreign policy and Europe s unthinking anti-Americanism.


  But Mr Garton Ash s silver nib wiggles past those constraints. The best essays in the book aretimeless. One is a nuanced and convincing piece, both sympathetic and devastating,about Gnter Grass, the German novelist, who revealed in his memoirs that he had brieflybeen in the Waffen SS. Did that taint Mr Grass s books, or his role in public life, or both orneither? Was it the wartime service that was shameful, or its concealment over decades?Mr Garton Ash brings the reader sure-footedly through the thickets of Germany s post-warhistory and through the marshy ground of moral relativism. He points to the real scandal:that Mr Grass was himself so casually splenetic over so many years about other people sshortcomings, while concealing his own.


  Another excellent piece touches on a comparable issue: the list of suspected communistsympathisers that Orwell supplied to the British authorities in 1949. Again, Mr Garton Ash isscrupulously fair, highlighting Orwell s sincere fear of communistinfiltration, as well as his fumbling feelings for Celia Kirwan, the British official involved.


  Some of the reworked articles are commendable journalism, but do not quite stand the testof time. Mr Garton Ash s observations from his trip to Iran in 2005 seem a bit whiskery now.It is nostalgic to read about the fall of crony capitalism in Ukraine five years ago. But thereader is left hankering to know what Mr Garton Ash thinks about the mess that hassucceeded it. A fiercer editor might have left out such pieces, and pruned the author soccasional lapses into self-indulgence . Thatmay not matter in individual newspaper columns. It jars when collected in a book.


  Mr Gray s book is darker, grittier and more ambitious. Mr Garton Ash is happy to lambastthe West s specific shortcomings but Mr Gray sets out to unpick the shallow philosophicalfoundations of the whole edifice, in particular the modern myths about progress andperfectibility. He demolishes the theory that we have reached the end of history, thedogmas of secular liberalism, the weaknesses of financial casino capitalism and the limits ofenergy-intensive economic growth. Such targets deserve his scrutiny and Mr Gray scriticisms are cogent. But he tends to overdo it. Again and again he attacks thepeople he calls neoliberals without pinning down whom he isattacking. The reader is left feeling a straw man has been dissected.


  The finest pieces in Mr Gray s book are satire. One is a Swiftian essay in favour of torture. Even better is a devastatingparody of the Marxist approach to linguistics, involving a visit by LudwigWittgenstein to the Soviet Union, and his relationship with an Hungarianacademic, L. Revai, who idealises the grunts of slave labourers as a proletarian Ursprache.


  In Mr Gray s most substantial essay, An agenda for Green conservatism, he attemptsto rescue conservatism from the ideological excesses of the 1980s. This is athought-provoking enterprise, deserving a book on its own. But if it became a book, theauthor s views on such things as the failings of professional monopolies in education andhealth would benefit from more statistics and fewer assertionscalling, perhaps, forinvestment in a researcher.


  As Mr Garton Ash rightly points out, it is facts, ultimately, that are subversive.



  Mightier than the sword


  The collected thoughts on this, that and the other oftwo clever men;


  When writers are grand enough, they can producebooks by recycling their journalism, lectures,academic papers and other jottings. Sometimesthat can seem dated and lazy. Sometimes it is atreat: the assorted pieces come together to create a great mosaic. Neither Facts areSubversive by Timothy Garton Ash, an Oxford-based writer and academic, nor Gray sAnatomy by John Gray, a political philosopher, fall into the first trap . They are both good reads. But neither quite reaches the goal of the whole beingmore interesting than the parts.


  Mr Garton Ash is incapable of writing a dull article. Unlike some famous-name writers, he isproud to be a reporter: whatever the subject, he digs diligently. He observes sharply andwith a dry donnish wit that deserves greater play. A remarkable wordsmith, at his best hehas an echo of one of his great heroes, George Orwell. The pieces range from his firststamping-grounds of Germany and central Europe to the bigger themes he took on later and tomore exotic places, including Brazil, Iran and Myanmar.


  His aim is to chronicle the history of the nameless decade, the period that began with theterrorist attacks on America in September 2001 and ended with the election of BarackObama last year. The subjects encompassed in that time include authoritariangovernments, the challenge to liberalism raised by Islam and the corrosive combinationof the Bush administration s bungled foreign policy and Europe s unthinking anti-Americanism.


  But Mr Garton Ash s silver nib wiggles past those constraints. The best essays in the book aretimeless. One is a nuanced and convincing piece, both sympathetic and devastating,about Gnter Grass, the German novelist, who revealed in his memoirs that he had brieflybeen in the Waffen SS. Did that taint Mr Grass s books, or his role in public life, or both orneither? Was it the wartime service that was shameful, or its concealment over decades?Mr Garton Ash brings the reader sure-footedly through the thickets of Germany s post-warhistory and through the marshy ground of moral relativism. He points to the real scandal:that Mr Grass was himself so casually splenetic over so many years about other people sshortcomings, while concealing his own.


  Another excellent piece touches on a comparable issue: the list of suspected communistsympathisers that Orwell supplied to the British authorities in 1949. Again, Mr Garton Ash isscrupulously fair, highlighting Orwell s sincere fear of communistinfiltration, as well as his fumbling feelings for Celia Kirwan, the British official involved.


  Some of the reworked articles are commendable journalism, but do not quite stand the testof time. Mr Garton Ash s observations from his trip to Iran in 2005 seem a bit whiskery now.It is nostalgic to read about the fall of crony capitalism in Ukraine five years ago. But thereader is left hankering to know what Mr Garton Ash thinks about the mess that hassucceeded it. A fiercer editor might have left out such pieces, and pruned the author soccasional lapses into self-indulgence . Thatmay not matter in individual newspaper columns. It jars when collected in a book.


  Mr Gray s book is darker, grittier and more ambitious. Mr Garton Ash is happy to lambastthe West s specific shortcomings but Mr Gray sets out to unpick the shallow philosophicalfoundations of the whole edifice, in particular the modern myths about progress andperfectibility. He demolishes the theory that we have reached the end of history, thedogmas of secular liberalism, the weaknesses of financial casino capitalism and the limits ofenergy-intensive economic growth. Such targets deserve his scrutiny and Mr Gray scriticisms are cogent. But he tends to overdo it. Again and again he attacks thepeople he calls neoliberals without pinning down whom he isattacking. The reader is left feeling a straw man has been dissected.


  The finest pieces in Mr Gray s book are satire. One is a Swiftian essay in favour of torture. Even better is a devastatingparody of the Marxist approach to linguistics, involving a visit by LudwigWittgenstein to the Soviet Union, and his relationship with an Hungarianacademic, L. Revai, who idealises the grunts of slave labourers as a proletarian Ursprache.


  In Mr Gray s most substantial essay, An agenda for Green conservatism, he attemptsto rescue conservatism from the ideological excesses of the 1980s. This is athought-provoking enterprise, deserving a book on its own. But if it became a book, theauthor s views on such things as the failings of professional monopolies in education andhealth would benefit from more statistics and fewer assertionscalling, perhaps, forinvestment in a researcher.


  As Mr Garton Ash rightly points out, it is facts, ultimately, that are subversive.
