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  George Daniels


  George Daniels, master watchmaker, died onOctober 21st, aged 85


  A SCHOOLBOY once asked George Daniels whathe had at the end of the chain that led to hispocket. A silly question, really. But it was worthasking, because what Mr Daniels pulled out,carefully, was what he called his Space Traveller s Watch. It gave mean solar time, meansidereal time, equation of time, and could chart the phases of the moon. Mr Daniels liked tosay it would be useful for trips to Mars. He had surmised almost the same when, at five orsix, he had first prised open with a fairly blunt breadknife the back of an old watch he hadfound at home, and seen the centre of the universe inside.


  He had never imagined then that he would make the universe by hand. But he did.Every component of his Space Traveller s Watchas of the 36 other watches he made, eachunique, over his 42 working yearswas produced from scratch. He made the screws, thesprings and the levers, the pallets and gears, the hands and the plain, often numberlessdials. He also made the tools that made them, except for the lathes and turning engines. Noone else had ever learned the dozens of necessary skills. But after years of teaching himselfhorology from clocks bought for a bob or two at jumble sales, or comrades broken watchesin the army, or the wonderful Breguet and old English timepieces he went on to restore forcollectors, he had begun to think, why not?


  Hour after hour, for it wasn t the sort of work you could just do a little of and leave again,he would cut and shape, file and polish, temper and hammer. The work flowed from thetools almost unconsciously. He learned from a craftsman in Clerkenwell how to make cases,usually of gold with a silver back and bezels. His first watch was sold to a collector friend,Sam Clutton, in 1970 for £1,900; when sold in 2002, it fetched more than £200,000.

  他就这样开始了制表生涯。他会连续几个小时地工作,切割塑造出基本形状,用矬子将表打磨光滑,用小锤调整精确度。这些工作不允许匠人只敲打一会儿就去做的别的事情。匠人几乎是无意识地被工具操控着。丹尼尔斯向一名匠人学习怎样制作表盒,通常是那种银质的背部和带有银质表座的金质表盒。他的第一块表于 1970年以1900英镑的价格卖给了一个名叫Sam Clutton的收藏家朋友。而这块表在2002年卖出的时候,售价超过了20万英镑。

  Tick, tock


  A hard, poor childhood in north London had given him a nose for a deal and a sharp senseof the value of everything. But his pieces were private experiments, not commissions. Hewanted to build watches that kept better time than any in the 500 years before. The generalpublic was happy, from the late 1960s, with quartz models that lost, on average, two or threeseconds a month. But Mr Daniels was determined to show that a mechanical watch couldbeat them. In the mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which,over 32 days, lost less than a second. His happiness at beating quartz came close to hisboyhood joy when a wall-clock he had mended magnificently exploded, springs and glasseverywhere, as the family ate their bread and jam at the supper table.

  丹尼尔斯在伦敦北部度过了他贫穷艰苦的童年,这一段生活经历培养了他善于发现商机的天才和对一切事物价值的敏锐直觉。但是他制作的钟表都是个人的试验品,而非受委托制作的商品。他还想制作出五百年来报时最准确的表。从20世纪60年代以来,人们就使用石英表,并对其每个月平均误差两到三秒的性能十分满意。但是他下定决心要制作出前无古人的机械表。20世纪70年代中期,他为Sam Clutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。这次他的表打败了石英表所带来的喜悦不亚于孩提时代他修过的家里的壁钟突然爆炸,弹簧和玻璃蹦得到处都是带给孩子的惊喜,而那时全家人正围着餐桌吃果酱面包呢。

  Now he had to improve on the lever escapement, which had been invented in 1754 bythe English horologist Thomas Mudge and used in most watches since. It worked by friction,as the teeth of the gears slid over the pallet; but this arrangement needed lubrication, andas the oil degraded the watch lost time. Mr Daniels became obsessed with the tick, tock ofclocks , and how to get animpulse on both the tick and the tock that would not be affected by humidity,temperature, oil sludge or agitation. His solution, invented in 1976, was the co-axialescapement, an arrangement in which two wheels, placed one above the other, transmittedto the pallet a radial impulse that needed no lubrication and so would never stop.

  接着他要完善的是叉瓦式擒纵机构。叉瓦式擒纵机构1754年由英国制表师Thomas Mudge发明,从那以后就广泛运用于大部分表中。它的表面指针由齿轮在托盘上滑动产生的摩擦带动。但是这一工作原理要求内部零件保持润滑,否则随着润滑度的磨损,报时会逐渐丧失准确性。随着研究的深入,丹尼尔斯越来越对钟表发出的滴答声着迷,这声音和银铃般的报时钟声,在他的每一处宅邸里荡漾。他还痴迷于解决如何使表获得传动又不受湿度、温度、润滑度和震动影响的问题。该问题的解决方案于1976年诞生,这便是同轴式擒纵机构。这一装置由叠置于托盘上的两个齿轮组成,两个齿轮会向托盘传递放射状的传动力而不需要任何的润滑,因此永远不会停止。

  That achievement earned him many honours for services to horology, but it was onlythe beginning of a long slog to get his idea accepted. The world of clocks and watches was aclosed one. He knew it himself, because his boyhood watch studies from library books were aprivate realm only he could understand, and the 18th-century English mastersMudge,Arnold, Earnshawthe only real friends he had. Watchmakers kept the secrets they learnedin their lonely working hours. Even later, when he had put himself in the millionaires bracket and had to move to the Isle of Man for tax reasons, his friends were in the motoringclubs where he shared his other passion, for vintage Bentleys and racing cars. He had nowatchmaker friends at all.


  So it was no surprise to him, though keenly disappointing, that the Swiss watchmakingindustry was neither eager to look at the co-axial escapement, nor able to understand it. Hedid the rounds of the factories for more than 20 years. After four years with Patek Philippe,he could not persuade them to make it. Omega began to produce it in limited editions in2006, after seven years of development that Mr Daniels dismissed as unnecessary. Large-scale production would have been too expensive. But Mr Daniels also suspected sheerdislike of outsiders.


  While restoring the timepieces made by his idol Breguet in the 19th century, he had madetwo clocks in the same style, just to prove he could beat the master. They were so fine thatthe company insisted on putting the Breguet secret signatures on them. Mr Daniels wentalong with it. He had a secret cipher of his own, though, a dove with an olive branch. Itmeant peace to his rivals, French or Swiss; but if the most ingenious invention inwatchmaking for 250 years was too tricky for them, why, he would just pick it up, snap it shutand put it back in his pocket.



  George Daniels


  George Daniels, master watchmaker, died onOctober 21st, aged 85


  A SCHOOLBOY once asked George Daniels whathe had at the end of the chain that led to hispocket. A silly question, really. But it was worthasking, because what Mr Daniels pulled out,carefully, was what he called his Space Traveller s Watch. It gave mean solar time, meansidereal time, equation of time, and could chart the phases of the moon. Mr Daniels liked tosay it would be useful for trips to Mars. He had surmised almost the same when, at five orsix, he had first prised open with a fairly blunt breadknife the back of an old watch he hadfound at home, and seen the centre of the universe inside.


  He had never imagined then that he would make the universe by hand. But he did.Every component of his Space Traveller s Watchas of the 36 other watches he made, eachunique, over his 42 working yearswas produced from scratch. He made the screws, thesprings and the levers, the pallets and gears, the hands and the plain, often numberlessdials. He also made the tools that made them, except for the lathes and turning engines. Noone else had ever learned the dozens of necessary skills. But after years of teaching himselfhorology from clocks bought for a bob or two at jumble sales, or comrades broken watchesin the army, or the wonderful Breguet and old English timepieces he went on to restore forcollectors, he had begun to think, why not?


  Hour after hour, for it wasn t the sort of work you could just do a little of and leave again,he would cut and shape, file and polish, temper and hammer. The work flowed from thetools almost unconsciously. He learned from a craftsman in Clerkenwell how to make cases,usually of gold with a silver back and bezels. His first watch was sold to a collector friend,Sam Clutton, in 1970 for £1,900; when sold in 2002, it fetched more than £200,000.

  他就这样开始了制表生涯。他会连续几个小时地工作,切割塑造出基本形状,用矬子将表打磨光滑,用小锤调整精确度。这些工作不允许匠人只敲打一会儿就去做的别的事情。匠人几乎是无意识地被工具操控着。丹尼尔斯向一名匠人学习怎样制作表盒,通常是那种银质的背部和带有银质表座的金质表盒。他的第一块表于 1970年以1900英镑的价格卖给了一个名叫Sam Clutton的收藏家朋友。而这块表在2002年卖出的时候,售价超过了20万英镑。

  Tick, tock


  A hard, poor childhood in north London had given him a nose for a deal and a sharp senseof the value of everything. But his pieces were private experiments, not commissions. Hewanted to build watches that kept better time than any in the 500 years before. The generalpublic was happy, from the late 1960s, with quartz models that lost, on average, two or threeseconds a month. But Mr Daniels was determined to show that a mechanical watch couldbeat them. In the mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which,over 32 days, lost less than a second. His happiness at beating quartz came close to hisboyhood joy when a wall-clock he had mended magnificently exploded, springs and glasseverywhere, as the family ate their bread and jam at the supper table.

  丹尼尔斯在伦敦北部度过了他贫穷艰苦的童年,这一段生活经历培养了他善于发现商机的天才和对一切事物价值的敏锐直觉。但是他制作的钟表都是个人的试验品,而非受委托制作的商品。他还想制作出五百年来报时最准确的表。从20世纪60年代以来,人们就使用石英表,并对其每个月平均误差两到三秒的性能十分满意。但是他下定决心要制作出前无古人的机械表。20世纪70年代中期,他为Sam Clutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。这次他的表打败了石英表所带来的喜悦不亚于孩提时代他修过的家里的壁钟突然爆炸,弹簧和玻璃蹦得到处都是带给孩子的惊喜,而那时全家人正围着餐桌吃果酱面包呢。

  Now he had to improve on the lever escapement, which had been invented in 1754 bythe English horologist Thomas Mudge and used in most watches since. It worked by friction,as the teeth of the gears slid over the pallet; but this arrangement needed lubrication, andas the oil degraded the watch lost time. Mr Daniels became obsessed with the tick, tock ofclocks , and how to get animpulse on both the tick and the tock that would not be affected by humidity,temperature, oil sludge or agitation. His solution, invented in 1976, was the co-axialescapement, an arrangement in which two wheels, placed one above the other, transmittedto the pallet a radial impulse that needed no lubrication and so would never stop.

  接着他要完善的是叉瓦式擒纵机构。叉瓦式擒纵机构1754年由英国制表师Thomas Mudge发明,从那以后就广泛运用于大部分表中。它的表面指针由齿轮在托盘上滑动产生的摩擦带动。但是这一工作原理要求内部零件保持润滑,否则随着润滑度的磨损,报时会逐渐丧失准确性。随着研究的深入,丹尼尔斯越来越对钟表发出的滴答声着迷,这声音和银铃般的报时钟声,在他的每一处宅邸里荡漾。他还痴迷于解决如何使表获得传动又不受湿度、温度、润滑度和震动影响的问题。该问题的解决方案于1976年诞生,这便是同轴式擒纵机构。这一装置由叠置于托盘上的两个齿轮组成,两个齿轮会向托盘传递放射状的传动力而不需要任何的润滑,因此永远不会停止。

  That achievement earned him many honours for services to horology, but it was onlythe beginning of a long slog to get his idea accepted. The world of clocks and watches was aclosed one. He knew it himself, because his boyhood watch studies from library books were aprivate realm only he could understand, and the 18th-century English mastersMudge,Arnold, Earnshawthe only real friends he had. Watchmakers kept the secrets they learnedin their lonely working hours. Even later, when he had put himself in the millionaires bracket and had to move to the Isle of Man for tax reasons, his friends were in the motoringclubs where he shared his other passion, for vintage Bentleys and racing cars. He had nowatchmaker friends at all.


  So it was no surprise to him, though keenly disappointing, that the Swiss watchmakingindustry was neither eager to look at the co-axial escapement, nor able to understand it. Hedid the rounds of the factories for more than 20 years. After four years with Patek Philippe,he could not persuade them to make it. Omega began to produce it in limited editions in2006, after seven years of development that Mr Daniels dismissed as unnecessary. Large-scale production would have been too expensive. But Mr Daniels also suspected sheerdislike of outsiders.


  While restoring the timepieces made by his idol Breguet in the 19th century, he had madetwo clocks in the same style, just to prove he could beat the master. They were so fine thatthe company insisted on putting the Breguet secret signatures on them. Mr Daniels wentalong with it. He had a secret cipher of his own, though, a dove with an olive branch. Itmeant peace to his rivals, French or Swiss; but if the most ingenious invention inwatchmaking for 250 years was too tricky for them, why, he would just pick it up, snap it shutand put it back in his pocket.
