America and Iran;Cloud computing
A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama s Diplomacy withIran, by Trita Parsi.
With dark rumours swirling of an attack on Iran snuclear programme, this new book by Trita Parsi iswell-timed. The founder of the National IranianAmerican Council in Washington, DC, detailsAmerican diplomacy with the Islamic Republicunder Barack Obama. His analysis of the grim stalemate that has characterised relationsbetween the Great Satan and the mullahs since 1979 is both absorbing and frustrating. It is atale of missed opportunities, obduracy and short-sightedness, all which are pushing the MiddleEast towards greater instability.
Under George Bush, America s relationship with Iran festered. The two powers collaboratedoccasionally in Afghanistan, but with America driven by the premise that we don t speakto evil, detente was a distant possibility. America saw negotiations not as a tool ofdiplomacy but as a reward to be granted only to those states that had proved they weredeserving of them. Iran, grouped with North Korea and Iraq as part of the axis of evil, wasnot.
The inauguration of a new president who from the start promised the Muslim world respectand who offered the hand of American friendship to those willing to unclench their fist,prompted stirrings of hope, both in Iran and beyond, that this could be a new start.
But the bitter mistrust that divides Iran and America, and the domestic considerations ofleaders on both sides, eroded that initial optimism. Time and again in negotiations overIran s nuclear programme, America and its allies assumed Iranian duplicity andinsincerity. For their part, the Iranians saw in America s outstretched hand only thedetermination to snatch from their country its independence, rights and potential.
Even during the deepest chill of the cold war, America and Russia found ways of talking.Today a frozen silence stretches from Tehran to Washington. When you don t know what sgoing on, and you don t feel like you have somebody you can communicate with on theother side of the table, you are going to revert back to what s safeand what s safe in theIran context is demonization and just general negativity, explains an American official.
Iran s reluctance to engage goes deeper: Tehran cannot come to terms with Washingtonwithout risking an internal identity and legitimacy crisis. Animosity towards America iswritten into the Islamic Republic s DNA. If the relationship is restored, we will dissolveourselves, admits Amir Mohebian, an Iranian conservative.
But diplomacy with Iran, maintains Mr Parsi, has never been pursued to the point ofexhaustion. Look at Libya , Vietnam and Northern Ireland, heinsists, and the painstaking years of quiet discussions with each of them. The talks betweenAmerica and Iran, a few weeks here, a fortnight there, have never matched that. Theapproach has focused on the nuclear issue to the exclusion of all others, a take-it-or-leave-it attitude that has always been doomed. Negotiations such as these succeed notbecause the proposals are flawless or because both sides play fair, but because the manyflaws associated with the talks are overcome by the political will to reach a solution.
That political will, says Mr Parsi, has been absent. The mutual mistrust has left no marginfor error. Neither has seen any domestic political benefit in pushing for a serioussettlement. And now, with the tick-tocking of the nuclear clock growing ever more insistent,reconciliation looks less and less likely. The enmity between America and Iran, stoked bythree decades of demonising each other, is no longer a phenomenon, concludes Mr Parsi. Itis an institution.
America and Iran;Cloud computing
A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama s Diplomacy withIran, by Trita Parsi.
With dark rumours swirling of an attack on Iran snuclear programme, this new book by Trita Parsi iswell-timed. The founder of the National IranianAmerican Council in Washington, DC, detailsAmerican diplomacy with the Islamic Republicunder Barack Obama. His analysis of the grim stalemate that has characterised relationsbetween the Great Satan and the mullahs since 1979 is both absorbing and frustrating. It is atale of missed opportunities, obduracy and short-sightedness, all which are pushing the MiddleEast towards greater instability.
Under George Bush, America s relationship with Iran festered. The two powers collaboratedoccasionally in Afghanistan, but with America driven by the premise that we don t speakto evil, detente was a distant possibility. America saw negotiations not as a tool ofdiplomacy but as a reward to be granted only to those states that had proved they weredeserving of them. Iran, grouped with North Korea and Iraq as part of the axis of evil, wasnot.
The inauguration of a new president who from the start promised the Muslim world respectand who offered the hand of American friendship to those willing to unclench their fist,prompted stirrings of hope, both in Iran and beyond, that this could be a new start.
But the bitter mistrust that divides Iran and America, and the domestic considerations ofleaders on both sides, eroded that initial optimism. Time and again in negotiations overIran s nuclear programme, America and its allies assumed Iranian duplicity andinsincerity. For their part, the Iranians saw in America s outstretched hand only thedetermination to snatch from their country its independence, rights and potential.
Even during the deepest chill of the cold war, America and Russia found ways of talking.Today a frozen silence stretches from Tehran to Washington. When you don t know what sgoing on, and you don t feel like you have somebody you can communicate with on theother side of the table, you are going to revert back to what s safeand what s safe in theIran context is demonization and just general negativity, explains an American official.
Iran s reluctance to engage goes deeper: Tehran cannot come to terms with Washingtonwithout risking an internal identity and legitimacy crisis. Animosity towards America iswritten into the Islamic Republic s DNA. If the relationship is restored, we will dissolveourselves, admits Amir Mohebian, an Iranian conservative.
But diplomacy with Iran, maintains Mr Parsi, has never been pursued to the point ofexhaustion. Look at Libya , Vietnam and Northern Ireland, heinsists, and the painstaking years of quiet discussions with each of them. The talks betweenAmerica and Iran, a few weeks here, a fortnight there, have never matched that. Theapproach has focused on the nuclear issue to the exclusion of all others, a take-it-or-leave-it attitude that has always been doomed. Negotiations such as these succeed notbecause the proposals are flawless or because both sides play fair, but because the manyflaws associated with the talks are overcome by the political will to reach a solution.
That political will, says Mr Parsi, has been absent. The mutual mistrust has left no marginfor error. Neither has seen any domestic political benefit in pushing for a serioussettlement. And now, with the tick-tocking of the nuclear clock growing ever more insistent,reconciliation looks less and less likely. The enmity between America and Iran, stoked bythree decades of demonising each other, is no longer a phenomenon, concludes Mr Parsi. Itis an institution.