South Korea s music industry
Top of the K-pops.
Korean musicians must export or starve.
PSY is having the time of his life. On August 12th at astadium in Seoul, the rap star s concert felt like the only party in town. He entertained30,000 fans for almost four hours. And this veteran of the South Korean charts has suddenlybecome popular in the West, since the video for his song Gangnam Style , in which he ridesan imaginary horse around a posh part of Seoul, went viral on YouTube. The track even hitnumber one on the iTunes dance chart in Finland.
PSY火了。8月12 日,这位说唱明星在首尔一家体育馆内举行了演唱会,场面火爆万人空巷。他为30000名粉丝表演了近4个小时。不仅如此,新歌 江南style 骑马舞MV在油管的爆红,使得经常登上韩国音乐榜单的PSY在西方也赢得了瞩目。这首歌甚至在芬兰iTunes舞曲排行榜上也成为了第一。
Korean pop is turning into an export success. Groups such as SuperJunior and 2NE1 now sell millions of CDs and concert tickets in other parts of Asia. As K-popzooms up the foreign charts, share prices of leading labels, such as SM Entertainment, havesoared too.
韩国流行音乐正取得出口上的成功。诸如super junior和2NE1等组合在韩国以外的其他亚洲地区售出了上百万CD及演唱会门票。韩流在外国的飞速发展,让SM等大型唱片公司的股票价格水涨船高。
But the outlook at home is less rosy. With the world s fastest broadband connections, Koreanshave embraced downloading. This in itself is not a problem, but the way they do it is.
In other countries, many music-lovers still pay for downloads, through the likes of Apple siTunes shop. Fans typically shell out at least 99 cents per track . Of this, 70% goes to music labels and artists.
In South Korea, the market works differently. Subscription-based services, which allow thelistener to rent music, are extremely popular. For a period of one month fans of rock andpop music pay a fee of around 9,000 won for 150 tracks. Such services have helped todrive overall music sales to 430 billion won in 2011.
Alas for labels and artists, however, their payout is miserly. Under subscription deals, theycollect as little as 30 won per track. This must then be split between performers, writersand the label itself. SM Entertainment s boss complains that even 1m downloads cannot coverthe cost of making a music video.
The fear of illegal downloading keeps the average price per track of digital music low. Thatthe subscription-service operators are a powerful oligopoly further reduces the labels bargaining power. Thus, SM Entertainment took in a trifling 1.9 billion won in domesticdigital sales in the first quarter of 2023. By contrast, the firm sold CDs worth 3 billion won,despite the physical format s supposed demise.
SM Entertainment and other purveyors of K-pop cover this shortfall at home by having theirstars hawk the latest phone, or appear on television variety shows. The biggest labels havebecome adept at squeezing cash out of their pop stars names, rather than their music. Butonly a handful of musicians are famous enough to benefit.
South Korea s old business model, perfected by its carmakers, was to use a captive homemarket as a launch-pad from which to invade foreign shores. The country s pop musicianshave turned this model upside down: they have to export their tunes to make up for meagrepickings at home.
South Korea s music industry
Top of the K-pops.
Korean musicians must export or starve.
PSY is having the time of his life. On August 12th at astadium in Seoul, the rap star s concert felt like the only party in town. He entertained30,000 fans for almost four hours. And this veteran of the South Korean charts has suddenlybecome popular in the West, since the video for his song Gangnam Style , in which he ridesan imaginary horse around a posh part of Seoul, went viral on YouTube. The track even hitnumber one on the iTunes dance chart in Finland.
PSY火了。8月12 日,这位说唱明星在首尔一家体育馆内举行了演唱会,场面火爆万人空巷。他为30000名粉丝表演了近4个小时。不仅如此,新歌 江南style 骑马舞MV在油管的爆红,使得经常登上韩国音乐榜单的PSY在西方也赢得了瞩目。这首歌甚至在芬兰iTunes舞曲排行榜上也成为了第一。
Korean pop is turning into an export success. Groups such as SuperJunior and 2NE1 now sell millions of CDs and concert tickets in other parts of Asia. As K-popzooms up the foreign charts, share prices of leading labels, such as SM Entertainment, havesoared too.
韩国流行音乐正取得出口上的成功。诸如super junior和2NE1等组合在韩国以外的其他亚洲地区售出了上百万CD及演唱会门票。韩流在外国的飞速发展,让SM等大型唱片公司的股票价格水涨船高。
But the outlook at home is less rosy. With the world s fastest broadband connections, Koreanshave embraced downloading. This in itself is not a problem, but the way they do it is.
In other countries, many music-lovers still pay for downloads, through the likes of Apple siTunes shop. Fans typically shell out at least 99 cents per track . Of this, 70% goes to music labels and artists.
In South Korea, the market works differently. Subscription-based services, which allow thelistener to rent music, are extremely popular. For a period of one month fans of rock andpop music pay a fee of around 9,000 won for 150 tracks. Such services have helped todrive overall music sales to 430 billion won in 2011.
Alas for labels and artists, however, their payout is miserly. Under subscription deals, theycollect as little as 30 won per track. This must then be split between performers, writersand the label itself. SM Entertainment s boss complains that even 1m downloads cannot coverthe cost of making a music video.
The fear of illegal downloading keeps the average price per track of digital music low. Thatthe subscription-service operators are a powerful oligopoly further reduces the labels bargaining power. Thus, SM Entertainment took in a trifling 1.9 billion won in domesticdigital sales in the first quarter of 2023. By contrast, the firm sold CDs worth 3 billion won,despite the physical format s supposed demise.
SM Entertainment and other purveyors of K-pop cover this shortfall at home by having theirstars hawk the latest phone, or appear on television variety shows. The biggest labels havebecome adept at squeezing cash out of their pop stars names, rather than their music. Butonly a handful of musicians are famous enough to benefit.
South Korea s old business model, perfected by its carmakers, was to use a captive homemarket as a launch-pad from which to invade foreign shores. The country s pop musicianshave turned this model upside down: they have to export their tunes to make up for meagrepickings at home.