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  2023复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2023理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   二十五、贫富与健康   Class informed everything from the circumstances of patients heart attacks to the emergency care each received, the households they returned to and the jobs they hoped to resume. It shaped their understanding of their illness, the support they got from their families, their relationships with their doctors. It helped define their ability to change their lives and shaped their odds of getting better.   Class is a potent force in health and longevity in the United States. The more education and income people have, the less likely they are to have and die of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many types of cancer. Upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. And the gaps are widening, say people who have researched social factors in health.   As advances in medicine and disease prevention have increased life expectancy in the United States, the benefits have disproportionately gone to people with education, money, good jobs and connections. They are almost invariably in the best position to learn new information early, modify their behavior, take advantage of the latest treatments and have the cost covered by insurance.   Many risk factors for chronic diseases are now more common among the less educated than the better educated. Smoking has dropped sharply among the better educated, but not among the less. Physical inactivity is more than twice as common among high school dropouts as among college graduates. Lower-income women are more likely than other women to be overweight, though the pattern among men may be the opposite.   There may also be subtler differences. Some researchers now believe that the stress involved in so-called high-demand, low-control jobs further down the occupational scale is more harmful than the stress of professional jobs that come with greater autonomy and control. Others are studying the health impact of job insecurity, lack of support on the job, and employment that makes it difficult to balance work and family obligations.   Then there is the issue of social networks and support, the differences in the knowledge, time and attention that a persons family and friends are in a position to offer. What is the effect of social isolation? Neighborhood differences have also been studied: How stressful is a neighborhood? Are there safe places to exercise? What are the health effects of discrimination?   In the last 20 years, there have been enormous advances in rescuing patients with heart attack and in knowledge about how to prevent heart attack, said Ichiro Kawachi, a professor of social epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. Its like diffusion of innovation: whenever innovation comes along, the well-to-do are much quicker at adopting it. On the lower end, various disadvantages have piled onto the poor. Diet has gotten worse. Theres a lot more work stress. People have less time, if theyre poor, to devote to health maintenance behaviors when they are juggling two jobs. Morality rates even among the poor are coming down, but the rate is not anywhere near as fast as for the well-to-do. So the gap has increased.   1.Which of the following is probably not class-determined?   [A] The quality of health care one receives. [B] Knowledge of illness one has.   [C] The odds one gives the doctor a good impression. [D] The relationship one establishes with the family.   2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?   [A] It is easier for the people at the bottom to get chronic diseases.   [B] Health steadily worsens as one descends the social ladder.   [C] The less educated cannot take advantage of medical advances.   [D] Chronic diseases are often associated with peoples unhealthy lifestyle.   3.What can be inferred from the passage?   [A] Health inequalities situation within America appears to be improving.   [B] There are high correlations between education and earning power.   [C] Jobs with high control and social support pose a smaller threat to the health.   [D] The risk of ill health is greatest among people being discriminated against.   4.The gap between the rich and poor _____.   [A] is revealed also in morality rate [B] grows at the same pace as the rate of innovation   [C] is not yet obvious in the United States [D] shrinks with the advances in medicine   5.The passage is mainly about _____.   [A] great progress America has made in medicine [B] Americans concern about health   [C] factors affecting peoples health [D] the widening health gap between different classes   答案:1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D   核心词汇或超纲词汇   household一家人,家庭,家族,王室家庭的;普通的,家常的;家喻户晓的   resume恢复,重新开始,重新占用   odds可能性;可能的机会   longevity长寿;寿命;长期从事一项职业   stroke击,敲,一划,一笔,一次努力,打击,中风   chronic慢性的,延续很长的;长期的,惯常的   scale刻度;比例;规模;天平;等级   全文翻译   通过社会阶层可以获悉一切。以心脏病患者为例,从发病时所处的境况到他们受到的急救护理,从出院后回到的家庭到希望重返的工作岗位。社会阶层影响患者对疾病的理解、从家庭得到的支持以及他们和医生的关系。社会阶层也决定了患者改变生活的能力和得到康复的机率。   在美国,社会阶层是决定健康与寿命的重要因素。受教育程度和收入水平越高,患上和死于心脏病、中风、糖尿病及各种癌症的可能性就越小。中上阶层的美国人比中等阶层美国人寿命更长,健康状况更好。而中产阶层又比社会底层的人更健康长寿。研究影响健康的社会因素的人士指出,上述种种差距正在日益加大。   医学的发展和疾病防治水平的提高延长了美国人的预期寿命,但受益最大的是受过教育、富有、拥有好工作和广泛社会关系网的富裕人士。这些人几乎始终处于先了解最新信息的最佳位置,他们可以及时调整自己的行为,使用最新医疗方法,并且由购买的保险来支付医疗费用。   很多导致慢性病的危险因素如今在低学历人群中要比高学历人群中更为普遍。在受过良好教育的人群中,吸烟人数大幅减少,但是在低学历人群中则不然。高中辍学生中缺乏体育锻炼者所占比例是大学毕业生的两倍以上。低收入女性比其他女性更容易超重,但男性中的状况可能恰恰相反。   当然也可能有更微妙的差异。现在一些研究人员认为,工作等级偏低、所谓的高要求低控制的工作中产生的压力与有较大自主权和控制力的专业工作产生的压力相比更有害健康。其他人员正在研究不安定性、工作上缺少支持及工作与家庭难以兼顾的岗位对健康的影响。   另外,影响健康的因素还包括:社会网络和支持、个人知识水平上的差异、家庭和朋友能够提供的时间和关注。社会隔离会有什么样的影响?人们对居住地区差异的影响也做了研究:居住地区能产生的压力有多大?是否有可供锻炼的安全场所?遭遇社会歧视对健康有多大影响?   哈佛公共健康学院的社会传染病学教授Ichiro Kawachi说:在过去的20年中,对心脏病患者的挽救和预防心脏病的知识方面都取得了很大的进步。它像革新的传播。每当新事物产生的时候,富裕的人会更迅速地采用它。在低阶层的一面,各种各样的劣势都堆积到穷人身上。饮食更糟糕,工作压力更大。如果他们贫穷的话,会有更少的时间用于保持健康,因为他们同时做两份工作。贫穷人口的道德水平在下降,但是远远没有富裕人口的水平下降得快。因此差距扩大了。


  2023复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2023理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   二十五、贫富与健康   Class informed everything from the circumstances of patients heart attacks to the emergency care each received, the households they returned to and the jobs they hoped to resume. It shaped their understanding of their illness, the support they got from their families, their relationships with their doctors. It helped define their ability to change their lives and shaped their odds of getting better.   Class is a potent force in health and longevity in the United States. The more education and income people have, the less likely they are to have and die of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many types of cancer. Upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. And the gaps are widening, say people who have researched social factors in health.   As advances in medicine and disease prevention have increased life expectancy in the United States, the benefits have disproportionately gone to people with education, money, good jobs and connections. They are almost invariably in the best position to learn new information early, modify their behavior, take advantage of the latest treatments and have the cost covered by insurance.   Many risk factors for chronic diseases are now more common among the less educated than the better educated. Smoking has dropped sharply among the better educated, but not among the less. Physical inactivity is more than twice as common among high school dropouts as among college graduates. Lower-income women are more likely than other women to be overweight, though the pattern among men may be the opposite.   There may also be subtler differences. Some researchers now believe that the stress involved in so-called high-demand, low-control jobs further down the occupational scale is more harmful than the stress of professional jobs that come with greater autonomy and control. Others are studying the health impact of job insecurity, lack of support on the job, and employment that makes it difficult to balance work and family obligations.   Then there is the issue of social networks and support, the differences in the knowledge, time and attention that a persons family and friends are in a position to offer. What is the effect of social isolation? Neighborhood differences have also been studied: How stressful is a neighborhood? Are there safe places to exercise? What are the health effects of discrimination?   In the last 20 years, there have been enormous advances in rescuing patients with heart attack and in knowledge about how to prevent heart attack, said Ichiro Kawachi, a professor of social epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. Its like diffusion of innovation: whenever innovation comes along, the well-to-do are much quicker at adopting it. On the lower end, various disadvantages have piled onto the poor. Diet has gotten worse. Theres a lot more work stress. People have less time, if theyre poor, to devote to health maintenance behaviors when they are juggling two jobs. Morality rates even among the poor are coming down, but the rate is not anywhere near as fast as for the well-to-do. So the gap has increased.   1.Which of the following is probably not class-determined?   [A] The quality of health care one receives. [B] Knowledge of illness one has.   [C] The odds one gives the doctor a good impression. [D] The relationship one establishes with the family.   2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?   [A] It is easier for the people at the bottom to get chronic diseases.   [B] Health steadily worsens as one descends the social ladder.   [C] The less educated cannot take advantage of medical advances.   [D] Chronic diseases are often associated with peoples unhealthy lifestyle.   3.What can be inferred from the passage?   [A] Health inequalities situation within America appears to be improving.   [B] There are high correlations between education and earning power.   [C] Jobs with high control and social support pose a smaller threat to the health.   [D] The risk of ill health is greatest among people being discriminated against.   4.The gap between the rich and poor _____.   [A] is revealed also in morality rate [B] grows at the same pace as the rate of innovation   [C] is not yet obvious in the United States [D] shrinks with the advances in medicine   5.The passage is mainly about _____.   [A] great progress America has made in medicine [B] Americans concern about health   [C] factors affecting peoples health [D] the widening health gap between different classes   答案:1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D   核心词汇或超纲词汇   household一家人,家庭,家族,王室家庭的;普通的,家常的;家喻户晓的   resume恢复,重新开始,重新占用   odds可能性;可能的机会   longevity长寿;寿命;长期从事一项职业   stroke击,敲,一划,一笔,一次努力,打击,中风   chronic慢性的,延续很长的;长期的,惯常的   scale刻度;比例;规模;天平;等级   全文翻译   通过社会阶层可以获悉一切。以心脏病患者为例,从发病时所处的境况到他们受到的急救护理,从出院后回到的家庭到希望重返的工作岗位。社会阶层影响患者对疾病的理解、从家庭得到的支持以及他们和医生的关系。社会阶层也决定了患者改变生活的能力和得到康复的机率。   在美国,社会阶层是决定健康与寿命的重要因素。受教育程度和收入水平越高,患上和死于心脏病、中风、糖尿病及各种癌症的可能性就越小。中上阶层的美国人比中等阶层美国人寿命更长,健康状况更好。而中产阶层又比社会底层的人更健康长寿。研究影响健康的社会因素的人士指出,上述种种差距正在日益加大。   医学的发展和疾病防治水平的提高延长了美国人的预期寿命,但受益最大的是受过教育、富有、拥有好工作和广泛社会关系网的富裕人士。这些人几乎始终处于先了解最新信息的最佳位置,他们可以及时调整自己的行为,使用最新医疗方法,并且由购买的保险来支付医疗费用。   很多导致慢性病的危险因素如今在低学历人群中要比高学历人群中更为普遍。在受过良好教育的人群中,吸烟人数大幅减少,但是在低学历人群中则不然。高中辍学生中缺乏体育锻炼者所占比例是大学毕业生的两倍以上。低收入女性比其他女性更容易超重,但男性中的状况可能恰恰相反。   当然也可能有更微妙的差异。现在一些研究人员认为,工作等级偏低、所谓的高要求低控制的工作中产生的压力与有较大自主权和控制力的专业工作产生的压力相比更有害健康。其他人员正在研究不安定性、工作上缺少支持及工作与家庭难以兼顾的岗位对健康的影响。   另外,影响健康的因素还包括:社会网络和支持、个人知识水平上的差异、家庭和朋友能够提供的时间和关注。社会隔离会有什么样的影响?人们对居住地区差异的影响也做了研究:居住地区能产生的压力有多大?是否有可供锻炼的安全场所?遭遇社会歧视对健康有多大影响?   哈佛公共健康学院的社会传染病学教授Ichiro Kawachi说:在过去的20年中,对心脏病患者的挽救和预防心脏病的知识方面都取得了很大的进步。它像革新的传播。每当新事物产生的时候,富裕的人会更迅速地采用它。在低阶层的一面,各种各样的劣势都堆积到穷人身上。饮食更糟糕,工作压力更大。如果他们贫穷的话,会有更少的时间用于保持健康,因为他们同时做两份工作。贫穷人口的道德水平在下降,但是远远没有富裕人口的水平下降得快。因此差距扩大了。