英语六级听力小对话练习题 第46期
17.Q: What are the speaker probably going to do?
A)Urge Jenny to spend more time on study.
B)Help Jenny to prepare for the coming exams.
C)Act towards Jenny in a more sensible way.
D)Send Jenny to a volleyball training center.
18.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
A)The building of the dam needs a large budget.
B)The proposed site is near the residential area.
C)The local people feel insecure about the dam.
D)The dam poses a threat to the local environment.
17.M: I am getting worried about Jeanies school work. All she talks about these days is volleyball games. And all she does is practice, training and things like that.
W: Her grades on the coming exams will fall for sure. Its high time we talked some sense into her.
18.W: Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?
M: They are worried about the potential dangers when the dam should break. The river is very wide above the proposed site.
答:Its high time...是时候该做 ,talk some sense into somebody 对某人讲讲道理。对话中男人说担心孩子的功课,女人附和说她下次考试肯定会不及格,又说要对孩子讲讲道理了,也就是让孩子专注于学业的意思。因此正确答案为A,敦促詹妮花更多的时间学习。B,帮助詹妮准备下次考试,C,更明智的对待詹妮,均未提及。D,把詹妮送去排球训练中心,二人因为詹妮沉迷于排球已经很担心了,不可能把她送去训练中心,因此排除。
答:女人问男人当地人为什么反对建新大坝,男人说当地人担心大坝决堤会带来的潜在危险。因此正确答案为C,当地人感觉大坝很不安全。A,修建大坝需要一笔大额预算。B,大坝选址离住宅区很近。D,大坝对当地的环境造成威胁。在对话中均未涉及。pose a threat to 对 造成威胁。
17.Q: What are the speaker probably going to do?
A)Urge Jenny to spend more time on study.
B)Help Jenny to prepare for the coming exams.
C)Act towards Jenny in a more sensible way.
D)Send Jenny to a volleyball training center.
18.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
A)The building of the dam needs a large budget.
B)The proposed site is near the residential area.
C)The local people feel insecure about the dam.
D)The dam poses a threat to the local environment.
17.M: I am getting worried about Jeanies school work. All she talks about these days is volleyball games. And all she does is practice, training and things like that.
W: Her grades on the coming exams will fall for sure. Its high time we talked some sense into her.
18.W: Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?
M: They are worried about the potential dangers when the dam should break. The river is very wide above the proposed site.
答:Its high time...是时候该做 ,talk some sense into somebody 对某人讲讲道理。对话中男人说担心孩子的功课,女人附和说她下次考试肯定会不及格,又说要对孩子讲讲道理了,也就是让孩子专注于学业的意思。因此正确答案为A,敦促詹妮花更多的时间学习。B,帮助詹妮准备下次考试,C,更明智的对待詹妮,均未提及。D,把詹妮送去排球训练中心,二人因为詹妮沉迷于排球已经很担心了,不可能把她送去训练中心,因此排除。
答:女人问男人当地人为什么反对建新大坝,男人说当地人担心大坝决堤会带来的潜在危险。因此正确答案为C,当地人感觉大坝很不安全。A,修建大坝需要一笔大额预算。B,大坝选址离住宅区很近。D,大坝对当地的环境造成威胁。在对话中均未涉及。pose a threat to 对 造成威胁。