for rent / ----- / lease/let
市郊 suburb
市中心 downtown
land ----- lord 房东 land lady 房东太太
---room mate 室友
好的室友:-- neat /tidy considerate 整洁的体贴的,细心的
不好的室友:--------messy //untidy/noisy ---------- 脏乱的 -----------吵闹的
(2001.6) T8.3 p20 p99
A: She cant put up with the noise.
B: She wants to save money to buy a piano.
C: The present apartment is too expensive.
D: She has found a job in a neighboring area.
P97.2T11.2 p28 p105
A: Its only for rent not for sale.
B: Its being redecorated.
C: Its not as good as advertised.
D: Its no longer available.MBA.
7.医院场景 2
Physician ------医生 surgeon -------医生
牙医 ---------- dentist
make an appointment 预约
cold flu headache
sore throat
fever stomachache
pill / tablet 药片
A: The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.T13.5 p34 p109
B: The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.
C: The womans headache will go away by itself.
D:The woman has been complaining too much.
for rent / ----- / lease/let
市郊 suburb
市中心 downtown
land ----- lord 房东 land lady 房东太太
---room mate 室友
好的室友:-- neat /tidy considerate 整洁的体贴的,细心的
不好的室友:--------messy //untidy/noisy ---------- 脏乱的 -----------吵闹的
(2001.6) T8.3 p20 p99
A: She cant put up with the noise.
B: She wants to save money to buy a piano.
C: The present apartment is too expensive.
D: She has found a job in a neighboring area.
P97.2T11.2 p28 p105
A: Its only for rent not for sale.
B: Its being redecorated.
C: Its not as good as advertised.
D: Its no longer available.MBA.
7.医院场景 2
Physician ------医生 surgeon -------医生
牙医 ---------- dentist
make an appointment 预约
cold flu headache
sore throat
fever stomachache
pill / tablet 药片
A: The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.T13.5 p34 p109
B: The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.
C: The womans headache will go away by itself.
D:The woman has been complaining too much.