高一上学期词汇解析Unit12 Art and literature
Words and expressions
literature n. writing books, plays, poetry, etc; books and writing of a country or a time文学(作品);文艺
Literature and art can only spring from the life of the people.
romantic adj. 浪漫的
comedy n. 喜剧;喜剧性事件
local adj. having to do with one certain place当地的,地方的
The television shows us local news about our city.
exhibition n.[c] public show of things展览
There is an exhibition of oil paintings in the museum. 博物馆里有一个油画展览。
power n. ability to do or act; strength, force, might; authority; right, influence 能力;力量;权力 Birds have the power to fly. 鸟能飞。
Practice has taught us that knowledge is power. 实践使我们认识到知识就是力量。
They also hoped the world would remember their power and glory.
magic n.[u] a strange influence or power魔力;神奇
The good fairy made Cinderellas coach come by magic.
n.[u] clever tricks that a person can do to surprise people魔术
He is very good at performing magic. 他很会表演魔术。
adj. caused by magic魔术的;有魔力的
All the people heard of the magic carpet. 人们都听说过魔毯的事。
trick n. something dishonest that one does to get what he wants from someone骗局;诡计
Dishonest businessmen sometimes use tricks. 不诚实的商人有时采用欺骗手段。
n. unkind game to make someone look silly恶作剧
Children are always up to all kinds of tricks. 孩子们总是搞各种各样的恶作剧。
series n.[c] a number of things that come one after the other系列;连续
a series of days 连续几天
a series of 一连串的;一系列的
There was a series of bangs as the box fell down the stairs. 箱子掉下楼梯时发出一连串响声。
scar n. mark on the skin, which an old wound has left伤疤;伤痕
As he was wounded in the face during the war, a long scar was left across his cheek.
forehead n. part of your face above the eyes前额
The doctor felt the childs forehead and found the fever was gone.
miserable adj. very bad, feeling very sorry for yourself悲惨的;痛苦的
They lived a miserable life. 他们过着悲惨的生活。
treat v. behave towards someone or something对待
We should treat animals kindly. 我们应该爱护动物。
v. try to make a sick person better; try to cure an illness治疗
The doctors treated his fever with pills. 医生用药片给他退烧。
v. give entertainment or amusement to(a person)at ones own expense款待
He treated his friends to some beer (the opera). 他请朋友们喝了些啤酒(去听歌剧)。
unhappy adj. sad不愉快的;伤心的;不幸的
She was unhappy to see the misery in the slums. 她看到贫民窟里的惨状觉得很不愉快。
She died an unhappy death. 她死于不幸。
witchcraft A: n.[u] 魔法;(女巫)巫术
wizardry n. (男巫) 巫术
wizard n. 男巫;术士
in trouble have problems 处于困境中;有麻烦
Ill be in trouble if I get home late. 我回家晚了会有麻烦。
come across find (esp. unexpectedly or by chance)碰到;找到(尤指意外地或偶然地)
He came across this letter when he was cleaning out his writing table.
believe in to have faith or trust in相信;信任
I do not believe in fate. 我不相信命运。
habit n. something one does because he has always been doing it习惯
Smoking is a bad habit. 吸烟是坏习惯。
villager n. someone who lives in a village 村民
We helped the villagers to sink a well. 我们帮助村民挖了一口井。
shoulder n. the part of the body between the neck and the top of the arm肩
Her bag hangs over her shoulder. 她把提包挎在肩膀上。
vt. to take on; assume承担
He shouldered the blame for his friends. 他为他的朋友承担斥责。
whisper n.[c] the act of whispering; a soft, low voice or sound耳语;低悄之声音
They were talking in whispers. 他们在窃窃私语。
vi. speak very softly低声说;耳语
She whispered so that she would not wake the baby. 她低声说话,免得把婴儿吵醒。
turn around 转过身; 转过来
stupid adj. foolish; with very slow thinking愚蠢的;蠢笨的
That was a stupid thing to do. 这事做得真蠢。
announcement mRnt the act of making known publicly 宣布;宣布
He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.
character n. the qualities which make a person different from another; moral nature性格;品质
Sports help to train a persons character. 运动有助于锻炼人们的性格。
n.[c] a person in a book, play, etc.人物;角色
Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Leonardo da Vinci [XliRuXnA:dRu dRX vintSi] 列昂纳多达芬奇
Pablo Picasso [XpBblRu piXkA:sRu] 帕勃罗毕加索
Harry Potter [XhBri XpCtR] 哈利波特
Words and expressions
literature n. writing books, plays, poetry, etc; books and writing of a country or a time文学(作品);文艺
Literature and art can only spring from the life of the people.
romantic adj. 浪漫的
comedy n. 喜剧;喜剧性事件
local adj. having to do with one certain place当地的,地方的
The television shows us local news about our city.
exhibition n.[c] public show of things展览
There is an exhibition of oil paintings in the museum. 博物馆里有一个油画展览。
power n. ability to do or act; strength, force, might; authority; right, influence 能力;力量;权力 Birds have the power to fly. 鸟能飞。
Practice has taught us that knowledge is power. 实践使我们认识到知识就是力量。
They also hoped the world would remember their power and glory.
magic n.[u] a strange influence or power魔力;神奇
The good fairy made Cinderellas coach come by magic.
n.[u] clever tricks that a person can do to surprise people魔术
He is very good at performing magic. 他很会表演魔术。
adj. caused by magic魔术的;有魔力的
All the people heard of the magic carpet. 人们都听说过魔毯的事。
trick n. something dishonest that one does to get what he wants from someone骗局;诡计
Dishonest businessmen sometimes use tricks. 不诚实的商人有时采用欺骗手段。
n. unkind game to make someone look silly恶作剧
Children are always up to all kinds of tricks. 孩子们总是搞各种各样的恶作剧。
series n.[c] a number of things that come one after the other系列;连续
a series of days 连续几天
a series of 一连串的;一系列的
There was a series of bangs as the box fell down the stairs. 箱子掉下楼梯时发出一连串响声。
scar n. mark on the skin, which an old wound has left伤疤;伤痕
As he was wounded in the face during the war, a long scar was left across his cheek.
forehead n. part of your face above the eyes前额
The doctor felt the childs forehead and found the fever was gone.
miserable adj. very bad, feeling very sorry for yourself悲惨的;痛苦的
They lived a miserable life. 他们过着悲惨的生活。
treat v. behave towards someone or something对待
We should treat animals kindly. 我们应该爱护动物。
v. try to make a sick person better; try to cure an illness治疗
The doctors treated his fever with pills. 医生用药片给他退烧。
v. give entertainment or amusement to(a person)at ones own expense款待
He treated his friends to some beer (the opera). 他请朋友们喝了些啤酒(去听歌剧)。
unhappy adj. sad不愉快的;伤心的;不幸的
She was unhappy to see the misery in the slums. 她看到贫民窟里的惨状觉得很不愉快。
She died an unhappy death. 她死于不幸。
witchcraft A: n.[u] 魔法;(女巫)巫术
wizardry n. (男巫) 巫术
wizard n. 男巫;术士
in trouble have problems 处于困境中;有麻烦
Ill be in trouble if I get home late. 我回家晚了会有麻烦。
come across find (esp. unexpectedly or by chance)碰到;找到(尤指意外地或偶然地)
He came across this letter when he was cleaning out his writing table.
believe in to have faith or trust in相信;信任
I do not believe in fate. 我不相信命运。
habit n. something one does because he has always been doing it习惯
Smoking is a bad habit. 吸烟是坏习惯。
villager n. someone who lives in a village 村民
We helped the villagers to sink a well. 我们帮助村民挖了一口井。
shoulder n. the part of the body between the neck and the top of the arm肩
Her bag hangs over her shoulder. 她把提包挎在肩膀上。
vt. to take on; assume承担
He shouldered the blame for his friends. 他为他的朋友承担斥责。
whisper n.[c] the act of whispering; a soft, low voice or sound耳语;低悄之声音
They were talking in whispers. 他们在窃窃私语。
vi. speak very softly低声说;耳语
She whispered so that she would not wake the baby. 她低声说话,免得把婴儿吵醒。
turn around 转过身; 转过来
stupid adj. foolish; with very slow thinking愚蠢的;蠢笨的
That was a stupid thing to do. 这事做得真蠢。
announcement mRnt the act of making known publicly 宣布;宣布
He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.
character n. the qualities which make a person different from another; moral nature性格;品质
Sports help to train a persons character. 运动有助于锻炼人们的性格。
n.[c] a person in a book, play, etc.人物;角色
Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Leonardo da Vinci [XliRuXnA:dRu dRX vintSi] 列昂纳多达芬奇
Pablo Picasso [XpBblRu piXkA:sRu] 帕勃罗毕加索
Harry Potter [XhBri XpCtR] 哈利波特