Section 49 Water
H2O, have you ever thought how important it is to us?H2O,你想过它对我们的重要性吗?
Ah, thatrsquo;s water, isnrsquo;t it?啊,那是水,不是吗?
Yes. And without it, we canrsquo;t live.是的,没有它,我们就无法生存。
I know that. I drink it everyday in tea, coffee and juices.我知道。我每天喝的茶、咖啡、果汁就是水。
And just about every other thing I drink contains water.以及其它饮料里都有水。
And it is good for washing our bodies, clothes and homes.水还可用来洗澡、洗衣服、打扫家务。
Of course, thatrsquo;s obvious, but what about some of the less obvious uses?当然,这些都是非常明显的用途,那些不太明显的用途呢?
Well, it is used for heating, in some houses where they have central heating.在一些有中央供暖设备的房子里,它还用于供热。
And it is used for transport, you know, for ships on the sea and in rivers.你知道它也用于交通,用于海上和河上的船务运输。
Yeah. And if we had no water, we wouldnrsquo;t have fish to eat, would we?没错,如果没有了水,我们就没有鱼可吃了,不是吗?
Thatrsquo;s true. And our body contains a lot of water, in blood etc.真是这样,还有,我们身体的血液等许多地方也含有大量的水分。
Of course. In rainfall, it helps all the plants and flowers to grow.当然。雨水有助于植物和花儿的生长。
And food, imagine what foods we would be left with without water?还有食物。想一想,如果没有了水,我们还有什么东西可吃?
It doesnrsquo;t bear thinking about, does it?根本无法想像对吗?
We wouldnrsquo;t even have paper without water, nor ink.没有水,我们也不可能有纸和墨水。
In fact, without water, we could hardly have life, could we?实际上,没有了水,我们几乎无法生存,不是吗?
Section 49 Water
H2O, have you ever thought how important it is to us?H2O,你想过它对我们的重要性吗?
Ah, thatrsquo;s water, isnrsquo;t it?啊,那是水,不是吗?
Yes. And without it, we canrsquo;t live.是的,没有它,我们就无法生存。
I know that. I drink it everyday in tea, coffee and juices.我知道。我每天喝的茶、咖啡、果汁就是水。
And just about every other thing I drink contains water.以及其它饮料里都有水。
And it is good for washing our bodies, clothes and homes.水还可用来洗澡、洗衣服、打扫家务。
Of course, thatrsquo;s obvious, but what about some of the less obvious uses?当然,这些都是非常明显的用途,那些不太明显的用途呢?
Well, it is used for heating, in some houses where they have central heating.在一些有中央供暖设备的房子里,它还用于供热。
And it is used for transport, you know, for ships on the sea and in rivers.你知道它也用于交通,用于海上和河上的船务运输。
Yeah. And if we had no water, we wouldnrsquo;t have fish to eat, would we?没错,如果没有了水,我们就没有鱼可吃了,不是吗?
Thatrsquo;s true. And our body contains a lot of water, in blood etc.真是这样,还有,我们身体的血液等许多地方也含有大量的水分。
Of course. In rainfall, it helps all the plants and flowers to grow.当然。雨水有助于植物和花儿的生长。
And food, imagine what foods we would be left with without water?还有食物。想一想,如果没有了水,我们还有什么东西可吃?
It doesnrsquo;t bear thinking about, does it?根本无法想像对吗?
We wouldnrsquo;t even have paper without water, nor ink.没有水,我们也不可能有纸和墨水。
In fact, without water, we could hardly have life, could we?实际上,没有了水,我们几乎无法生存,不是吗?