【第1句】: It's a lonely path.Don't make it any lonelier than it has to be. 这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中 ――Felicity Smoak 《闪电侠》
【第2句】: 你是体育课跑的最慢的人,还是现今速度最快的人并不重要,大家都在奔跑,人活着就要奔跑,要逃离什么,要奔向什么,或者奔向某个人,无论你跑得有多快,也总有跑不过的东西,总有东西相当设法追上你 ――罗伯特・伊斯科 《闪电侠》
【第3句】: Life’s too short not to live. 人生苦短,及时行乐。 ――马丁・斯泰因 《闪电侠》
【第4句】: 每个小孩都梦想当超级英雄 拥有能力 拯救人类 但没有孩子想当自己是超级英雄 却无法拯救人类时会怎样 事实是…… 其他的都没怎么改变 你还是会痛 你还是会爱 你还是会许愿期待以及害怕 你还是需要别人陪你度过一切 某种 程度 上 那才 是 最 美好 之 处 ―― 巴里・ 艾 伦 《闪电 侠》
【第5句】: 不是每段友情都会持续一生,而会持续一生的,则是当那个人离你而去时的伤痛。 《闪电侠》
【第6句】: 不是闪电击中了你,而是闪电选择了你。 ――绿箭侠 《闪电侠》
【第7句】: some things,you can't fight.some things you just have to live with. 《闪电侠》
【第8句】: 有时候赢得争斗最好的方法不是挑起它,但是如果真的遇到你,打不过对手,放聪明点,转头逃跑是可以接受的 《闪电侠》
【第9句】: Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone. 《闪电侠》
【第10句】: the hardest thing you're gonna have to face is not some monsters out there with powers.It's gonna be that feeling of uselessness when you can't do anything.Or the guilt that weighs on you when you make a mistake. 《闪电侠》
【第11句】: "There's that one friend who, well ,you hope, someday becomes something more. But 'friend' will have to do for now. ――Barry Allen 《闪电侠》"
【第12句】: "One thing you learn about people when you work here, Iris, it's usually what isn't said that's the real story. ――Linda Park 《闪电侠》"
【第13句】: "How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design,or maybe a little of both?Regardless of the reason, some friends you just know are gonna be by your side for a while. Others,you're not so sur" e.And the n there's that one friend wh "o,w" "ell,yo" u ho "pe," som eday b eco mes so me thing more . 《 闪电侠 》
【第14句】: 我最大的愿望就是你能遇到合适的人,她会崇拜爱慕你真实的样子《闪电侠》
【第15句】: why some come into our lives. why some people go. and others become a part of you.Some friendships feel like they'll last forever. and others end far too soon.Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime. what does last forever is the pain when that person is gone. 《 闪 电侠》
【第16句】: "THE WELLS:I want you to take a moment, and think about all the things that define your life, all the people you love, your job, your coworkers, your home. And now imagine if one day, in a flash, all of that vanished. Would you simply" accep t yo ur new life and continue on? Or would you do wh atev er it ta kes t o get back w hat 《THE FLASH》
【第17句】: "There's a natural order to things.Things happen the way they do.We may not know the way at the time, but there's always be a reason.Now I believe that. I have had to believe it. 《THE FLASH》"
【第18句】: 事情不总是它们看上去的样子。我们的恐惧有时会捉弄我们,让我们害怕做出改变,害怕继续前行,但通常躲在恐惧背后的是 等待我们去抓住的第二次机会。 《THE FLASH》