电锯惊魂台词(电锯惊魂 台词)
1、没有整理出所有电锯惊魂台词的电锯惊魂台词,以下是我整理的自认为比较有意义的台词电锯惊魂台词,不全是竖锯说的,给你一个中英文对照,这样能更好地去理解Yes, I#39m sick Sick from the disease eating away at me inside Sick of people who don#39。
2、where I#39ve hidden the key, so listen carefully The hint is this It#39s right before your eyes“How much blood will you shed to stay alive, Michael电锯惊魂台词? ”Live or die, make your choice这是台词。
3、Hello Michael, I want to play a game So far in what could loosely be called your life you#39ve made a living watching others Society would call you an informant, a rat, a snitch I call you unworthy。
4、Hello, Evan I want to play a Game The situation you find yourself in is of your own doing You, your girlfriend, and your friends are all racists You have intimidated others based on their physical。
5、Live or die,make your choice 要活还是要死,由你选择 见仁见智吧,我最欣赏的一句,也是最受启发的一句Those who don#39t appreciate life do not deserve life。
6、Most people are so ungrateful to be aliveBut not youNot any more费了好大劲,直接找的英文字幕,然后找的这段,希望你采纳哦。
7、魔鬼代言人“律师为钱而辩护,钱又把人变成魔鬼”电锯惊魂 I want to play a game 电锯惊魂老头的经典台词第六感I see dead people 天生杀人狂我纯洁的一刻,胜过你邪恶的一生战栗空间给。