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电影变形金刚经典英文台词No sacrifice金刚的经典英语台词十句,no victory!翻译没有付出就没有胜利Please light our darkest hourOne day金刚的经典英语台词十句,one heart and one mind翻译请照亮我们最黑暗金刚的经典英语台词十句的时刻直到一天,万众一心My name is the。

擎天柱临走时you may lose your faith in us but never in yourselves from here, the fight would be alone回归your leaders were now understand,Decepticons were never leaved your planet aloneand we need。


台词是戏剧表演中角色所说的话语是剧作者用以展示剧情,刻画人物,体现主题的主要手段也是剧本构成的基本成分以下是我为大家整理的变形金刚5经典台词中英双语,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧变形金刚5最后的骑士经典台词 1。

看着从帝国大厦顶上掉落的金刚的尸体,疯狂的导演作出金刚的经典英语台词十句了这个经典评论在彼得杰克逊重拍的版本中也保留金刚的经典英语台词十句了这句台词19 My precious“我的宝贝” 魔戒2双塔奇谋The Lord of the Rings Two Towers, 2002。

Optimus Please , let this work擎天柱拜托,希望有用Jazz Fire it up,Optimus爵士启动吧,老大Optimus The codethe code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here 擎天柱。