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玛丽亚yes,captain是的,上校 上尉is it possible,or could i have just imagined it?是真的呢,还是我在空想have my children,by any chance,been climbing trees today?我的孩子们今天有没有偶尔爬过树音乐之声经典台词中英文;音乐之声经典台词有1我必须梦想我所追求的事物I must dream of the things I am seeking2我有信心,让他们来考验我吧I have confidence They#39ll put me to the test3这些墙并不是建造来逃避问题。

1,The Sound of Music音乐之声The mountains are magnificent, really magnificentI had them put up just for you Oh?Even if it#39s to a height offeetGeorg always believes in quotrisi音乐之声经典台词中英文;Well,I#39ll see that you get some meterial today,if possibleI don#39t know how much the mother has told you哦,如果可能,我今天会想办法给你们找些材料我不知道你们的母亲教了你们多少这方面的知识。

精彩对白 Shrek Quick tell a lie!史莱克快点撒一个谎Pinocchio What should I say?皮诺曹我该说什么Donkey Say something crazy like “I#39m wearing ladies#39 underwear!”驴子;歌手Sound Of Music音乐之声Let#39s start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with ABC When you sing you begin with doremi Doremi, doremi The。



27 音乐之声 The Sound of Music Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could so somewhere in my wicked miserable past, there must been a moment of truth 没有任何事物来自虚无,没有任何事物所以在我迷茫邪恶的童。

音乐之声 6 反恐特警组我向上帝发誓,我要杀个人!我才不在乎他们说什么呢,你们才是那里的英雄!富勒队长,我们只有两秒种去做决定,而你却坐在这里,用两个月的时间来教训我们你知道么,直到今天,我从来没有意识到你。


出处1965年影片音乐之声TheSoundofMusic 28“真希望那是一个空瓶子,乔治!浪费如此美酒你可是负担不起,虽然不是用你的薪水买单” 出处1966年影片灵欲春宵Who#39sAfraidofVirginiaWoolf? 29“他们叫我狄博思先生!”。

I ask you to stay上校你把音乐带回家中,我都忘了音乐弗劳伦,我想叫你留下来,我请你留下Maria If I could be of any help玛丽亚要是我能有所帮助的话Captain You have already More than you know上校你已。

Doremi 歌手Sound Of Music音乐之声Let#39s start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with ABC When you sing you begin with doremi Doremi, dore。

链接 ?pwd=84tg 提取码 84tg。

2 Captain stands at the door, indicating Liesl to go away 这时上校出现在门口,示意丽莎出去3 M What is it? 玛电报上说什么4 C Berlin They#39ve offered me a commission in their navy。


音乐之声The Sound of Music是一部改编自玛莉亚·冯·崔普enMaria von Trapp的著作崔普家庭演唱团enThe Story of the Trapp Family Singers的戏剧作品,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演,之后被改编成电影,位居。

Maria The poor didn#39t want this oneI don#39t care to hear anything further from you about my childrenI am not finished yet, CaptainOh, yes, you are, CaptainThe Von Trapp Family Singers Here your。